Corruption, Disinformation, and Social Justice: Stories from the Philippines, El Salvador and the United States
Registration is now closed (this event already took place).
Gabriel Billones Jr., Founder and President, Break the Fake Movement (Philippines)
Amanda Morrall, Philanthropic Thought Leader; Former Executive Director, Coretz Family Foundation (United States)
Luis V. Villaherrera, Founder and President, TRACODA; Creator, GobData; Founder & Advisor, Center for Democratic Strengthening (El Salvador)
About the Obama Foundation Scholars Program
The Obama Foundation Scholars Program at Columbia University brings together rising leaders from the United States and around the world who have demonstrated a commitment to finding solutions to challenges in their communities and countries. Scholars complete a fully-funded 9-month residency on campus at Columbia World Projects, deepening their knowledge and skills, and building new capacities and networks to accelerate their impact.
Lunch will be provided.
Hosted By
Co-hosted with: MPA in Development Practice, Urban and Social Policy Concentration, Leadership, Innovation, and Design Specialization
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