Wed, Mar 8, 2023

1 PM – 2 PM EST (GMT-5)

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The Office of Student Affairs (OSA) at SIPA is looking for a group of dynamic and engaged first-year students to be a part of the SIPA Peer Advisors (SPA) program. SPAs work with the OSA staff to implement orientation programs for new students and serve as mentors for first-year students. This role includes organizing events and activities for their seeples group, providing information on Columbia University resources, directing students to the proper point people (i.e., Office of Student Affairs, Advising Dean, Office of Career Services), supporting special programs offered by the Office of Student affairs and most importantly assisting students in navigating their first year at SIPA!

OSA makes every effort to accommodate individuals with disabilities. If you require disability accommodations to attend this event, please contact Disability Services at (212) 854-2388 at least 5-10 business days in advance of the event.
Food Provided (Please pick up food in IAB 610 before or after this informational (Grab & Go))