Columbia Impact Investing Initiative

Become part of our vibrant community


About Us

Columbia Impact Investing Initiative (CI3) is a student-led organization at Columbia University dedicated to the emerging field of impact investing and social entrepreneurship.

Founded in September 2010, CI3 now has over 500 graduate student members from Columbia's School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA), Columbia Business School, Columbia Law School, the Earth Institute and the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. The third power in our name reflects CI3's belief in the vast potential of mobilizing private and public finance to scale up sustainable enterprises designed to achieve triple bottom line results: financial return, social impact, and environmental impact. The student organization is dedicated to learning about and contributing to the advancement of impact investing and entrepreneurship around the world.









Our Mission

CI3's mission is to inspire and prepare Columbia University's graduate students for leadership and professional roles in impact investing and social entrepreneurship.

CI3 organizes semester long consulting projects with impact investors and social entrepreneurs in which selected students acquire experience in working with and consulting for real-life actors in the social impact arena. CI3 additionally hosts a variety of career panels and speakers throughout the year to engage the student body with professionals in the field for integral learning experience and professional development.

FAQs for Spring 2023 Applicants!

We're excited for you to apply to our consulting projects, MIINT and/or open Board roles. Scan the QR code to join our WhatsApp Group; ask questions, share resources, learn more about our upcoming events and connect with peers interested in making an impact :)

Networking Events & Professional Development Training

CI3 organizes a variety of learning and career events involving key industry leaders in the social impact space to facilitate discussions about impact investing and social entrepreneurship at Columbia University, and provide networking opportunities to all interested students.

Consulting Projects

CI3 consulting projects serve clients ranging from impact investing funds to social enterprises. Graduate students assist in the exploration of key sectors, geographies, programs or prospects for investment, the preparation of investment memos and pitch books for fundraising with institutional investors. Additionally, pro-bono consultants may help refine business development plans or identify potential investors, improve pitch books and advise on fundraising efforts with impact investing funds in developed and developing countries.

MIINT Case Competition

MIINT is a Bridges Impact+ program produced with the Wharton Social Impact Initiative that aims to: Train the next generation of impact investors to "think like an impact investor" providing them with the opportunity to source, diligence, and present early stage impact investment ideas to an expert judging committee. Build meaningful links between innovative mission-driven companies and leading business and graduate schools. Create a vibrant network of students and practitioners active in the impact investing field. Students source, research, and pitch early stage an impact investment idea to the investment committee for a potential investment of up to $50,000.

Our Team

Feifei Zhang Profile

Feifei Zhang

External Relations Chair
Anuska Jain Profile

Anuska Jain

Marketing Chair
Tianrui Zhang Profile

Tianrui Zhang

Soumya Sahai Profile

Soumya Sahai

Consulting Chair
Darshana Krishnamony Profile

Darshana Krishnamony

Consulting Chair
Lorraine Wang Profile

Lorraine Wang

Events Chair
Muhammed Bajwa Profile

Muhammed Bajwa

Anna Lazenby Profile

Anna Lazenby

Chen Sun Profile

Chen Sun

Communications Chair