Hello EPD-ers!
Today we commemorate Indigenous People's Day. Formally instated as a federal holiday last year, we take this day to celebrate and honor Native American peoples and cultures. Note that some banks may be closed today, as will city, state, and federal offices, including the post office. In other news, we wanted to thank you for filling out our survey that would help us determine how to best cater to your needs. If you have not filled it out yet, you can do so here! It will close tomorrow, October 11, 2022, at 1 PM.
This week’s newsletter includes:
- EPD Events
- Other Events
- Career Advancement Center Events
- Important Deadlines
- NYC Beyond SIPA
- EPD Office Hours
EPD Mixer and Happy Hour!
When: Thursday, October 13, 2022
Time: 7:00 - 9:00 PM
Where: Amity Hall Uptown
Come and join your fellow EPD-ers for a night of fun conversation, food, and drinks at Amity Hall Uptown. This social is a chance for you to let your hair down, engage with people you haven't had a chance to speak to yet, or catch up with your EPD friends who you haven't spoken to in a while!
While you can register HERE, please note that we are currently at full capacity for registered students. You are encouraged to still RSVP on the waiting list. No one will be turned away from the doors.
The Political Lives of Information: Information and the Production of Development in India
When: Monday, October 17, 2022
Time: 1:00 - 2:00 PM
Where: IAB 801
Co-sponsors: South Asia Association, South Asia Institute, TMaC Specialization
Register HERE.
Information has fundamentally reshaped development discourse and practice. In this study, Dr. Janaki Srinivasan examines the history of the idea of “information” and its political implications for poverty alleviation. She presents three cases in India—the circulation of price information in a fish market in Kerala, government information in information kiosks operated by a nonprofit in Puducherry, and a political campaign demanding a right to information in Rajasthan—to explore three cases of information to support goals of social change. Countering claims that information is naturally and universally empowering, Srinivasan shows how the definition, production, and leveraging of information are shaped by caste, class, and gender.
Menstrual Equity Around the World: Highlights from the USA, Kenya & Bolivia
When: Monday, October 10, 2022
Time: 5:00 - 6:00 PM
Where: Broadway Room, Lerner Hall
Register HERE.
The Gender Policy Working Group is working closely with the Mailman School of Public Health as they organize the Menstrual Equity Week from October 10th - 14th collaborating across various Columbia University schools and departments! The first session of this week will focus on Menstrual Equity Around the World: Highlights from the USA, Bolivia & Kenya.
Speakers include:
- Marni Sommer, Professor & GATE Program Director, Columbia Mailman School of Public Health
- Jennifer Weiss-Wolf, Executive Director, Birnbaum Women's Leadership Network, NYU Law
- Teresa Calderon, Consultant, Urban Decentralized Sustainable Sanitation Program, UNICEF Bolivia
- Neville Okwaro, MoH WASH Hub, Kenya
Film Screening: Trouble Sleep, directed by Alain Kassanda
When: Monday, October 10, 2022
Time: 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Where: East Gallery, Buell Hall
More details HERE.
"Fred, unemployed graduate like many young Nigerians, is starting a new job as a taxi driver. As for Akin, he taxes commercial vehicles for the national transport union. They both operate in the rich urban landscape of Ibadan, in which Alain Kassanda’s camera choreographs the multiplicity and perpetual power relations at play."
Film screening followed by a Q&A with film director Alain Kassanda moderated by Daniel E. Agbiboa (Harvard University). Wine & cheese reception to follow screening.
GPWG Menstrual Equity Week Mixer!
When: Monday, October 10, 2022
Time: 6:30 - 8:30 PM
Where: Arts & Crafts
Register HERE.
Help us kick off Menstrual Equity Week! Please join GPWG for a fall kick-off mixer at Arts and Crafts! We'll have some drink tickets and flatbreads for you. We're looking forward to getting to know you better! First come first served.
Unwritten Rules: Regulation and Political Bargaining in Transportation in Africa
When: Tuesday, October 11, 2022
Time: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Where: East Gallery, Buell Hall
More details HERE.
The recent multiplication of grounded research on transport policies and practices in Africa has helped to understand the multifaceted nature of mobility systems in Africa. However, regulations, negotiations, and conflicts within what is referred to as the paratransit sector like in international large-scale projects remain poorly addressed. Digging into the role of associations or unions in regulating paratransit transport allows actors to disentangle the contradicting interests within transport associations between bus owners and informal workers or between state officials and the minibus sector. This workshop would like to explore in particular the unwritten rules and the bargaining power of networks of actors within places of transport or around large-scale projects and between paratransit organizations and the state.
Beyond the Binary: a Gender Workshop and Q&A
When: Tuesday, October 11, 2022
Time: 1:00 - 2:00 PM
Where: IAB 407
Register HERE.
What does "cis" mean? What are pronouns, and why is everyone talking about them? What is the difference between gender and sexuality? How do people around the world see gender differently? If you have been asking these questions, we may have some answers! Come to this interactive workshop facilitated by Spectrum to learn more.
Advancing Racial Equity in NYC
When: Tuesday, October 11, 2022
Time: 6:00 - 7:30 PM
Where: IAB 1512
Register HERE.
Join for a policy conversation on three proposals on the ballot in the November election. The NYC Racial Justice Commission, the first of its kind in the nation, has advanced three ballot proposals that would amend NYC’s charter to establish an NYC Office of Equity and require the City to calculate a true cost of living measure to advance racial equity.
Panelists include:
- Jennifer Jones Austin, CEO and Executive Director, Federation of Protestant Welfare Agencies (FPWA) and Commissioner, NYC Racial Justice Commission
- Melanie Ash, General Counsel, NYC Racial Justice Commission
- Khary Lazarre-White, Executive Director and Co-Founder, The Brotherhood Sister Sol
- Ansa Khan (MPA '23), Columbia SIPA Civic and Voter Engagement Coalition (CiVEC)
- Urban and Public Affairs, Columbia University SIPAModerator: Mayor Michael Nutter, 98th Mayor of Philadelphia and David N. Dinkins Professor of Professional Practice in
Introductions by Ester R. Fuchs, Professor of International and Public Affairs and Political Science, Columbia University SIPA. Sponsored by the SIPA Urban and Social Policy Concentration, SIPA Civic and Voter Engagement Coalition (CiVEC), SIPA Students of Color (SSOC), and the Federation of Protestant Welfare Agencies (FPWA)
Menstrual Practices in Far-West Nepal: A Screening & Q&A with the Filmmaker
When: Wednesday, October 12, 2022
Time: 6:00 - 7:30 PM
Where: Publique Cafe, IAB
Register HERE.
The Gender Policy Working Group is working closely with the Mailman School of Public Health as they organize the Menstrual Equity Week from October 10th - 14th collaborating across various Columbia University schools and departments!
This session will be a film screening about Menstrual Practices in Far-West Nepal. It will also include a Q&A with the filmmaker, Sara Baumann, Assistant Professor, University of Pittsburgh School of Public Health.
Expert Panel: Putin's Annexations and His War of Wills with the West
When: Wednesday, October 12, 2022
Time: 6:00 - 8:00 PM
Where: Low Library Rotunda
Register HERE.
The Arnold A. Saltzman Institute of War and Peace Studies, the School of International and Public Affairs, and the Harriman Institute of Russian, Eurasian, and East European Studies present a panel of Columbia's top experts on Russia, Ukraine, China and military strategy will examine the implications of Putin's annexations in east Ukraine. Key issues include: prospects for an escalation of the war—including nuclear options—and for diplomatic off-ramps, Putin’s domestic challenges, and whether this war has influenced Chinese thinking about Taiwan. Moderated by by Keren Yarhi-Milo, Dean, School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University.
Panelists include:
- Stephen Duane Biddle, Professor of International and Public Affairs, School of International and Public Affairs; Director, International Security Policy Concentration, School of International and Public Affairs
- Richard K. Betts, Leo A. Shifrin Professor of War and Peace Studies, Department of Political Science
- Elise Giuliano, Senior Lecturer in Political Science; Director of the MARS-REERS Program; Director of the Program on U.S.-Russia Relations
- Kimberly Marten, Professor, Department of Political Science, Barnard College
- Thomas J. Christensen, James T. Shotwell Professor of International Relations; Director, China and the World Program, School of International and Public Affairs
- Peter Clement, Interim Director, Arnold A. Saltzman Institute of War and Peace Studies
ESG and System Level Investing Panel & Reception
When: Wednesday, October 12, 2022
Time: 6:00 - 8:00 PM
Where: Publique Cafe, IAB
Register HERE.
SIPA's new initiative, Sustainable Investing Research Initiative (SIRI), is co-hosting a panel discussion along with the Environmental Coalition (ECO) group on ESG and System-Level Investing with leading experts in academia and practice, followed by a networking session. The panel will be moderated by Professor Caroline Flammer, Director of SIRI and will feature Steve Lydenberg, a founding father of system-level investing, and SIPA professors Neri Bukspan and Joanne Bauer. The panel will be followed by a reception.
SIRI focuses on the nexus between corporations, investors, policy, and system-level challenges such as climate change, biodiversity loss, social inequality, and poverty. Its mission is to foster scholarship, education, and dialogue on the interplay and interdependencies between investment and system-level challenges.
Tour of the United Nations
When: Friday, October 14, 2022
Time: 2:40 - 5:00 PM
Where: UN Headquarters
Register HERE.
Have you ever wanted to go inside the UN headquarters? Join us on October 14th for a guided tour of the UN! The Tour itself takes 60 min, but we need to commute to the UN and abide by the UN security protocol. Priority will be given to students who officially declared the IO/UNS specialization. All registered students will be put on the waitlist and promoted to full attendance after confirming IO/UNS specialization. Space is limited, please only register if you're sure that you can attend the tour.
Synpulse Management Consulting Information Session
When: Monday, October 10, 2022
Time: 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM
Where: IAB, Room 413
Work Authorization Requirement: U.S. Citizens and Permanent Residents
Join us for the Synpulse Management Consulting corporate presentation. Learn more about our global consulting practice, ask our consultants about their project experiences, and discover what Synpulse can offer you as a new joiner!
For more information CLICK HERE.
FORVIS Enterprise Risk and Quantitative Advisory
When: Tuesday, October 11, 2022
Time: 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM
Where: IAB, Room 413
Work Authorization Requirement: N/A
Join Prashant Panavalli- Principle, Risk Advisory, Alina Mordkovich (SIPA alum)- Lead Consultant, Risk Advisory and Ines Boussebaa (SIPA alum)- Consultant, Risk Advisory to learn more about career opportunities at FORVIS. FORVIS considers visa sponsorship on a case by case basis.
For more information CLICK HERE.
U.S. Department of State Employer Information Session
When: Wednesday, October 12, 2022
Time: 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM
Where: IAB, Room 413
Work Authorization Requirement: U.S. Citizens
You are invited to join the Diplomat in Residence for a presentation that will include:
- Overview of State Department Foreign Service career tracks (generalist and specialist) and our hiring process, including details about the written and oral assessment procedures.
- Information on full-time, career employment and additional information regarding internship and fellowship opportunities with the U.S. Department of State.
For more information CLICK HERE.
SIPA CPT Information Session
When: Thursday, October 13, 2022
Time: 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM
Where: Zoom
Work Authorization Requirement: N/A
SIPA students requiring CPT for internships will learn about CPT eligibility and policies as well as the application process.
For more information CLICK HERE.
Strategic Data Project Fellowship: Center for Education Policy Research, Harvard University
When: Thursday, October 13, 2022
Time: 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Where: Zoom
Work Authorization Requirement: N/A
The SDP Data Fellowship is a two-year program that develops PK12 and Higher Education data leaders to strengthen the capacity of the field to use data for improvement. We find and train data fellows to advance strategic initiatives, uncover valuable insights, and build a strong data culture in partner organizations. We are looking for researchers, analysts, and professionals with strong analytic capabilities, familiarity with research design, and evidence of leadership.
For more information CLICK HERE.
 Theme of the Week: Cultural Diversity
Hispanic Heritage Month At Harlem’s Uptown Night Market
When: Thursday, October 13, 2022
Time: 4:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Where: Riverside Drive/ 12th Ave between 133rd & 135th Street
Manhattan’s largest food series Uptown Night Market is making its return to Harlem Thursday, October 13th, and it’s doing so as a celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month (September 15th – October 15th).
Operated by a small, diverse, majority female-led team, the monthly market is meant to amplify the vibrancy of Harlem’s community, culture, and food, as well as support its small businesses.
New Yorkers can head to the famous Harlem Arches on 12th Ave. and 135th Street to get a taste of 70+ diverse vendors representing over 20 countries and the best offerings from Harlem’s rich African-American, African, Caribbean, Hispanic, and European cultures.