Half-way there!
Hello EPD-ers,
Congratulations - you are more than half-way through your fall semester! We hope that midterm season has been manageable and that you are leaving space in your schedules to connect with your peers and decompress! Thank you so much to everyone who came out to the EPD social last week. We had the best time!

Remember to reach out to Semon and Talia directly to set up time for a coffee chat. We are always here to help! In addition, please feel free to use the "student spotlight" to submit any recent awards for congratulations. We love to celebrate our EPD peers whenever possible!
Finally, see below for some incredible upcoming events, including "Creating Value with SMEs in Developing Countries," "What Went Wrong with Microfinance," and our EPD Internship Panel!
This week’s newsletter includes:
Jacob Arnstein is a second-year Master of International Affairs (MIA) candidate with a specialization in Leadership, Innovation, and Design. He is also a dual degree student, having spent his first year at Sciences Po in Paris. After graduating from Tufts University with a BA in International Relations and Russian and East European Studies, Jacob began his career at Strategic Capacity Group, a DC-based NGO funded by the Department of State with the mission of building non-military security sector capacity in developing countries. A fluent French speaker, he cut his teeth working with rule of law institutions in the Sahel region of Africa, traveling to Senegal and Niger to plan, facilitate, and monitor in-person training events. He also designed and implemented key UN Police Peacekeeping pre-deployment training curriculum material, much of which is still in use in police-contributing countries. Through his experience working in the Sahel, Jacob came to understand the reality that there can be no security without sustainable and equitable economic and human development. Consequently, he is in the process of a career pivot to international development, having spent the past year doing clinical investigative work into abuses in the natural resource extraction sector and completed a summer internship in the project management unit at The Kaizen Company, a USAID subcontractor. Outside of the classroom, Jacob plays bass guitar (catch him and his bandmates jamming in an empty room in Lerner or on the Quad), dances salsa and bachata, and regularly cooks for his urban food cooperative.
Please use this link to share your story and upload a picture of yourself. We also welcome you to nominate your peers. This is a great way for us to celebrate and learn about the inspiring individuals in the EPD community.
UN Day Festival
United Nations Day, on October 24th, marks the entry into force in 1945 of the UN Charter. Join our UN Day celebration with food and drinks, games, prizes and a photo booth!
Thursday, Oct 24, 12 – 2 pm
IAB Fishbowl
Register here
The Forever Crisis:
Adaptive Global Governance for an Era of Accelerating Complexity
Join IO/UN for a book talk with Professor Adam Day on his new book The Forever Crisis that offers an innovative approach to global governance in an era of interrelated planetary challenges. Day, who also serves as Head of the Geneva Office of UN University Centre for Policy Research, argues that the complexity of today’s risks requires a complex, adaptive response. Drawing from complex systems like ant colonies, central nervous systems, galaxies, and markets, The Forever Crisis offers concrete, actionable proposals for evolving our global governance system. October 24, from 6:15 - 7:30 pm in IAB Rm 1302. Register here.
Columbia Africa Conference
The Columbia Africa Conference is a student-led collaboration between various Columbia schools and the wider Columbia Africa community. This year, you’ll hear from an impressive lineup of speakers from across the continent and we expect participants to leave with a renewed sense of hope for Africa’s success and to be inspired to do their part in moving the continent forward.
October 25 - 26, 2024
Columbia Business School (665 West 130th Street, New York City, 10027)
Register here (registration required)
Creating Value with SMEs in Developing Countries
For development professionals focused on financing small business growth, understanding value drivers and how financial institutions invest in SMEs can offer valuable lessons for application in the developing world. This session, led by Francesco de Mojana, will explore how value creation can boost innovation and growth, particularly in finance-constrained regions. He will discuss the characteristics of a robust financial system that can support dynamic and competitive SMEs and provide insights on applying these models to developing economies.
Thursday, Oct 31, 1 – 2 pm
IAB Rm 1302
Register here
EPD Internship Panel
Join us to hear from your second-year peers in EPD about their internship experiences this past summer. Students will provide insights into relevant institutions, the application process, and much more! Lunch will be provided.
Monday, Nov 11, 1 – 2pm
IAB Rm 404
Register here
Career Chat with Marina Santos Piacente, Innovative Finance, Investment Lead at International Rescue Committee
When: Monday, October 21, 2024
Time: 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Where: IAB 413
For more information, CLICK HERE |
EDF Climate Corps/SIPA Employer Information Session
When: Tuesday, October 22, 2024
Time: 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Where: IAB 411
For more information, CLICK HERE |
Summer Stipend Information Session
When: Wednesday, October 23, 2024
Time: 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Where: Online
For more information, CLICK HERE |
WWF/SIPA Employer Information Session
When: Wednesday, October 23, 2024
Time: 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Where: Online
For more information, CLICK HERE |
Career Chat with Ali Feldhausen, Director of Career Development at All Tech Is Human
When: Thursday, October 24, 2024
Time: 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Where: IAB 404
For more information, CLICK HERE |
Alumni-Student Private Sector Career Night |
When: Thursday, October 24, 2024
Time: 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Where: IAB, 15th Floor
For more information, CLICK HERE |
CAC Career Fact Sheets and Current List of Subscriptions
Please note that the CAC has numerous Career Development, Career Overview, and Sector Specific fact sheets filled with valuable resources to support your career preparation journey. Additionally, they have a Current List of Subscriptions to assist you with internship and job searches. We encourage you to check out these links!
SIPA Alumni Career Coaching Program (SIPACC)
Sign up for a coaching session with SIPA alumni who can provide sector or industry specific expertise. Currently, there are two EPD alumni coaches, Hama Makino and Sadaf Sajwani, available to meet with you. Visit SIPA Connect at the link here to find instructions on how to book a session.
Please reach out to Columbia Health (Morningside, Manhattanville, and Teachers College; in-person, telehealth, and virtual options) for your health and wellness needs. University Life provides additional well-being resources and tips.
Please also join any of the following activities being hosted by Associate Dean Rodriguez, the Office of Student Affairs (OSA), and the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Climate and Engagement (DEICE) Committee (find the complete list of programs here)
Support Spaces
October 22, 1-2pm | IAB1516
Join to connect, reflect, and enjoy wellness activities to decompress.
Zoom Drop By
October 28, 2-3pm | Join Zoom here
These are opportunities for individuals or groups to speak privately with Associate Dean Rodriguez.
Chill with Jill
November 7, 1-2pm | between Publique and the Office of Student Affairs on the 6th floor
This is an opportunity to grab a sweet treat, chat and share your ideas on how to support and improve the SIPA community with Associate Dean Rodriguez.
Leading and Learning Series
Hosted by the DEICE Committee and Associate Dean Rodriguez, Professors Seth Freeman and Shawna Wakefield will lead a series of workshops about how to navigate conflict and cultivate your leadership in a time of rapid change. All sessions are in person, from 1-2pm and include a light lunch. Click the links to register.
Chelsea Art Galleries
In the westernmost stretches of Chelsea, dozens of free-admission galleries showcase groundbreaking paintings, prints, installations and sculptures. It's a great way to get an introduction to the city's gallery hopping scene. Pro tip: while the shows frequently change, we recommend starting out with Gagosian Gallery, David Zwirner and Pace Gallery. For more information, CLICK HERE

Brooklyn Botanic Gardens Fall Blooms
Many think gardens are only for spring and summer, but that’s not true! Add the Brooklyn Botanic Garden in Prospect Park to your Fall bucket list for their fall blooms! This gives you a chance to get out of the hustle and bustle of the city to enjoy 52 acres of beautiful blooms. They even have a bloom calendar you can check before your visit. After making your way through the garden, you can explore Prospect Park. During the month of October, they are also running their Fall-O-Ween, which includes pumpkin carving, apple cider, and more. For tickets and information on admission click here. Students can purchase tickets for $16.

Armchair Expert: This podcast, hosted by actor Dax Shepard, celebrates the messiness of being human.
Recommended Episode: "Michael Morris (Cultural Psychologist on Tribalism" - Michael joins the Armchair Expert to discuss the misconceptions he had about the Midwest, fundamental attribution error, and the differences between individualism and collectivism. Michael and Dax talk about where the concept of tribalism came from, how language can affect behavioral choices, and why we learn to absorb the culture of whatever community is nurturing us. Michael explains what peer, hero, and ancestor instincts are, the problems with in-group favoritism, and how we can transcend toxic tribalism. Listen here.
EPD Office Hours
José Antonio Ocampo, EPD Co-Director
Eugenia (Jenny) McGill, EPD Co-Director & EPD Workshop Director
Vida Huimin Herling, EPD Concentration Manager
Semon Makar Zekry (MIA/EPD), Program Assistant
Office hours: Tuesdays, 12-2 pm (email for appointment)
Talia Rosenberg (MIA/EPD), Program Assistant
Office hours: Mondays, 3-5 pm (email for appointment)
Your PAs,
Semon and Talia