Date: May 21, 2020
Subject: Congratulations HRHP Graduates!

Dear Human Rights and Humanitarian Policy Graduates,


On behalf of HRHP concentration faculty and staff, allow us to wholeheartedly congratulate you on this important milestone in your career and personal life! Please join us for a quick toast to your accomplishments TODAY at 1pm EST - event details below.


Typically, the concentration shares a message that is meant to inspire and encourage you to disperse around the world to solve international policy dilemmas, be involved in complex emergencies or support grassroots work, and defend human rights globally. While we are in unprecedented times in a multitude of ways, we still hold fast that you will be contributing to the recovery and rebuilding of our new normal post-COVID, both professionally and personally. We are confident that you will excel in whatever role you attain. 


Please know that the concentration’s doors will always stay open for you (and particularly so throughout the next year), and we are eager to learn how your work and life accomplishments unfold. We will provide many opportunities for recent alums to participate in HRHP programming in the coming months, so if you are interested in staying in touch with us, please click here.


We invite you to join the SIPA HRHP Alumni LinkedIn Group, where you will be able to connect with past alumni, faculty and professionals. We also want to hear about your achievements, publications or have you join us for brown bag events to share worldly experience with future HRHP students. 


As many of you are still deciding next steps, we have attached the following documents of potential career resources:

Please note that these resources are not by any means comprehensive, but are intended to provide ideas for beginning the job search!


The research, teaching, and study of human rights and humanitarianism at SIPA and Columbia transcends traditional academic boundaries, reaching out to practitioners as well addressing the ever-increasing complexities of human rights in a globalized world. During those couple of years we have seen you upholding human rights in internships, student working groups and capstones. Let me reassure you once again– you have all what is needed for success.


Finally, we ask that you spend a few brief moments filling out. our HRHP Graduating Student Feedback Survey to let us know what your favorite part of the program was, and how we can improve for future HRHPers.


It was a pleasure to have you as part of this unique, supportive and integrative community that is Human Rights and Humanitarian Policy Concentration and we wish you all success in the future.


Congratulations, Graduates! 


Professor Barkan, Professor Friedman, and Michelle




Professor Elazar Barkan 

Director, Human Rights and Humanitarian Policy Concentration

Director, Institute for the Study of Human Rights


Professor Susannah Friedman

Associate Director for Humanitarian Policy


Michelle Chouinard

HRHP Concentration Coordinator

HRHP Graduation Party!! Logo


HRHP Graduation Party!!

Thursday, May 21, 2020
1:00pm - 2:00pm
Online Event
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Please join the concentration in congratulating all of the SIPA May 2020 HRHP Graduates!

We want to celebrate you and all of your accomplishments during your time at SIPA. We will have a few words at the beginning by Professor Barkan and Professor Friedman, followed by a social hour. This event is open to graduating students, continuing students, and recent alums!

Grab a beverage or snack of your choice and help us honor all of the amazing work you've done!

Michelle Chouinard is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: HRHP Graduation Party
Time: May 21, 2020 12:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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