Hello EPD-ers!
As we wrap up the first half of this semester, we hope you're looking forward to Spring break and any travels you might be undertaking! It's been a long, dreary winter and we cannot wait for it to be over...
Here are the updates from the world of EPD and beyond! We'll see you on the other side of the break!
This week’s newsletter includes:
- EPD Announcements
- Other Announcements
- Upcoming EPD and other events
- Upcoming CAC Events
- Jobs, Internships and other opportunities
- Pick of the Week
In case you missed it!
Here are the links to the recordings to the session held on last week on 3/2!
Using Data to Fight Corruption and Alleviate Poverty
Here are some other resources shared by the speakers:
FYI: Upcoming EPD Workshop Survey - Preferences for Next Year
Some of you may have seen a recent survey targetted at first year's regarding capstone preferences for next year. Feedback from these forms is used to help inform the capstone projects that SIPA puts together for students for next year. We just wanted to keep you up to speed that EPD, which puts together its own separate list of workshops specifically for EPD students, will also be sending out a survey after Spring Break to get input from continuing EPD students who will be doing their workshop next year on what kinds of projects and/or clients you would like to work with. We can't wait to hear your feedback!
Get your Tote Bags! Seriously. Come get a Tote Bag!
If you haven't already picked up your amazing EPD tote bag, they are waiting for you in the EPD office in Room 1305 in IAB. Feel free to stop by anytime Mon-Fri before 4:30 PM and pick yours up!
SIPA Career and Alumni Affairs Survey
Here is your opportunity to give vital feedback on career and alumni affairs resources at SIPA! SIPASA is working with Career Advancement Center (CAC) and other program offices in SIPA to design new support interventions for the student body. This survey will help them improve career and alumni resources in the coming years. Please consider filling this up!
Volunteer Request: Translation from English to Arabic
The Communities Speak project is seeking a volunteer to translate their upcoming public-policy survey from English into Modern Standard Arabic. Communities Speak is a project lead by Dr. Ester Fuchs that collects micro-level data to inform public policy design that is rooted in the real experiences of communities and individuals. Translation will happen over the last week of March. If you or anyone you know is interested, please email Kelsey Ray at kar2233@columbia.edu.
Pitch to The Morningside Post!
SIPA's newspaper, The Morningside Post, is calling for submissions! Any student or community member can pitch, and no formal journalism or publishing experience is required. Submissions in any language are welcome. Visit the TMP website to review guidelines and submit a piece. For news tips, questions, or recommended topics, email tmpsipasubmissions@gmail.com.
Public - Private Cooperation Club Inaugural Event
Organizer: Public-Private Cooperation Club
When: March 7, 2022
Time: 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM.
Where: Room 1501
For more information and to register CLICK HERE
International Women's Day: Stand-In and Showcase for Awareness and Solidarity!
Organizer: GPWG, GPPS, WIL, WIS
Co-Sponsors: Various student groups
When: March 8, 2022
Time: Stand-In: 1.00-2.00pm, Showcase: 1:00-5:00pm
Where: Ancell Plaza Tent
For more information and to register CLICK HERE
Tuesday Talks - Venezuela with Riccardo Mondolfi
Organizer: Theo Pouget-Abadie and Abel Bagdy (EPD Students!)
When: March 8, 2022
Time: 1:00 - 2:00 pm
Where: Room 1501
Smart Cities: Technology, Innovation and Urban Futures
When: Tuesday, March 8, 2022
Time: 1:00pm - 1:50pm
Where: Zoom
For more information and to register CLICK HERE
Virtual International Organizations & United Nations Roundtable Conversations
Organizer: International Organization/UN Studies Specialization
Co-Sponsors: United Nations Association, CAC, HRHP, EPD, GPPS
When: Wednesday, March 9, 2022
Time:Roundtables: 1.00-2.45pm, Reception: 2:45-3:30pm
Where: Virtual
For more information and to register: CLICK HERE.
Black Student Union Kickoff!
Organizer: Black Student Union
When: Wednesday, Mar 9, 2022
Time: 7:00pm – 9:00pm
Where: Harlem Tavern
For more information and to register: CLICK HERE
Women in Peace and Security Spring Coffee Kickoff
Organizer: Women in Peace & Security
When: Thursday, March 10, 2022
Time: 1 PM – 2 PM
Where: Outside Publique
For more information and to register CLICK HERE
RISE – SSOC Social
Organizer: RISE (Working Group on Race, Inequality, Solidarity, and Economics) and SIPA Students of Color
When: Thursday, Mar 10, 2022
Time: 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Where: Amity Hall
For more information and to register CLICK HERE
Empowering Asian Women Movie Night - "Learning to Skateboard in a Warzone (If You're a Girl)"
When: Thursday, Mar 10, 2022
Time: 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM
Where: IAB 411
For more information and to register CLICK HERE
Bargaining in the UN Security Council: Setting the Global Agenda
When: Wednesday March 23, 2022
Time: 1:00pm – 2:00pm
Where: Hybrid
For more information and to register CLICK HERE
Promoting Gender-Inclusive Health Care in a COVID-Affected World
Organizer: Economic and Political Development Concentration & Gender and Public Policy Specialization
Co-Sponsors: Gender Policy Working Group, Women in Leadership
When: Tuesday, March 22, 2022
Time: 1:00pm -2:00pm
Where: IAB 801 and on Zoom
For more information and to register CLICK HERE
Fostering a More Inclusive Environment at Teach for All
Organizer: Economic and Political Development Concentration & Gender and Public Policy Specialization
Co-Sponsors: Gender Policy Working Group, Women in Leadership
When: Thursday, March 24, 2022
Time: 1:00pm -2:00pm
Where: IAB 801 and on Zoom
For more information and to register CLICK HERE
EPD Spring Social
When: Wednesday, March 23, 2022
Time: 7 PM onwards
Where: Amity Hall
For more information and to register CLICK HERE
The Colombian Peace Process and its Lessons with Former President Juan Manuel Santos
When: Thursday, March 31, 2022
Time: 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Where: Room 1501
For more information and to register CLICK HERE
Economic and Political Development (EPD) Career Series - Day 1
Panels: Development Finance and Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning
When: Monday, April 4, 2022.
Time: 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM.
Where: Zoom.
For more information CLICK HERE.
Economic and Political Development (EPD) Career Series - Day 2
Panels: Financial Inclusion / Microfinance and Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG)
When: Wednesday, April 6, 2022.
Time: 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM.
Where: Zoom.
For more information CLICK HERE.
Summer Internship Funding Information Session
When: Tuesday, March 8, 2022.
Time: 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM.
Where: Zoom
For more information CLICK HERE.
Energy and Environment Career Panel Series
When: Tueday, March 8, 2022.
Time: 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM.
Where: Zoom.
Notes: See list of panels. Technically designed for EE students, but open to everyone to attend.
For more information CLICK HERE.
CPRL Info Session
When: Wednesday, March 9, 2022.
Time: 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM.
Where: Zoom.
For more information CLICK HERE.
Urban and Social Policy (USP) Career Series - Day 1
When: Wednesday, March 9, 2022.
Time: 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM.
Where: Zoom.
Notes: See list of panels. Technically designed for EE students, but open to everyone to attend.
For more information CLICK HERE.
Diversity & Inclusion Virtual Career Fair
When: Wednesday, March 16, 2022.
Time: 11:00 AM – 3:00 PM.
Where: Zoom.
For more information CLICK HERE.
Navigating Resume Gatekeepers: Writing for Machine and Human Review
When: Thursday, March 17, 2022.
Time: 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM.
Where: Zoom.
For more information CLICK HERE.
Inclusive Culture in the Workplace: What to Anticipate, How to Acclimate
When: Tuesday, March 22, 2022.
Time: 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM.
Where: IAB 324.
For more information CLICK HERE.
Careers in Social Enterprise and The Journey of Starting Your Own SocEnt
When: Thursday, March 24, 2022.
Time: 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM.
Where: Zoom.
For more information CLICK HERE.
KPMG Health and Government Solutions (HGS) Consulting Case Competition
When: Friday, March 25, 2022.
Time: 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM.
Where: Zoom.
For more information CLICK HERE.
For the latest OCS New Job and Internship Opportunities CLICK HERE and Upcoming Deadlines for Jobs and Internship Application CLICK HERE. (Double check to make sure you are signed into campusgroups for the links to download!)
Student Research Resources- if you're looking for some support and guidance on how to write better, check out the following Columbia resources
The Columbia Writing Center: CLICK HERE
Find a SIPA Writing Tutor: CLICK HERE
UNDP Hiring - Full Time Gender Specialist (Deadline 3/11)
The Gender Seal HQ team is looking for a Gender Specialist (Project Management and Monitoring). The Gender Specialist will provide support to the BPPS/Gender Team under the direct supervision of the Gender Seal Programme Coordinator. Job responsibilities include:
- Support general management of the programme including hiring processes, budget, and related activities.
- Monitor implementation of the action plan and budget for the Gender Equality Seal with all Regional Bureaus and the Crisis Bureau.
- Coordinate Gender Equality Seal roster requests, including: trainings, technical support missions, programme portfolio reviews, assessments and appraisal missions.
- Support the roll out, coordination and implementation of the gender seal learning package.
- Lead monitoring and reporting activities and data management of the Gender Equality Seal for internal and external reporting purposes.
This is a Regular IPSA-10 position on a 12-month contract. The deadline to apply is 11 March 2022. For more information, please visit: https://jobs.undp.org/cj_view_job.cfm?cur_job_id=104832
Managing Editor at VoxDev (UK, EU, or USA Location) (3/14 deadline)
The postholder will commission columns, podcasts and some video content, translating academic research into easily understandable policy advice and ideas for growth. For more information about this position, click here. This post would suit a strong MSc/MA student who is intending to move on to a top PhD programme in economics and is looking for some broad development economics experience prior to this. Applications should be made by submission of a cover letter and CV in English to Tessa Ogden, CEPR CEO, at togden@cepr.org, quoting "VDME-WEB". The deadline is 5pm on Monday 14 March, however, applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis. Please state the date when you are available to start work and your work permit status.
Pick of the Week- Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents by Isabel Wilkerson

The Pulitzer Prize–winning, bestselling author of The Warmth of Other Suns examines the unspoken caste system that has shaped America and shows how our lives today are still defined by a hierarchy of human divisions.
In this book, Isabel Wilkerson gives us a masterful portrait of an unseen phenomenon in America as she explores, through an immersive, deeply researched narrative and stories about real people, how America today and throughout its history has been shaped by a hidden caste system, a rigid hierarchy of human rankings.
Beyond race, class, or other factors, there is a powerful caste system that influences people's lives and behavior and the nation's fate. Linking the caste systems of America, India, and Nazi Germany, Wilkerson explores eight pillars that underlie caste systems across civilizations, including divine will, bloodlines, stigma, and more.
José Antonio Ocampo, EPD Co-Director
Sign up online: https://tinyurl.com/officehours-ocampo
Jenny McGill, EPD Co-Director and Workshop Director
Sign up online: https://tinyurl.com/mcgill-oh
Ilona Vinklerova, EPD Manager
Sign up online: https://sipa.campusgroups.com/meetings/1060915/IlonaOH_Spring2022
Will Gifford, EPD Program Assistant
By appointment at wg2363@columbia.edu
Pooja Singh, EPD Program Assistant
By appointment at ps3192@columbia.edu