COVID-19 in Africa: Responses and Prospects for Recovery | Wednesday, January 27, 2021 | 1-2 PM | On Zoom | Register here
Belinda Archibong, Assistant Professor of Economics at Barnard College;
Pedro Conceicao, Director of the Human Development Report Office at UNDP HDR Office; and
Dr. Wilmot James, Senior Research Scholar in the Institute for Social and Economic Research Policy in the Faculty of Social Sciences at Columbia University in a discussion on what lies ahead for the African continent, amidst the pandemic-induced crisis, particularly in the political, economic, and social context.
Coded Bias: Film Screening and Discussion
Tuesday, Jan. 26, 2021 | 6-8PM
EPD, TMAC, GPPS, the SIPA Diversity Committee and SSOC are proud to co-sponsor the screening of "Coded Bias", a documentary premiered at the 2020 Sundance Film Festival that explores the fallout of MIT Media Lab researcher Joy Buolamwini's startling discovery of racial bias in facial recognition algorithms. A discussion with Alex Hanna, sociologist and senior research scientist on the Ethical AI team at Google will follow, moderated by Prof. Savita Bailur.
This movie screening is only open to SIPA or other Columbia students, faculty and staff.
ALLIANCE: Intersectionality Conference 2021
Jan. 25 - Jan. 29, 2021
Check out the EVENT PAGE for more information on the programming.
Presented by SIPA Students of Color (SSOC), the 2021 Intersectionality Conference is a series of conversations, panels, and workshops that address the role that overlapping social identities—including race, gender, class, immigration status, and sexual orientation—play in social, economic, and political inequities, and highlights the critical need for intersectional analyses in public policy formulation and implementation.
Book Talk: The Wolf at the Door— The Menace of Economic Security and How to Fight it
February 2nd, 2021 | 6 PM (EST)
In The Wolf at the Door: The Menace of Economic Insecurity and How to Fight It,” Professors Michael Graetz and Ian Shapiro diagnose the problems, probe their consequences, and propose practical recommendations for increasing jobs, improving wages, protecting families suffering from unemployment and seeking reemployment, and providing better health insurance and child care. They also guide us through the political strategies necessary to enact the necessary changes. Join Michael Graetz, Professor of Law at Columbia Law School, as he discusses his book. He will be joined by Jacob Lew, Former US Secretary of the Treasury and Visiting Professor of International and Public Affairs at the School of International and Public Affairs at Columbia University. The event will be moderated by Nicholas Lemann, Dean Emeritus and Joseph Pulitzer II and Edith Pulitzer Moore Professor of Journalism at Columbia Journalism School.
Spring Virtual Internships

To support students’ professional development, the nine Columbia Global Centers around the world have identified virtual internships throughout their partner networks.
The latest list of internships can be accessed at:
The official application deadline for Spring internships is
January 25.
Complete this form to apply
After you complete the form, a representative from the Global Centers will contact you with further details and to connect you with the sponsoring organization. You can apply to multiple internships, but you must submit one form for each internship application.
To learn more about the Centers, visit
https://globalcenters.columbia.edu/. For questions, email
The Dekkal Geej (DG) Project in Senegal is looking for a virtual intern for 4 months starting ASAP. DG is a 5 year, USAID funded program, to support inclusive, equitable and sustainable marine fishing management. The project started in May of 2019 and is presently fully staffed and operational, with ambitious programs in both artisanal (small scale) and industrial fishing. See the attached hand out for more information. DG is looking for a bilingual (English/French) intern to support ongoing efforts by the team in communications, research, information and evaluation activities. FOR MORE INFORMATION ON THIS INTERNSHIP
To apply, send your cover letter and CV to jon.anderson@winrock.org
Ci3 Spring 2021 Consulting applications- Deadline extended
The Spring semester 2021 Consulting application is now live and can be accessed here.
Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis and the last day to apply is now Wednesday Jan 27, 2021; 11:55 pm (ET). Refer to this presentation to know more about the consulting projects and the clients.
Feel free to send your queries about the projects to any of the following CI3 Consulting Chairs:
Guidehouse Employer Information Session (Washington, DC Career Weeks)
When: Monday, January 25, 2021
Time: 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
Work Authorization Requirement: N/A
For more information and to register
World Bank Group Employer Information Session (Washington, DC Career Weeks)
When: Tuesday, January 26, 2021
Time: 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Work Authorization Requirement: N/A
For more information and to register
Albright Stonebridge Group Employer Information Session (Washington, DC Career Weeks)
When: Tuesday, January 26, 2021
Time: 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Work Authorization Requirement: N/A
For more information and to register
United States Agency For International Development (USAID) Employer Information Session (Washington, DC Career Weeks)
When: Wednesday, January 27, 2021
Time: 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Work Authorization Requirement: N/A
For more information and to register
World Resources Institute (WRI) Employer Information Session (Washington, DC Career Weeks)
When: Thursday, January 28, 2021
Time: 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Work Authorization Requirement: N/A
For more information and to register
Booz Allen Hamilton Employer Information Session (Washington, DC Career Weeks)
When: Thursday, January 28, 2021
Time: 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Work Authorization Requirement: N/A
For more information and to register
International Monetary Fund (IMF) Employer Information Session (Washington, DC Career Weeks)
When: Thursday, January 28, 2021
Time: 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Work Authorization Requirement: N/A
For more information and to register
Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) Employer Information Session (Washington, DC Career Weeks)
When: Friday, January 29, 2021
Time: 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Work Authorization Requirement: N/A
For more information and to register
Check out this week's OCS New Job and Internship Opportunities CLICK HERE and Upcoming Deadlines for Jobs and Internship Application CLICK HERE.
SIPA Career Website & Resources
Check out great career development resources for students that can be found on SIPA Career Resources Website.
Factsheets on Career Development - Tips for international students and on connecting with alumni, interviewing, networking, PMF information, writing resumes and cover letters and other career development topics.
Career Overview Factsheet - Information, sample employers, and online resources for a variety of fields and industries
Sector-Specific Fact Sheets - Lists of employers by industry or field, organizational charts, and information on IFC and World Bank internship programs and YPPs.
Check out other resources in the website.
Zishen (Norman) Ye is a second-year Master in International Affairs candidate with a concentration in Economic and Political Development, specializing in Management. Born and raised in Shanghai, China, he spent ten transformative years in Virginia, Illinois, and New York. During his time at SIPA, Norman interned at the China Practice of the Eurasia Group, a political risk consultancy, to help clients navigate the evolving Chinese market by analyzing geopolitical and policy risks. Prior to SIPA, he researched the political and economic implications of China’s Belt and Road Initiative at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) in Washington D.C., worked on urban planning projects in Shanghai, and volunteered at the Shanghai International Film Festival. Norman graduated magna cum laude from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign with a B.A in Urban Planning and a B.A. in Political Science. His time at SIPA has taught him that mental wellness is a severely understated driver for success. In his free time, Norman enjoys driving, photography, e-sports, and just chatting with people around the world! Norman has just returned from a 4,000-mile road trip to Houston by himself, and he is now reachable via email (zy2397), Facebook, and LinkedIn.
Nicolas Navas is a 29-year-old Colombian laywer who worked for the past 4 years at the Ministry of Defense of his country with the Military Forces and National Police removing landmines planted by insurgent groups, recuperating ecosystems from illegal gold mining, and restoring land ownership to over 75,000 families in conflict-torn areas of the country. He participated in the implementation of the humanitarian demining chapter of the Peace Agreements between his government and FARC guerrilla, and actively participated in his country’s inclusion to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) as the only global partner of that organization in America. Previously, he worked for a legal infrastructure firm in his hometown Bogota organizing the city’s first attempt to build a subway system. Before that, he was an intern at the United Nations in New York and the Constitutional Court of Colombia. He joined SIPA’s Economic and Political Development concentration with the idea of broadening his academic and professional scope, and to find the secret recipe for development. He deeply enjoys living in New York City, loves Riverside Park, and likes to run along the Hudson River. You can find him on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/nicolasnavasm/
(Reach out to us if you'd like to be featured in the next newsletter!)
This week's featured film: The Dissident (2020)

The Dissident is a 2020 American documentary film directed and produced by Bryan Fogel. It follows the assassination of Jamal Khashoggi and Saudi Arabia's effort to control international dissent.
The film had its world premiere at the Sundance Film Festival on January 24, 2020. It was released in a limited release on December 25, 2020, followed by video on demand on January 8, 2021, by Briarcliff Entertainment.
This week's featured book: Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life

In Japan, millions of people have ikigai (pronounced Ick-ee-guy)— a reason to jump out of bed each morning.
What’s your reason for getting up in the morning?
The Japanese island of Okinawa, where ikigai has its origins, is said to be home to the largest population of centenarians in the world. Buettner suggests making three lists: your values, things you like to do, and things you are good at. The cross section of the three lists is your ikigai. Studies show that losing one’s purpose can have a detrimental effect. “Your ikigai is at the intersection of what you are good at and what you love doing,” says Hector Garcia, the co-author of Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life. He writes,“Just as humans have lusted after objects and money since the dawn of time, other humans have felt dissatisfaction at the relentless pursuit of money and fame and have instead focused on something bigger than their own material wealth. This has over the years been described using many different words and practices, but always hearkening back to the central core of meaningfulness in life.”
(We would love to hear your recommendations! Let us know what you have watched/read/listened to recently so we can feature them in the next newsletter!)
José Antonio Ocampo, EPD Co-Director
Sign up online: https://tinyurl.com/officehours-ocampo
Jenny McGill, EPD Co-Director and Workshop Director
Sign up online: https://tinyurl.com/mcgill-oh
Ilona Vinklerova, EPD Manager
Sign up online: https://sipa.campusgroups.com/meetings/1060915/IlonaOH_spring2021
Séléna Batchily, EPD Program Assistant
By appointment at ssb2200@columbia.edu
Saiful Salihudin, EPD Program Assistant
By appointment at sas2409@columbia.edu