From: Economic and Political Development Concentration
Date: November 4, 2024
Subject: EPD Newsletter #10 | November 4, 2024

Exercise your right to vote! Or to holiday... 

Hello EPD-ers,

Congrats - you've made it to November and have only seven weeks left of the fall semester! Of course, with the onset of November comes potentially the most consequential election in U.S. history. While we recognize that this is an uncertain and anxiety-producing time for many students, we hope that everyone will use this time off to decompress, and if applicable, vote! Please know that whatever the coming weeks hold, your EPD team is here for you.

On that note, be sure to attend our upcoming internship panel on November 11 to hear directly from your EPD peers about their internship experiences and tips to navigating the summer internship application process. Register here!

Remember to reach out to Semon and Talia directly to set up time for a coffee chat. We are always available to help. In addition, please feel free to use the "student spotlight" to submit any recent awards for congratulations. We love to celebrate our EPD peers whenever possible! 

This week’s newsletter includes:

EPD Student SpotlightAbdallatieph Sabbagh

I'm a Master of International Affairs (MIA ’25) candidate at Columbia SIPA, concentrating in Economic and Political Development and specializing in International Organizations and UN Studies. I'm also an International Fellows Program (IFP) fellow. I hold dual Bachelor’s Degrees in English Language and Literature and International Relations from the University of Aleppo and Dokuz Eylul University. My passion lies in advancing peacebuilding, human rights, and sustainable development initiatives. Before joining SIPA, I managed high-impact programs in conflict zones across the MENA region, backed by USAID and GIZ. Earlier this year, I was honored with the Human Rights Research Award from Columbia’s Institute for the Study of Human Rights. Currently, I’m contributing to groundbreaking research on forced displacement at the Center for Effective Global Action (CEGA). When I’m not working, you’ll find me exploring new places with loved ones, cooking, or enjoying long nature walks.
Please use this link to share your story and upload a picture of yourself. We also welcome you to nominate your peers. This is a great way for us to celebrate and learn about the inspiring individuals in the EPD community.

EPD and Other Events


Join an engaging conversation on November 7, from 1-2 pm, in IAB 404 with SIPA alumni in the migration space! Moderated by current SIPA student, Malick Gai, panelists will discuss their professional career paths, their current roles and organizations, as well as historic and emerging challenges and trends in immigration policy. Register here.

Columbia Economics Society Financial Modeling & Valuation Workshop

Columbia Economics Society is excited to bring back their 2-day intensive finance seminar on November 9th and 10th at NOCO 501! After last year's success, this exclusive event, led by finance expert Ashish Kohli with over 20 years of experience, offers students a unique opportunity to learn financial modeling and valuation through hands-on Excel training.
For $199 (normally priced at $995), attendees will gain valuable skills in integrated cash flow modeling, comparable company analysis, transaction analysis, and more. Plus, participants will receive a guidebook, create an equity research report, and enhance their resumes. The organizers welcome individuals from all schools and class years to participate. Sign up here for the workshop. 

EPD Internship Panel

Join us to hear from your second-year peers in EPD about their internship experiences this past summer. Students will provide insights into relevant institutions, the application process, and much more!

Monday, November 11, 1-2pm | IAB 404
Register here
Lunch will be provided

Come hear directly from renowned journalist Mara Kardas-Nelson and Professor Jeffrey Ashe about their respective books. Please see both books here: "We Are Not Able to Live in the Sky: The Seductive Promise of Microfinance" and "Backyard Bankers: Immigrants, Savings Clubs and the Pursuit of the American Dream." Join us on November 13th, from 1-2 pm, in IAB room 1302. Register here.

How to get a job at the UN: IO/UNS career talk with Daniel Naujoks

Ever wondered how to get a job at the UN? Wondering how the UN recruitment process works and how best to prepare for the UN interview? In this IO/UNS Career Talk, Professor Daniel Naujoks, director of SIPA's International Organization and UN Studies specialization, shares key pointers on how you can use your time at SIPA to build expertise & a hirable profile; build & nurture networks; and understand processes, paperwork & marker to land one of the coveted jobs at the UN. The event is only open to SIPA students. A light lunch will be served. Please register here to join on November 13, 1-2.15pm in 407 IAB & Zoom.

EPD Virtual Career Series

Join us on Tuesday, November 19, from 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM for the EPD Virtual Career Series, featuring insights into International Development & Humanitarian Organizations and Development and Public Sector Consulting. This event will provide valuable guidance for students interested in exploring careers in these sectors.

All SIPA students are welcome, and you can register via SIPA CONNECT. Don’t miss this opportunity to bridge your career path to success! (Registration here


Career Advancement Center Events/Reminders - Nov 6 through 8

Dream Employer Information Session
When: Wednesday, November 6, 2024 
Time: 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Where: IAB 420
For more information, CLICK HERE
Washington DC Career Conference Info Session
When: Wednesday, November 6, 2024 
Time: 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Where: Online
For more information, CLICK HERE
Summer Stipend Information Session 
When: Thursday, November 7, 2024 
Time: 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Where: Online
For more information, CLICK HERE
Green Corps Information Session 
When: Thursday, November 7, 2024 

Time: 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Where: Online
For more information, CLICK HERE
Charting a Career Path in Migration, Alumni Panel
When: Thursday, November 7, 2024 
Time: 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Where: IAB 404
For more information, CLICK HERE
Washington DC Career Conference Info Session
When: Friday, November 8, 2024
Time: 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Where: IAB 413
For more information, CLICK HERE

CAC Career Fact Sheets and Current List of Subscriptions
Please note that the CAC has numerous 
Career DevelopmentCareer Overview, and Sector Specific fact sheets filled with valuable resources to support your career preparation journey. Additionally, they have a Current List of Subscriptions to assist you with internship and job searches.  We encourage you to check out these links!

SIPA Alumni Career Coaching Program (SIPACC) 
Sign up for a coaching session with SIPA alumni who can provide sector or industry-specific expertise. Currently, there are two EPD alumni coaches, Hama Makino and Sadaf Sajwani, available to meet with you. Visit SIPA Connect at the link here to find instructions on how to book a session.


Mental Health and Wellness Resources on Campus

Please reach out to Columbia Health (Morningside, Manhattanville, and Teachers College; in-person, telehealth, and virtual options) for your health and wellness needs. University Life provides additional well-being resources and tips.

Post-Election SIPA Community Circle (Virtual)

Dean Rodriguez and the DEICE Committee will host facilitated SIPA Community Circles on Zoom on Thursday, November 7, 1-2 pm for all interested SIPA students to share and process reactions in a nonpartisan space. To sign up, please complete this interest form

Leading and Learning Series

Hosted by the DEICE Committee and Associate Dean Rodriguez, Professors Seth Freeman and Shawna Wakefield will lead a series of workshops about how to navigate conflict and cultivate your leadership in a time of rapid change. All sessions are in person, from 1-2pm and include a light lunch. Click the links to register.

Things to Do in NYC



If you are a U.S. citizen registered to vote in New York, please use this holiday to exercise your fundamental right and civic duty! Find your polling place here. Polls should be open on Tuesday, November 5th, from 6 AM - 9 PM

Fall Day Trip

With two days of holiday, use the time to get outside of New York and explore surrounding towns before Winter sets in! Whether you’re looking to go apple picking, take a hike or explore nearby Halloween events, these fall day trips are worth the journey. They’re all within three hours of the city, so you’ll be back in time to reminisce about your autumn outing over a cup of hot chocolate. Click here for a list of day trip ideas!

Podcast Recommendation of the Week

About the Podcast: Reuters Breakingviews columnists tap their best contacts to explore the biggest issues driving business and markets today. Every Tuesday, Global Editor Peter Thal Larsen and his team tackle a pressing question with a senior executive, financier, policymaker, or other expert. The Big View helps you understand what is going on, explore all sides of the argument, and think about what happens next.

Recommended Episode: This week, voters will choose between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. Their decision will impact governments, companies and investors outside the US. In this episode of The Big View podcast, geopolitical strategist Tina Fordham explains why markets misjudge the possible turmoil. Listen here.

José Antonio Ocampo, EPD Co-Director
Eugenia (Jenny) McGill, EPD Co-Director & EPD Workshop Director
Vida Huimin Herling, EPD Concentration Manager
Semon Makar Zekry (MIA/EPD), Program Assistant
Office hours: Tuesdays, 12-2 pm (email for appointment)

Talia Rosenberg (MIA/EPD), Program Assistant
Office hours: Mondays, 3-5 pm (email for appointment)
Your PAs,
Semon and Talia

EPD Internship Panel Logo


EPD Internship Panel

Monday, November 11, 2024
1:00pm - 2:00pm
Private Location (sign in to display)
Add to Google Cal, Outlook, Yahoo, iCal

Join us on November 11th, 1-2 pm in IAB Rm 404 to hear from your second-year peers in EPD about their internship experiences this past summer. Students will provide insights into relevant institutions, the application process, and much more! Lunch will be provided.

Panelists (see their bios below):
Parkhi Agarwal (Asian Development Bank)
Krishna Kishore Pandalaneni (United Nations)
Cierra Wells (World Bank)
Ruth Tekleab Mekbib (Macro Advisory Partners)
Florian J. E. Heydecker (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development)
Semon Makar Zekry (U.S. Embassy in Seoul, Republic Of Korea)
Talia Rosenberg (Millennium Challenge Corporation)

What Went Wrong with Microfinance? Can It Be Changed?  Logo


What Went Wrong with Microfinance? Can It Be Changed?

Wednesday, November 13, 2024
1:00pm - 2:00pm
Private Location (sign in to display)
Add to Google Cal, Outlook, Yahoo, iCal

Come hear directly from
renowned journalist Mara Kardas-Nelson
and Professor Jeffrey Ashe about their respective books

"We Are Not Able to Live in the Sky": What happened? Did microfinance take a wrong turn, or was it flawed from the beginning? Mara Kardas-Nelson’s We Are Not Able to Live in the Sky is about unintended consequences, blind optimism, and the decades-long ramifications of seemingly small policy choices. The book is rooted in the stories of women borrowers in Sierra Leone, West Africa. Their narratives, woven through a deep history of modern international development, are set against the rise of Yunus’s vision that tiny loans would “put poverty in museums.” Kardas-Nelson asks: What is missed with a single, financially focused solution to global inequity that ignores the real drivers of poverty? Who stands to benefit and, more important, who gets left behind?

"Backyard Bankers: Immigrants, Savings Clubs and the Pursuit of the American Dream": The essence of money? A quarter of a billion immigrants living in rich countries mobilize and distribute over a half trillion dollars a year in savings circles that they organize and manage themselves. These groups are based on savings traditions honed over generations that have enabled their home villages to build up the reserve of capital that helped them survive. In rich countries immigrants use the savings mobilized in their groups at the lowest level to survive. All this occurs outside the institutional financial system - banks, even credit unions, or government sponsored enterprise development programs - and is based on disciplined savings, mutual accountability, and trust within a context of strong families and unified communities.