From: Economic and Political Development Concentration
Date: April 29, 2024
Subject: EPD Newsletter | April 29, 2024

Hello EPD-ers!

 As we approach the end of the semester, we bid farewell to you. It has been lovely working for you. Time, as it always does, flew by, leaving us to reflect on the journey we've shared this year.

Last week’s EPD Workshop presentations showcased the incredible dedication and hard work of each team. The depth of thought, creativity, and effort that poured into these projects was nothing short of impressive. To all who contributed, congratulations! As we stand on the threshold of finals week, we extend our sincerest wishes for success to each and every one of you. 

Serving as your EPD PAs has been an honor beyond words. Your passion for engaging with our events, resilience in the face of challenges, and unwavering support for one another have left an indelible mark on us. Despite the uncertainties that surround us, our collective spirit gives us hope for brighter days ahead.

As we prepare to part ways, let us hold fast to the memories we've created and the bonds we've forged. Though our paths may diverge, the sense of community we've cultivated will endure. And although we will no longer serve as your PAs, we hope to remain your forever friends.

With warm regards and heartfelt gratitude,
Paras & Orcun

This week’s newsletter includes:
  • EPD Workshop Survey
  • EPD End of Year Social
  • Career Advancement Center Events 
  • Events at and around Columbia 
  • EPD Office Hours

EPD Workshop Survey
Attention First-Year EPD Students! Help us start planning for next year's EPD workshop and complete our brief 3-question EPD workshop survey. This will help us gauge your interests in particular regions, topics and organizations. You can also email us with any suggestions of potential clients or projects. To access the EPD workshop survey, click HERE. We'd appreciate your response by Friday, May 3, 2024. 

EPD End of Year Social  
  • EPD End of Year Social
When/Time: Today, Monday, April 29, 2024 | 6.30-8.30PM
Where: The Baylander Steel Beach

Join us for the last event of spring 2024 before we sail away for the summer! EPD, HRHP and EE will join forces for an evening of fun on the Baylander, a boat docked (permanently) at the 125th street pier in Harlem. Each concentration will have its own designated area marked by a different colored balloon (EPD's will be blue). Drinks and snacks will be provided. Those who feel inspired can get creative with a nautical dress code! 

To register, visit here.


Career Advancement Center Events
  • NYS Civil Service Information Sessions for Career/Staff and Students
When/Time: Tuesday, April 30, 2024 @ 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Where: Virtual

We will be hosting the NYS Civil Service for a Career/Staff Information Session this coming Tuesday, April 30th at 6pm. We anticipate the session will last around 1 hour and will cover the civil service merit system, the NY HELPs program, agencies, job/internship opportunities available, hiring/application process, qualifications and more. While we will be hosting this session in a hybrid format both in person and via Zoom, we anticipate most NASPAA schools will be attending via Zoom and please find the Zoom link below. Please fill out this brief google form to let us know how you plan to attend, and we will follow-up as the event approaches with additional details. Further, the NYS Civil Service Student Virtual Information Sessions will be held on the following dates and times via Zoom only (expected to last about 1 hour).
For more information, CLICK HERE.
  • HIAS Employer Informational Session (To Be Rescheduled)
When/Time: Monday, April 29, 2024 @ 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Where: To Be Rescheduled

HIAS, the world’s oldest refugee agency, will be running an information session for students who might be interested in working there. This will be a hybrid  event with HIAS‘s Chief People & Culture Officer who will share e Chief People & Culture Officer who will share information about working in refugee resettlement space, working at HIAS specifically, and how to best position yourself to apply for a job at HIAS. To RSVP, CLICK HERE.

For more information, CLICK HERE.
  • Career Chat with Paula Lekanda, Product Policy Manager - Civic & Election Integrity at TikTok
When/Time: Monday, April 29, 2024 @ 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Where: IAB 413

Join SIPA alum Paula Lekanda, Product Policy Manager - Civic & Election Integrity at TikTok for a discussion on her time at SIPA, her path to TikTok, and her current role and team. Please bring questions for Q&A.
For more information, CLICK HERE.
  • NBR Summer Seminar 2024: The China Challenge Information Session
When/Time: Thursday, May 2, 2024 @ 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Where: Virtual

NBR is pleased to host a virtual information session about the NBR Summer Seminar on Thursday, May 2, 2024, at 12:00 p.m. PT/3:00 p.m. ET. Join us and learn more about the program and registration requirements from NBR staff and program alumni and ask any questions you may have. RSVP to receive login information. The fellowship application deadline is June 2, 2024!

The NBR Summer Seminar 2024: The China Challenge is an intensive, interdisciplinary eight-week seminar (June 17 to August 9, 2024) at NBR’s Seattle office. The program is open to current students and professionals interested in issues of strategic importance to the United States in Asia.

Participants spend a summer in-person at NBR’s Seattle office participating in roundtable discussions featuring high-level speakers from NBR’s network of experts, attending regional site visits to consulates, policy hubs, and military bases, joining relevant NBR events, and having the opportunity to present their research to NBR staff and select guests from the policy, academic, and business communities. If you plan to attend, please RSVP by May 1, 2024 ( 

For more information, CLICK HERE.
  • AI Expo for National Competitiveness
When/Time: Tuesday, May 7, 2024 @ 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Where: Washington D.C.
The Special Competitive Studies Project (SCSP) Team has reached out to highlight their first ever DC-based Expo. It is FREE for all attendees and will have a full range of resources and prospective employers in attendance.  Dates are May 7 and 8. HERE is a link for registration.

For more information, CLICK HERE. 

Events at and around Columbia

  • Sustainable Development Workshop Briefings and Poster Session
When: Tuesday, April 30, 2024 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Where: Lerner Hall, 2920 Broadway, New York, NY 10027 Room/Area: Broadway Room 

Please join the Undergraduate Program in Sustainable Development for the Spring 2024 Workshop Briefings and Research Methods poster session. The Workshop in Sustainable Development allows undergraduate students to bridge the theoretical knowledge they have gained through their coursework in the natural and social sciences with a real-world, client-based project. Students will share project results with the University community at this event before final presentations with their clients. Following the Workshop presentations, there will be a poster session where students in SDEV 4101 Qualitative Research Methods will present their final projects.

  • Scattered and Fugitive Things: A Book Talk with Laura Helton  
When: Wednesday, May 1, 2024 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM 
Where: International Affairs Building, IAB Room 406         

During the first half of the twentieth century, a group of collectors and creators dedicated themselves to documenting the history of African American life. At a time when dominant institutions cast doubt on the value or even the idea of Black history, these bibliophiles, scrapbookers, and librarians created an enduring set of African diasporic archives. In building these institutions and amassing abundant archival material, they also reshaped Black public culture, animating inquiry into the nature and meaning of Black history.

Scattered and Fugitive Things tells the stories of these Black collectors, traveling from the parlors of the urban north to HBCU reading rooms and branch libraries in the Jim Crow south. Laura E. Helton chronicles the work of six key figures: bibliophile Arturo Schomburg, scrapbook maker Alexander Gumby, librarians Virginia Lee and Vivian Harsh, curator Dorothy Porter, and historian L. D. Reddick. Drawing on overlooked sources such as book lists and card catalogs, she reveals the risks collectors took to create Black archives. This book also explores the social life of collecting, highlighting the communities that used these collections from the South Side of Chicago to Roanoke, Virginia. In each case, Helton argues, archiving was alive in the present, a site of intellectual experiment, creative abundance, and political possibility. Offering new ways to understand Black intellectual and literary history, Scattered and Fugitive Things reveals Black collecting as a radical critical tradition that reimagines past, present, and future.

  • The Future of Press Freedom: Democracy, Law, and the News  
When: Friday, May 3, 2024 9:15 AM - 4:15 PM
Where: Civic Hall, 124 E 14th St New York, NY 10003  

On May 3, 2024, the Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University will bring together an interdisciplinary group of scholars for a symposium aimed at identifying and protecting core press functions amid a changing news landscape.
The symposium, “The Future of Press Freedom: Democracy, Law, and the News in Changing Times,” is a collaboration between the Knight Institute and the Institute’s 2023-2024 Senior Visiting Research Scholars RonNell Andersen Jones and Sonja R. West.
Co-sponsored by Columbia Law School, Columbia Journalism School, and the Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University.
More information and RSVP here.

EPD Office Hours 

Jose Antonio Ocampo, EPD Co-Director
Sign up using this link:

Jenny McGill, EPD Co-Director and EPD Workshop Director
Sign up using this link: 

Ilona Vinklerova, EPD Concentration Manager
Email for appointment

Paras Abbasi (MPA EPD), Program Assistant
Email for appointment

Orcun Dogmazer (MIA EPD), Program Assistant
Email for appointment

EPD - HRHP - EE Joint End of Year Social Logo


EPD - HRHP - EE Joint End of Year Social

Monday, April 29, 2024
6:30pm - 8:30pm
Private Location (register to display)
Add to Google Cal, Outlook, Yahoo, iCal

Join us for the last event of spring 2024 as we sail away for the summer!