COVID-19 in Africa: Responses and Prospects for Recovery RECORDING
For those who missed our EPD event COVID-19 in Africa: Responses and Prospects for Recovery with distinguised guest speakers Professor Belinda Archinong, Dr. Wilmot James, and Mr. Pedro Conceicao, please find below the recording and suggested readings from the speakers.
Suggested readings:
National Comparative Study
Epidemic/Pandemic Response in Africa: Covid-19 in Egypt, Ethiopia, Kenya, Nigeria and South Africa
Human Development Report 2020
The drivers of vaccine hesitancy in Africa
Webinar with Avivar Capital: Impact Investing Landscape and Opportunities
February 3, 2021 | 6 PM (EST)
Zoom Link
Join CiC this upcoming Wednesday, February 3, 2021 from 6-7pm ET for an informational talk with
Avivar Capital, a U.S based investment advisor focusing their efforts towards helping both public and private clients with impact investing strategies. If you'd like to learn more about how the private sector can affect change, this is a great event for you. Avivar will be talking to us about who they are, what impact investing is, and relevant opportunities at the organisation.
Book Talk: The Wolf at the Door— The Menace of Economic Security and How to Fight it
February 2, 2021 | 6 PM (EST)
In The Wolf at the Door: The Menace of Economic Insecurity and How to Fight It,” Professors Michael Graetz and Ian Shapiro diagnose the problems, probe their consequences, and propose practical recommendations for increasing jobs, improving wages, protecting families suffering from unemployment and seeking reemployment, and providing better health insurance and child care. They also guide us through the political strategies necessary to enact the necessary changes. Join Michael Graetz, Professor of Law at Columbia Law School, as he discusses his book. He will be joined by Jacob Lew, Former US Secretary of the Treasury and Visiting Professor of International and Public Affairs at the School of International and Public Affairs at Columbia University. The event will be moderated by Nicholas Lemann, Dean Emeritus and Joseph Pulitzer II and Edith Pulitzer Moore Professor of Journalism at Columbia Journalism School.
Our Immigrant City: A panel conversation on immigration in New York City
February 5, 2021 | 12 PM (EST)
The Migration Working Group invites you to discuss one of the most vibrant populations of New York: its immigrants. Joined by three panelists with extensive knowledge in migration and the City, we will explore the following questions: Who are the people migrating to NYC? Where are they from? Why are they leaving their countries of origin? How does NYC support its different ethnic groups? And how can we make NYC more inclusive for recent arrivals?
The panelists are:
Sandra Cordoba - Immigration attorney at Catholic Migration Services;
Alyshia Gálvez, Ph.D. - Professor, Graduate Center of the CUNY, Department of Latin American and Latino Studies, Lehman College; and
A representative from the NYC Mayor's Office of Immigrant.
Book talk: Making It Big: Why Developing Countries Need More Large Firms with Alex Ragoussis
February 10, 2021 | 1-2 PM (EST)
Join Alexandros Ragoussis for a talk on his latest book
Making it Big: Why Developing Countries Need More Large Firms.
Economic and social progress requires a diverse ecosystem of firms of different sizes playing complementary roles. This report focuses on the particular role that larger firms—defined as firms with 100 employees or more—play in this ecosystem. Fewer than 1 out of 20 enterprises operates at this scale across the world.
EPD Virtual Mixer on Mibo
Wednesday | Feb. 10, 2021 | 6 PM (EST)
Join us for our First EPD Virtual Social this Semester. This time, we will host a happy hour on Mibo - a videochat made for informal meetings, remote drinks, social mixers, networking events, or just hanging out with your team!
Brookings Institution Employer Information Session (Washington, DC Career Weeks)
When: Monday, February 1, 2021
Time: 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
Work Authorization Requirement: N/A
For more information and to register
Pallas Advisors Employer Information Session (Washington, DC Career Weeks)
When: Monday, February 1, 2021
Time: 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Work Authorization Requirement: N/A
For more information and to register
Department of State Employer Information Session (Washington, DC Career Weeks)
When: Tuesday, February 2, 2021
Time: 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Work Authorization Requirement: US citizenship
For more information and to register
Effective Interviewing Skills for International Students
When: Tuesday, February 2, 2021
Time: 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Work Authorization Requirement: N/A
For more information and to register
Environmental Consulting Panel
When: Tuesday, February 2, 2021
Time: 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Work Authorization Requirement: N/A
For more information and to register
Crafting Your Pitch and "Why an MPA/MIA?" for Jobs in Finance/Risk Management
When: Tuesday, February 2, 2021
Time: 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Work Authorization Requirement: N/A
For more information and to register
U.S. Development Finance Corporation (DFC) Employer Information Session (Washington, DC Career Weeks)
When: Wednesday, February 3, 2021
Time: 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Work Authorization Requirement: US Citizenship
For more information and to register
FiscalNote Employer Information Session (Washington, DC Career Weeks)
When: Wednesday, February 3, 2021
Time: 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Work Authorization Requirement: N/A
For more information and to register
Circular Economy Panel
When: Wednesday, February 3, 2021
Time: 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Work Authorization Requirement: N/A
For more information and to register
The Rockefeller Foundation Information Session
When: Thursday, February 4, 2021
Time: 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Work Authorization Requirement: N/A
For more information and to register
Sol Systems, LLC Employer Information Session (Washington, DC Career Weeks)
When: Thursday, February 4, 2021
Time: 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Work Authorization Requirement: N/A
For more information and to register
United States Agency For International Development (USAID) Foreign Service Employer Information Session (Washington, DC Career Weeks)
When: Thursday, February 4, 2021
Time: 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Work Authorization Requirement: N/A
For more information and to register
Alumni Panel: Living in Washington, DC (Washington, DC Career Weeks)
When: Thursday, February 4, 2021
Time: 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Work Authorization Requirement: N/A
For more information and to register
All Ivy Environmental and Sustainable Development Career Fair
When: Friday, February 5, 2021
Time: 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Work Authorization Requirement: N/A
For more information and to register
Society For International Development Career Fair
When: Friday, February 5, 2021
Time: 10:00 AM - 5:30 PM
Work Authorization Requirement: N/A
For more information and to register
Check out this week's OCS New Job and Internship Opportunities CLICK HERE and Upcoming Deadlines for Jobs and Internship Application CLICK HERE.
SIPA Career Website & Resources
Check out great career development resources for students that can be found on SIPA Career Resources Website.
Factsheets on Career Development - Tips for international students and on connecting with alumni, interviewing, networking, PMF information, writing resumes and cover letters and other career development topics.
Career Overview Factsheet - Information, sample employers, and online resources for a variety of fields and industries
Sector-Specific Fact Sheets - Lists of employers by industry or field, organizational charts, and information on IFC and World Bank internship programs and YPPs.
Check out other resources in the website.
Columbia Health has put together an expansive list of support groups to help students cope and thrive in this current moment.
You can learn more at
Paula Castillo is a second-year MPA student concentrating in EPD with a double specialization in DAQA and Management. She was born and raised in Lima-Peru, where she obtained her bachelor’s degree in Economics. Before coming to SIPA, she worked in the Peruvian Institute of Economics, one of the most important think tanks in Peru, where she specialized on designing social policies. During her time at SIPA, she met wonderful professors and students who helped her become a better professional. Also, she had the opportunity to be the President of Women in Leadership (WIL) in 2020, which motivated her to keep engaging on gender issues in her professional path. During this pandemic, she has learned that mental wellness should not be underestimated, and taking long walks by Riverside Park and chatting more with friends and family has been key to go through these challenging times. After SIPA, her objective is to keep working towards the reduction of inequalities so her fellow Peruvians and next generations have more opportunities to thrive.
Marissa Coulton is pursuing a dual M.S. in Journalism and MIA at SIPA on a Canada-U.S. Fulbright scholarship. She completed her undergraduate degree at Western University in London, ON Canada, where she was Editor-in-Chief of Canada’s oldest undergraduate history journal, "The Mirror." She is currently Senior Editor on SIPA’s Journal of International Affairs (JIA). An EPD concentrator, Marisa is passionate about development issues including maternal and neonatal health, food and nutrition, and universal primary education.
Prior to SIPA, Marisa worked in nonprofit communications. After graduation, she hopes to highlight marginalized voices in the developing world through journalism. She has written and published across all genres: academic writing, journalism, personal essays, and even fiction. She currently freelances for "Maclean’s," Canada’s pre-eminent newsmagazine. In her spare time, Marisa enjoys learning languages; she is fluent in French and is currently working on Italian. You can connect with her on Linkedin at .
(Reach out to us if you'd like to be featured in the next newsletter!)
This week's featured film: Crip Camp: A Disability Revolution

The documentary tells the story of Camp Jened, a summer camp for youths with disabilities that became a hotbed of 1970s activism and helped kickstart the disability rights movement. The film makes extensive use of archival footage, and is co-directed and narrated by James Lebrecht, who’s himself a former camper.
Crip Camp, the latest documentary produced by Barack and Michelle Obama’s production company, has received near-universal praise from critics and viewers.
This week's featured book: Difficult Women: A History of Feminism in 11 Fights by Hellen Lewis

All the history you need to understand why you're so furious, angry and still hopeful about being a woman now Caitlin MoranWell-behaved women dont make history: difficult women do. Feminisms success is down to complicated, contradictory, imperfect women, who fought each other as well as fighting for equal rights. Helen Lewis argues that too many of these pioneers have been whitewashed or forgotten in our modern search for feel-good, inspirational heroines. Its time to reclaim the history of feminism as a history of difficult women.
In this book, you'll meet the working-class suffragettes who advocated bombings and arson; the princess who discovered why so many women were having bad sex; the striker in a sari who terrified Margaret Thatcher; and the lesbian politician who outraged the country. Taking the story up to the present with the twenty-first-century campaign for abortion services, Helen Lewis reveals the unvarnished and unfinished history of women's rights. Drawing on archival research and interviews, Difficult Women is a funny, fearless and sometimes shocking narrative history, which shows why the feminist movement has succeeded and what it should do next. The battle is difficult, and we must be difficult too.
Telling the story of feminism through the struggles of individual women, and the causes they championed, is a clever literary device and Lewis is a skilful storyteller. The women she portrays are “difficult” in two senses. They are willing to battle established power. But some also held views that modern feminists find hard to stomach.
(We would love to hear your recommendations! Let us know what you have watched/read/listened to recently so we can feature them in the next newsletter!)
José Antonio Ocampo, EPD Co-Director
Sign up online:
Jenny McGill, EPD Co-Director and Workshop Director
Sign up online:
Ilona Vinklerova, EPD Manager
Sign up online:
Séléna Batchily, EPD Program Assistant
By appointment at
Saiful Salihudin, EPD Program Assistant
By appointment at