From: Economic and Political Development Concentration
Date: November 18, 2024
Subject: EPD Newsletter #12 | November 18, 2024

Spring registration is upon us!

Hello EPD-ers,

We hope registration is going well today! Please be mindful of your EPD requirements as you finalize your classes for next semester and refer to the first section for details. If you have any questions or need help strategizing, please reach out to the EPD team for help!

Reminder - please join us today from 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM to hear from Prof. Jose Antonio Ocampo and Prof. Daniel Naujoks with a preview on the upcoming UN Financing for Development conference and what it could achieve. Light lunch will be served. Register here.

And please join us tomorrow from 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM for the EPD Virtual Career Series, featuring insights from alumni and other development professionals! Please register here.

Also remember to reach out to Semon and Talia directly to set up time for a coffee chat. We are always available to help. In addition, please feel free to use the "student spotlight" to submit any recent awards and other accomplishments for congratulations. We love to celebrate our EPD peers whenever possible! 

This week’s newsletter includes:

EPD Registration Reminders


EPD Core

Students who need to fulfill their core political dimensions of sustainable development and/or their core economic dimensions of sustainable development requirements this year will have the following options in spring 2025.  

Political Dimensions of Sustainable Development Core 
INAF U6438 Persistent Problems in the Global South 
Instructor: Rumela Sen (bio)
Wednesday, 11:00 - 12:50 PM
Call #: 10407 | View in Vergil

INAF U8258 States and Citizenship
Instructor: Lisa S Anderson (bio)
Wednesday, 2:10 - 4:00 PM
Call #: 10465 | View in Vergil

Economic Dimensions of Sustainable Development Core
Note: U6602 and U8145 courses are only offered in the spring semester.  We strongly encourage students with a strong background in economics, engineering or math to take U8145.

INAF U6602 Economic Development for International Affairs
Instructor: Andrew Simons (bio)
Section 1: Thursday, 11:00 - 12:50 PM
Call #: 11233 | View in Vergil
Section 2: Thursday, 2:10 - 4:00 PM
Call #: 11234 | View in Vergil

INAF U8145 Advanced Economic Development for International Affairs
Instructor: Nicolas de Roux (bio)
Section 1: Thursday, 9:00 - 10:50 AM
Call#: 10459 | View in Vergil
Section 2: Thursday, 2:10 - 4:00 PM
Call#: 10460 | View in Vergil
Pre-requisite: SIPA U6400 (students who haven't taken U6400 but are comfortable with higher level math and/or have a strong background in economics are encouraged to enroll in this course. Please reach out to Prof. de Roux if this applies to you, and request permission to be enrolled by OSA). 

EPD Electives Not to Miss this Spring!

INAF U6085 Economic Development in Latin America
Instructor: Jose A Ocampo (bio)
Monday, 9:00 – 10:50 AM
Call #: 10377 | View in Vergil

INAF U6163 African Development Strategies: Policies, Institutions and Governance
Instructor: Akbar Noman (bio)
Wednesday, 2:10 – 4:00 PM
Call #: 10575 | View in Vergil

INAF U6183 Innovation for Development in Practice (short course)
Instructor: Benjamin Kumpf (bio)
Course dates: Sat/Sun, March 29 & 30, April 5 & 6, and April 12 & 13 (11 am - 4 pm)
Call #: 10576 | View in Vergil

INAF U6303 Selected Topics in Financial Inclusion: Enhancing Financial Access for the Poor (short course)
Instructors: Camilla Nestor (bio) and Louise Schneider-Moretto (bio)
Tuesday, 6:10 - 8:00 PM
Course dates: March 11 - April 29
Call #: 11346 | View in Vergil

NEW! INAF U6454 Fighting Corruption: Concepts and Strategies
Instructor: Richard Nephew (bio)
Tuesday, 2:10 - 4:00 PM
Call #: 16260 | View in Vergil | Syllabus

INAF U6736 Innovations in Development Finance (short course)
Instructor: Radha Kulkarni (bio)
Course dates: Fri/Sat, Jan 31 & Feb 1, Feb 7 & 8, and Feb 14 & 15 (1:30 - 3:50 PM)
Call #: 10577 | View in Vergil

INAF U6774 Public Policy and Inequality in Developing Countries
Instructor: Marcelo Medeiros Coelho de Souza (bio)
Section 1: Thursday, 2:10 - 4:00 PM
Call #: 10447 | View in Vergil
Section 2: Thursday, 4:10 - 6:00 PM
Call #: 16269 | View in Vergil

INAF U6891 Impact Evaluations in Practice (short course)
Instructor: Jyotsna Puri (bio)
Pre-requisite: SIPA U6500 (can be taken concurrently)
Course dates: Fri/Sat, Feb 28 & March 1 and March 7 & 8 (1:00 - 4:15 PM)
Call #: 11239 | View in Vergil

INAF U6892 Monitoring and Evaluation: Driving Evidence-Based Development and Humanitarian Aid
Instructor: Kevin Hong (bio)
Wednesday, 4:10 - 6:00 PM (alternating weeks beginning January 22, plus two weekend workshops on March 9 and April 27 at 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM)
Call #: 10578 | View in Vergil

INAF U6914 Policies and Practices in Human-Centered Digital Development
Instructors:  Savita Bailur (bio) and Claudia Barcha (bio)
Thursday, 6:10 - 9:00 PM 
Course dates: Jan 30 - April 3
Call #: 12336 | View in Vergil
INAF U8354 Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise (MSME) Development
Instructors: Bryanna Millis (bio) and Dan Langfitt (bio)
Friday, 1:30 – 4:20 PM
Course dates: Jan 24 - April 18
Call #: 16259 | View in Vergil | Syllabus

INAF U8785 Gender, Politics and Development: Theory, Policy and Practice
Instructors: Jenny McGill (bio) and Maxine Weisgrau (bio)
Tuesday, 2:10 - 4:00 PM
Call #: 10474 | View in Vergil

EPD Concentration Audit for May 2025 Graduates

Students planning to graduate in May 2025 should read carefully the information below about reviewing their EPD concentration plans in Stellic.

EPD will use Stellic to approve your concentration audit plans and to confirm that you have fulfilled all EPD requirements for graduation. To make sure that you are on track to meet your EPD requirements for graduation, we ask that you log in to Stellic and carefully review your EPD profile. If you have yet to fulfill a specific EPD requirement, be sure to plan accordingly. 

Each student expecting to graduate in May 2025 must finalize their EPD audit plan in Stellic by Tuesday, November 26. EPD will then confirm that your plan has been approved and that you are expected to complete all concentration requirements.

Additional instructions: 

  • If you received approval for a course substitution for an EPD requirement but it is not yet reflected in your profile, forward your approval confirmation email to Vida Herling (hh2655) and she will adjust your Stellic profile. 
  • Students who would like to count a course that hasn’t been approved for EPD can submit a request to Vida Herling (hh2655) for the course to be considered. Include the course syllabus and specify which requirement you wish to count it for. In general, a course to be approved for EPD must focus on issues in developing countries and/or emerging markets. Note that the EPD double counting policy would still apply. Please allow for three business days to receive a reply.
  • MPA/EPD students must also fulfill the MIA language requirement and prove language proficiency in a language other than English. Students can fulfill the language requirement with any modern language offered by Columbia University language programs or the Language Resource Center. This requirement can be met in one of the three ways listed here. Please make sure to speak with your advising dean if this applies to you.  

EPD Student SpotlightEden Kaduri 

Eden Kaduri is a Master of International Affairs candidate at SIPA, concentrating in Economic and Political Development with a specialization in Data Analysis, expected to graduate in 2026. She holds a Master’s degree in Security and Diplomacy from Tel Aviv University, graduating Summa Cum Laude, and a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science, International Relations, and Public Law from The Open University of Israel, also graduating Summa Cum Laude.

Eden served five years in the Israeli Military Intelligence Directorate, managing a team of data analysts focused on disarmament and regional security issues. After her military service, she worked at the Institute for National Security Studies (INSS) in Israel, leading research on Syria, Iran, and peacebuilding efforts through humanitarian aid and cooperation. At INSS, she published policy papers and collaborated with government officials and international stakeholders to influence Israeli policy decisions. As a Parliamentary Advisor to the former head of the Israeli Labor Party and member of the Knesset’s National Security Committee, Eden promoted Israeli democracy and advised on collaboration with the Palestinian Authority while monitoring the legislative implications of Israeli actions. She played a key role in passing two laws to aid sexual assault victims and increase state support and equality. During the October 7th war, she advised on approaches to promote regional stability.

At SIPA, Eden is a Research Assistant for Professor Tamar Mitts, focusing on the role of social media in conflicts. She is also part of the prestigious International Fellows Program led by Ambassador Victoria Nuland. Eden is enthusiastic about multilateralism and came to SIPA to learn how to utilize economic and political development tools in the international arena. She aims to pursue a career in global disarmament, national security, and peacebuilding, with long-term plans to return to Israel and promote efforts to advance peace between Israel and the Palestinians.

Before coming to SIPA, Eden participated in EcoPeace, collaborating with Jordanians and Palestinians on environmental issues, especially related to water resources. She also volunteered for two years at a crisis center for sexual assault victims, providing mental aid to survivors, and spent a service year at a boarding school for at-risk children, promoting sustainable education.
Please use this link to share your story and upload a picture of yourself. We also welcome you to nominate your peers. This is a great way for us to celebrate and learn about the inspiring individuals in the EPD community.

EPD and Other Events

Previewing the Fourth UN Conference on Financing for Development (TODAY)

The Conference will be an opportunity to advance many issues that have been on the global agenda in recent years, including increasing development financing, supporting with resources the global agenda on environmental sustainability, managing over-indebtedness of developing countries, and enhancing global and regional monetary cooperation. Register here.

EPD Virtual Career Series

Join us on Tuesday, November 19, from 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM for the EPD Virtual Career Series, featuring insights from alumni and other development professional working in International Development & Humanitarian Organizations and in  Development and Public Sector Consulting. This event will provide valuable guidance for students interested in exploring careers in these sectors.

All SIPA students are welcome, and you can register via SIPA CONNECT. Don’t miss this opportunity to bridge your career path to success! (Registration here

Obama Scholars Forum:
gniting Civic Engagement for a Stronger Democracy

Are you ready to make an impact and shape the future of democracy? Join us on December 2, 1-2pm for an inspiring event where the Obama Scholars will share their stories, strategies, and insights on driving meaningful change in our communities. Register here.


2024 Academic Conference on Africa

The United Nations Office of the Special Adviser on Africa extends an open invitation to the rich community of Students, Academics, African Diaspora, people of African descent, and all individuals passionate about Africa, to join us at the Academic Conference on Africa, taking place on 3-5 December 2024 at the UN Headquarters in New York

Tuesday, 3 December, 10:00am to 1:00pm: “Rights and Realities: Integrating Diverse Dimensions of Human Rights in Africa”
Wednesday, 4 December, 10:00am to 1:00pm: “Historical Contexts and Contemporary Challenges: The Evolution of Rule of Law in Africa”
Thursday, 5 December, 10:00am to 1:00pm: “From Theory to Action: Leveraging African Scholarship in Policy Development”
*Participants are welcome to attend all or part of the conference and should feel welcome register for the session(s) that best fit their interests and availability.*

To secure your seat at this event, please register here by Wednesday, November 27, 2024. Space is Limited. We look forward to your participation!

Career Advancement Center Events/Reminders - Nov 18 through 22

Summer Stipend Information Session
When: Tuesday, November 19, 2024 
Time: 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Where: IAB 420
For more information, CLICK HERE
Unlocking Your Earning Potential: Salary Negotiation
When: Tuesday, November 19, 2024 
Time: 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Where: Online

For more information, CLICK HERE
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Employer Information Session 
When: Tuesday, November 19, 2024 
Time: 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Where: Online
For more information, CLICK HERE
F-1 Student Work Visa Strategies: What’s Required for OPT, CPT & STEM Extensions
When: Wednesday, November 20, 2024 
Time: 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Where: Online
For more information, CLICK HERE
Career Chat with Ali Feldhausen, Director of Career Development at All Tech Is Human
When: Thursday, November 21, 2024 
Time: 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Where: IAB 404
For more information, CLICK HERE
Job Search Strategy for International Students
When: Thursday, November 21, 2024 
Time: 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Where: Online
For more information, CLICK HERE

CAC Career Fact Sheets and Current List of Subscriptions
Please note that the CAC has numerous 
Career DevelopmentCareer Overview, and Sector Specific fact sheets filled with valuable resources to support your career preparation journey. Additionally, they have a Current List of Subscriptions to assist you with internship and job searches.  We encourage you to check out these links!

SIPA Alumni Career Coaching Program (SIPACC) 
Sign up for a coaching session with SIPA alumni who can provide sector or industry-specific expertise. Currently, there are two EPD alumni coaches, Hama Makino and Sadaf Sajwani, available to meet with you. Visit SIPA Connect at the link here to find instructions on how to book a session.


Mental Health and Wellness Resources on Campus

Please reach out to Columbia Health (Morningside, Manhattanville, and Teachers College; in-person, telehealth, and virtual options) for your health and wellness needs. University Life provides additional well-being resources and tips

Leading and Learning Series

Hosted by the DEICE Committee and Associate Dean Rodriguez, Professors Seth Freeman and Shawna Wakefield will lead a series of workshops about how to navigate conflict and cultivate your leadership in a time of rapid change. All sessions are in person, from 1-2pm and include a light lunch. Click the links to register.

Things to Do in NYC


Union Square Holiday Market

More than 100 booths fill Union Square Park for its annual Holiday Market. You’ll find plenty of affordable, quality items, as well as coupons for local businesses at the information booth. Your wallet will thank you. The Union Square Holiday Market will be open November 16–December 24, 2024. Click here for more info. 

Podcast Recommendation of the Week

About the Podcast: Let’s face it, sometimes the world feels broken. We can see what needs fixing, yet more and more, it feels like the problems are too big and the bad guys are winning. But the truth is, they’re not. They’re just hoping we stop fighting. Each week, Stacey will break down the biggest issues we face into digestible, actionable items, introduce us to the warriors for good already working towards solutions, strategize, and share tangible ways to get involved. Because we can’t fix everything, everywhere, all at once; but we can each do something, somewhere, soon. 

Recommended Episode: In "Plotting Our Way Forward by Looking Back at History (with Heather Cox Richardson)," Stacey speaks with historian Heather Cox Richardson to see what history can teach us about moving forward after the recent US election. They discuss strategies for countering disinformation, how Democratic leaders are preparing to use states’ rights to their advantage to challenge any federal overreach, and how the era following William McKinley’s presidency can be a guide for progressives. Then, Stacey answers questions from the audience on how to get involved in politics, and how to respond to community in this post-election environment. Listen here.

José Antonio Ocampo, EPD Co-Director
Eugenia (Jenny) McGill, EPD Co-Director & EPD Workshop Director
Vida Huimin Herling, EPD Concentration Manager
Semon Makar Zekry (MIA/EPD), Program Assistant
Office hours: Tuesdays, 12-2 pm (email for appointment)

Talia Rosenberg (MIA/EPD), Program Assistant
Office hours: Mondays, 3-5 pm (email for appointment)
Your PAs,
Semon and Talia

Previewing the Fourth UN Conference on Financing for Development Logo


Previewing the Fourth UN Conference on Financing for Development

Monday, November 18, 2024
1:00pm - 2:00pm
Private Location (sign in to display)
Add to Google Cal, Outlook, Yahoo, iCal

The United Nations will hold its Fourth Conference on Financing for Development in Spain in mid-2025. This will be an opportunity to advance many issues that have been on the global agenda in recent years, including increasing development financing, supporting with resources the global agenda on environmental sustainability, managing over-indebtedness of developing countries, and enhancing global and regional monetary cooperation. Prof. Jose Antonio Ocampo, who chairs the expert group advising the United Nations and the Spanish government on the conference, will share his perspective on the conference and what it could achieve, in conversation with Prof. Daniel Naujoks.

EPD Virtual Career Series Logo


EPD Virtual Career Series

Tuesday, November 19, 2024
1:00pm - 2:30pm
Online Event
Add to Google Cal, Outlook, Yahoo, iCal

Join us on Tuesday, November 19, from 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM for the EPD Virtual Career Series, featuring insights into International Development & Humanitarian Organizations and Development and Public Sector Consulting. This event will provide valuable guidance for students interested in exploring careers in these sectors.

All SIPA students are welcome, and you can register via Zoom. Don’t miss this opportunity to bridge your career path to success!