Dear First-Year EPDers,
We'd like to invite you to two EPD workshop-related events that will be beneficial specifically to you as a first-year student. On Monday, 4/10 we will be hosting an EPD Workshop Briefing Session where you will have an opportunity to learn about our EPD Workshop program, what to expect next year and how you can help develop a project. You will also hear from several second-year students currently in the program.
Then, on Thursday, 4/27 and Friday, 4/28 we will be hosting EPD Workshop Final Presentations where second-year students will present highlights of their work. Both events will provide a great introduction into the EPD Workshop, in which you'll participate next year. See below for additional details.
Also, to help us start planning for next year's EPD workshop, we invite you to complete our brief 3-question EPD workshop survey. This will help us gauge your interests in particular regions, topics and organizations. You can also email us with any suggestions of potential clients or projects. To access the workshop survey, click here.
Best wishes,
The EPD Team

Workshop Briefing Session for First-Year Students
Organizer: Economic and Political Development Concentration
When: Monday, April 10, 2023
Time: 1:00 - 2:00PM
Where: Room 409 & Zoom
For more information and to register, CLICK HERE
Join Jenny McGill, Workshop Director, and representatives from current workshop teams for a one-hour briefing session about the EPD workshop program. Not only will you receive an overview of the program and learn about the application process (including how you can help design projects for next year), but you will also gain valuable insights from different team representatives about their current projects, how they selected them and how to get the most out of your workshop experience.
EPD Workshop Survey
Click HERE to complete a brief three-question survey to help us gauge your interests in topics, organizations and regions. Thank you!
Workshop in Sustainable Development Practice
2022 Final Presentations
Organizer: Economic and Political Development Concentration
When: Thursday, April 27 & Friday, April 28, 2023
Time: 10:00 - 5:00PM
Where: R00m 1501 & Zoom
For more information and to register, CLICK HERE and HERE.
Support our second-year EPDers and join them as they present the highlights of their work on Thursday, April 27 & Friday, April 28. You are warmly invited and encouraged to join any sessions of interest. The projects support youth employment and entrepreneurship, digital financial services, economic diversification, corporate social responsibility, gender, education, nutrition, climate resilience, post-conflict reintegration, and public sector innovation.
This year's workshop clients include Accion Center for Financial Inclusion, Design and Technology Institute, Fundacion Corona, Inter-American Development Bank, Pencils of Promise, Renova Foundation, Self-Employed Women's Association, United Nations Capital Development Fund, United Nations Development Programme, United Nations Department of Peace Operations, United Nations Children's Fund, UN Resident Coordinator's Office of Mongolia, United States Agency for International Development, and World Food Programme Centre of Excellence against Hunger and Malnutrition.