From: Economic and Political Development Concentration
Date: October 7, 2024
Subject: EPD Newsletter #6 | October 7, 2024

Midterm season is here...

Hello EPD-ers,

We know October can be a stressful time for managing midterms, social commitments, and general coursework. This month may also be difficult for many of our peers at SIPA who will be marking the anniversary of October 7th and the events that followed. Please remember that the EPD team is here for you! Below, we also link mental health and wellness resources on campus, as well as highlighting upcoming events at SIPA that may provide support during this somber time. 

We also want to remind you of an upcoming opportunity to unwind and spend time with your peers at the EPD Fall Social at The Baylander on October 15th. This location offers the perfect setting to enjoy delicious (and free!) food and both alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, all while taking in the sunset over the Hudson River and mingling with your peers and EPD faculty. Space is limited, so be sure to sign up here.

This week’s newsletter includes:

EPD Student Spotlight: Cierra Wells

Cierra Wells is a Master of International Affairs (MIA) candidate specializing in African regional studies and holds a BBA in International Business from Howard University. She is deeply passionate about fostering economic development through social enterprises and public-private partnerships, with a focus on Sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean. Cierra's professional background includes over three years as an intern for White House Correspondent April Ryan and four years of management consulting experience at Accenture, where she led strategic technology and human capital projects for clients like UNICEF within the Talent, Organization, and Human Potential practice. Currently, she is a short-term temporary staff member at the World Bank Group's Development Economics Enterprise Analysis Unit. In her free time she thoroughly enjoys trying new food, hiking, thrifting, and spending time with loved ones!
Please use this link to share your story and upload a picture of yourself. We also welcome you to nominate your peers. This is a great way for us to celebrate and learn about the inspiring individuals in the EPD community.

EPD and Other Events


UN-Habitat: Engaging Youth to Create a Better Urban Future (TODAY)

Mon, Oct 7, 2024 | 1 PM – 2 PM
407 IAB
Register here


EPD Fall Social

Enjoy delicious food and drinks while watching the sunset on the Hudson River and mingling with fellow EPD students and faculty!

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

5 PM – 7 PM EST

The Baylander (Hudson River Greenway, New York City 10027)

Register here (registration required) 

Columbia Africa Conference

The Columbia Africa Conference is a student-led collaboration between various Columbia schools and the wider Columbia Africa community. This year, you’ll hear from an impressive lineup of speakers from across the continent and we expect participants to leave with a renewed sense of hope for Africa’s success and to be inspired to do their part in moving the continent forward. Don’t miss out on a historical event – grab your tickets NOW!

October 25 - 26, 2024
Columbia Business School (665 West 130th Street, New York City, 10027) 
here (registration required)
Tickets include access to: Afro-themed Gala, Thought-Provoking Panels, Fireside Chats, Engaging Keynotes, Cultural Fashion Fair, Career Fair, and Swag Bag

Career Advancement Center Events/Reminders - October 7 through 14


CPT (Curricular Practical Training) Info Session
When: Monday, October 7, 2024
Time: 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Where: Online
For more information, CLICK HERE

Crafting Your Pitch Workshop
When: Monday, October 7, 2024
Time: 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Where: IAB 413
For more information, CLICK HERE

Careers in Social Impact: What to Know and How to Get Started
When: Tuesday, October 8, 2024
Time: 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Where: IAB 411
For more information, CLICK HERE

Summer Stipend Information Session
When: Wednesday, October 9, 2024
Time: 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Where: IAB 420
For more information, CLICK HERE

Networking Strategies for International Students
When: Wednesday, October 9, 2024
Time: 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Where: IAB 411
For more information, CLICK HERE

Keeping Connected with Networking Contacts
When: Thursday, October 10, 2024
Time: 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Where: IAB 413
For more information, CLICK HERE


CAC Career Fact Sheets and Current List of Subscriptions
Please note that the CAC has numerous 
Career DevelopmentCareer Overview, and Sector Specific fact sheets filled with valuable resources to support your career preparation journey. Additionally, they have a Current List of Subscriptions to assist you with internship and job searches.  We encourage you to check out these links!

SIPA Alumni Career Coaching Program (SIPACC) 
Sign up for a coaching session with SIPA alumni who can provide sector or industry specific expertise. Currently, there are two EPD alumni coaches, Hama Makino and Sadaf Sajwani, available to meet with you. Visit SIPA Connect at the link here to find instructions on how to book a session.

Mental Health and Wellness Resources on Campus

Please reach out to Columbia Health (Morningside, Manhattanville, and Teachers College; in-person, telehealth, and virtual options) for your health and wellness needs. University Life provides additional wellbeing resources and tips.

Please also join any of the following activities being hosted by Associate Dean Rodriguez, the Office of Student Affairs (OSA), and the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Climate and Engagement (DEICE) Committee (find the complete list of programs here)

Support Spaces
October 7, 1-2pm | IAB1516
Join to connect, reflect, and enjoy wellness activities to decompress. 

Break from the Books
October 9, 5-7pm | Publique
OSA will host their monthly Break from the Books community gathering. The theme for October will be organized around World Mental Health Day recognized annually on October 10. 

Zoom Drop By
October 11, 2-3pm | Join Zoom 
These are opportunities for individuals or groups to speak privately with Associate Dean Rodriguez.
Chill with Jill 
October 17, 1-2pm | between Publique and the Office of Student Affairs on the 6th floor
This is an opportunity to grab a sweet treat, chat and share your ideas on how to support and improve the SIPA community with Associate Dean Rodriguez.

Leading and Learning Series
Hosted by the DEICE Committee and Associate Dean Rodriguez, Professors Seth Freeman and Shawna Wakefield will lead a series of workshops about how to navigate conflict and cultivate your leadership in a time of rapid change. All sessions are in person, from 1-2pm and include a light lunch. Click the links to register.

Things to Do in NYC

The Great Elephant Migration

In partnership with Elephant Family USA, an international non-governmental organization (NGO) dedicated to helping the human race share space with the world's magnificent wildlife, 100 life-sized Indian elephant sculptures will migrate to the Meatpacking District. The head-turning herds, spread across the District, will captivate visitors of all ages while amplifying indigenous knowledge and sharing a message about human-wildlife coexistence and conservation.

Date: Every day from 9 AM - 4 PM, runs through October 20, 
Location: The Meatpacking District, New York, NY, 10014
For more information, CLICK HERE

Socrates Sculpture Park

Throughout the summer, artists Jill Cohen-Nuñez*, Utsa Hazarika, Juan Manuel-Pinzon, Petra Szilagyi, and Nala C. Turner have been fabricating site-specific sculptures in the Park’s open-air studio. Utilizing a wide range of materials–mud, clamshells, metal, clay, stone, and found wood–these five projects delve into notions of diaspora, displacement, containment and assimilation, linking human adaptability with that of other living species. 

Date: Every day from 9 AM - sunset 
Location: 32-01 Vernon Boulevard / Long Island City, NY 11106
For more information regarding the events, CLICK HERE

Podcast Recommendation of the Week

The Journal: A podcast about money, business and power. Hosted by Kate Linebaugh and Ryan Knutson, with Jessica Mendoza. The Journal is a co-production from Spotify and The Wall Street Journal.

Recommended Episode: "How Eric Adams Became New York City’s First Indicted Mayor" - The mayor of America’s largest city likes to say he’s been “rejected, arrested and then elected.” Now, he’s been indicted. WSJ’s Jimmy Vielkind unpacks the unprecedented federal foreign bribery case against Eric Adams. Listen here.


EPD Office Hours

José Antonio Ocampo, EPD Co-Director
Eugenia (Jenny) McGill, EPD Co-Director & EPD Workshop Director
Vida Huimin Herling, EPD Concentration Manager
Semon Makar Zekry (MIA/EPD), Program Assistant
Office hours: Tuesdays, 12-2 pm (email for appointment)
Talia Rosenberg (MIA/EPD), Program Assistant
Office hours: Mondays, 3-5 pm (email for appointment)
Your PAs,
Semon and Talia