EPD Course Advising Session | Wednesday January 13, 2021 | 1-2 PM | Register here | Zoom
Check in with your EPD PAs Saiful & Selena, and other second years if you have any questions on classes and course selection for the semester and next year!

COVID-19 in Africa: Responses and Prospects for Recovery | Wednesday, January 27, 2021 | 1-2 PM | On Zoom | Register here
Belinda Archibong, Assistant Professor of Economics at Barnard College;
Pedro Conceicao, Director of the Human Development Report Office at UNDP HDR Office; and
Dr. Wilmot James, Senior Research Scholar in the Institute for Social and Economic Research Policy in the Faculty of Social Sciences at Columbia University in a discussion on what lies ahead for the African continent, amidst the pandemic-induced crisis, particularly in the political, economic, and social context.
The following EPD courses still have seats available.
INAF U6412 State and Society in the Developing World
Instructor: Maria Victoria Murillo
Tuesday, 2:10-4:00pm
Call #: 10549
Online only
INAF U8258 State Formation, Deformation and Citizenship (seminar-style course)
Instructor: Lisa Anderson
Section 2: Wednesday, 9:00-10:50am (section 2 will meet online only)
Call #: 17507
NAF U8145 Advanced Economic Development for International Affairs
Instructor: Eric Verhoogen
Section 1: Thursday, 9:00-10:50am
Call#: 10616
Section 2: Thursday, 2:10-4:00pm
Call#: 10617
Online only
Note on pre-requisite: U6400 (Note: students who haven't taken U6400 but have a strong economics or math background can request a permission to enroll in this course. Please email Prof. Verhoogen at eric.verhoogen@columbia.edu to explain your background. If you receive a permission to join his class, email Ilona Vinklerova (iv2105) who will then help you with registration)
INAF U6085 Economic Development in Latin America
Instructor: José Antonio Ocampo
Monday, 11:00-12:50pm
Call # 10508
Online only
INAF U6658 Politics and Policies in South Asia (new course)
Instructor: Rumela Sen
Monday, 4:10-6:00pm
Call # 13330
Online only
U6891 Impact Evaluations in Practice (short course, course dates: 1/14-2/25; Pre-requisite: U6500)
Instructor: Jyotsna Puri
Thursday, 2:10-4:00pm
Call#: 10579
Online only
U8785 Gender, Politics and Development: Theory, Policy and Practice
Instructors: Jenny McGill and Maxine Weisgrau
Tuesday, 11:00-12:50pm
Call#: 10635
Online only
INAF U6163 African Development Strategies: Policies, Institutions and Governance
Instructor: Akbar Noman
Tuesday, 4:10-6:00pm
Call # 10519
Online Only
Attention May 2021 Graduates: Review Your EPD Concentration Audit Plan in Stellic
This message is for students who plan to graduate in May 2021. Please read carefully.
This year for the first time, EPD will use Stellic to approve your concentration audit plans. Stellic is SIPA’s new auditing tool and automatically matches approved courses you have either completed or are currently taking with EPD requirements.
To make sure that you are on track to meet your EPD requirements for graduation, we ask that you log in to Stellic at https://columbia.stellic.com, and carefully review your EPD profile before you start registering for spring courses. If you have yet to fulfill a specific EPD requirement, be sure to plan accordingly.
Each student expecting to graduate in May 2021 must finalize their EPD audit plan in Stellic by Friday, 1/15/2021. EPD will then confirm that your plan has been approved and that you are expected to complete all concentration requirements by checking off the EPD Concentration Audit Certification button in your Stellic profile.
Additional instructions:
o Students who wish to count a course that hasn’t been approved for EPD can submit a request to Ilona Vinklerova (iv2105) for the course to be considered. They should email her the course syllabus and specify which requirement they wish to count it for. In general, a course to be approved for EPD must focus on issues in developing countries and/or emerging markets. Note that EPD double counting policy would still apply here. We ask that you allow for three business days to receive a reply.
o If you received approval for a course substitution for an EPD requirement but it is not yet reflected in your profile, forward your approval confirmation email to Ilona Vinklerova (iv2105) and she will adjust your Stellic profile.
o If you are an MPA-EPD student, you must also fulfill the MIA language requirement and prove language proficiency in a language other than English. Students can fulfill the language requirement with any modern language offered by Columbia University language programs or the Language Resource Center. This requirement can be met in one of the three ways listed here.
We urge you not to wait until the last minute to review your Stellic profile. Allow yourself enough time to sort out any pending requirements. Note that the spring semester starts on Monday 1/11/2021, and registration for continuing students begins on Tuesday 1/5/2021.
Check out this week's OCS New Job and Internship Opportunities CLICK HERE and Upcoming Deadlines for Jobs and Internship Application CLICK HERE
SIPA Career Website & Resources
Check out great career development resources for students that can be found on SIPA Career Resources Website.
Factsheets on Career Development - Tips for international students and on connecting with alumni, interviewing, networking, PMF information, writing resumes and cover letters and other career development topics.
Career Overview Factsheet - Information, sample employers, and online resources for a variety of fields and industries
Sector-Specific Fact Sheets - Lists of employers by industry or field, organizational charts, and information on IFC and World Bank internship programs and YPPs.
Check out other resources in the website.
Miriam Wishnick is a third-year dual degree MIA/MBA student at SIPA and CBS, with coursework focusing in EPD, data analysis, and strategy. After graduating with a bachelor’s degree in China Studies and Government from Cornell University, Miriam worked as a Research Analyst in the Los Angeles office of Control Risks, a global risk consultancy. She then worked as an Investigative Analyst in New York for Corporate Resolutions Inc., a firm specializing in due diligence background investigations for private equity clients. During her graduate school summers, Miriam has worked as a Social Impact Fellow with Inspiring Capital and as a Summer Consultant with OC&C Strategy Consultants, where she plans to return full-time after graduating. She is interested in the intersection of business, public policy, and social impact. Miriam’s hobbies include pottery and all things outdoors; the summer before starting graduate school, she completed a 500-mile solo bike tour through the Pacific Northwest.
(Reach out to us if you'd like to be featured in the next newsletter!)
This week's featured film: Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom

Based on Pulitzer Prize winner August Wilson's play.
Chicago, 1927. A recording session. Tensions rise between Ma Rainey, her ambitious horn player and the white management determined to control the uncontrollable "Mother of the Blues".
Watch Trailer
here, Watch it on Netflix.
This week's featured book: The Undocumented Americans by Karla Cornejo Villavicencio
One of the first undocumented immigrants to graduate from Harvard reveals the hidden lives of her fellow undocumented Americans in this deeply personal and groundbreaking portrait of a nation.
Looking beyond the flashpoints of the border or the activism of the DREAMers, Cornejo Villavicencio explores the lives of the undocumented—and the mysteries of her own life. She finds the singular, effervescent characters across the nation often reduced in the media to political pawns or nameless laborers. The stories she tells are not deferential or naively inspirational but show the love, magic, heartbreak, insanity, and vulgarity that infuse the day-to-day lives of her subjects.
(We would love to hear your recommendations! Let us know what you have watched/read/listened to recently so we can feature them in the next newsletter!)
José Antonio Ocampo, EPD Co-Director
Sign up online: https://tinyurl.com/officehours-ocampo
Jenny McGill, EPD Co-Director and Workshop Director
Sign up online: https://tinyurl.com/mcgill-oh
Ilona Vinklerova, EPD Manager
Sign up online: https://sipa.campusgroups.com/meetings/1060915/IlonaOfficeHours
Séléna Batchily, EPD Program Assistant
By appointment at ssb2200@columbia.edu
Saiful Salihudin, EPD Program Assistant
By appointment at sas2409@columbia.edu