Hello and Good bye EPD-ers,

With a heavy heart and bittersweet feelings, we would like to share that this is the final newsletter from your favorite PAs. We hope you enjoyed reading them as much as we loved curating these updates for you every week. We have thoroughly relished our 1-on-1 conversations with you all, hosting some inspiring events and fun socials, and most of all - the free food we all got to take home!
For our graduating mates, we wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors and CONGRATULATIONS - We made it!
For the first-years, we are always here for advice over coffee or drinks - the tab is on you ;) Hope you all stay in touch!
With looming finals week and assignments, we wish you all the BEST OF LUCK - YOU GOT THIS!
Signing off,
Your favorite PA's - Zoya and Suhail *mic drop*
NOTE: Graduating EPD students can come and collect their special EPD gift from the EPD office IAB Room 1305 (it would be sad if you didn't know this already) from Ilona during office hours.
As the semester comes to an end, this newsletter will be relatively short, but we have some good news, so keep reading!
This week’s newsletter includes:
- Welcome to our New EPD Program Assistants
- Other Events
- Recordings: EPD Workshop Final Presentations
- Career Advancement Center Events
- Jobs, Internships and Other Opportunities
- NYC Beyond SIPA
- EPD Survey
- EPD Office Hours
Join us in passing the baton to the new EPD PA's and welcoming them into office!
Paras Abbasi
Hometown: Karachi, Pakistan
Concentration: EPD
Specialization: Dual specialization in Gender and Public Policy and Technology, Media and Communications
Background: Paras Abbasi is an MPA student who started as a J-termer this Spring. She comes with a diverse work experience in marketing, human resources, and policy work in gender diversity and inclusion. She has also been writing literary fiction and non-fiction for a number of years and almost considered doing her MFA in writing but then chose Columbia SIPA because of the diversity of learning experience offered here and also because it gave her the perfect opportunity to pursue her passion for work in gender and take classes in media and writing, and perhaps also cross-register some courses at the Journalism school. She is really excited to work as the new Program Assistant and be of service to the EPD community.
Fun fact: Paras is ambidextrous. So think before you dare her for arm-wrestling with her left hand.
Orcun Dogmazer
Hometown: Istanbul, Turkey
Conncentration: EPD
Specialization: Management
Background: Development Consulting
Orcun Dogmazer is a Fulbright Scholar studying International Affairs at Columbia SIPA with a particular focus on development. He graduated from Koc University in Istanbul with a degree in Economics and International Relations. During undergrad, he co-founded a digital marketing SaaS and engaged in various community-building activities, mostly through his podcast series. Before joining Columbia University, he worked as an analyst in a global development firm working to advance the SDG agenda. He has prior experience in product, growth & e-commerce and is an alumnus of the Turkish Entrepreneurship Foundation.
Fun fact: I’ve been recording podcasts for nearly four years now, and I’ve recently started exploring my chances in stand-up comedy.
Holodomor: How Disinformation Made a Genocide Invisible
When: Monday, May 1, 2023
Time: 2:00 PM - 4:00PM
Location: IAB Room 1302
Zoom link here
Join CU Ukrainian Club, U.S.Committee for Ukrainian Holodomor-Genocide Awareness, and Professor Alexander Motyl to remember the victims of Holodomor as well as learn about the dangers of propaganda and disinformation and efforts to call on the Pulitzer Prize board to revoke Duranty's prize. We will host pizza at the end of the event.
The event seeks to educate Columbia students about the harrowing man-made famine Holodomor that was forced onto Soviet Ukraine by Stalin in 1932-1933 and resulted in the death of millions. Holodomor was a genocide of Ukrainian people as it was a deliberate act to eliminate the Ukrainian peasantry among other efforts to suppress Ukrainian national identity. Walter Duranty, an Anglo-American journalist and Moscow bureau chief for The New York Times, downplayed the severity of the famine and even denied its existence, serving Soviet propaganda. In 1932, Duranty received a Pulitzer Prize for a series of reports about the Soviet Union. Despite Duranty's disinformation, the truth about Holodomor eventually emerged, yet Duranty's Pulitzer Prize for his misleading reporting was never revoked.
End of Year IO/UNS & UNA Social
When: Monday, May 1, 2023
Time: 7:30 PM - 10:30 PM
Location: Amity Hall Uptown
Join the International Organization and United Nations Studies Specialization, SIPA's United Nations Association, and SIPA's Debate and Diplomacy Society as we celebrate the end of the academic year, the graduation of some and the continuation of others. We look forward to spending the evening with food, drinks, and interesting discussions.
Register here
Join the World Press Freedom Day's 30th anniversary event at the UN Headquarters in New York City on 2 May, 2023!
This year’s World Press Freedom Day global celebration is organized at the UN Headquarters in New York, marking the 30 years since the UN General Assembly’s decision to proclaim May 3rd as the international day for press freedom. World Press Freedom Day 2023 theme is “Shaping a Future of Rights. Freedom of Expression as a driver for all other human rights.” A full day of high-level plenary sessions will take place on 2 May at the UN General Assembly Hall. The plenaries will feature prominent human rights advocates, press freedom activists, Nobel Peace Prize laureates, media leaders and renowned journalists from all over the world. The full programme will be released shortly and will be available in the website.
You can now register to attend this special event by clicking on the following link . You will receive a confirmation email indicating that your application has been accepted. Members of Permanent Missions are invited to register to the event, even if they have a UN Ground pass.
Recordings: EPD Workshop Final Presentations
[Note: the links will remain active through the end of May]
Thursday presentations:
Building Resilience in Nutrition Initiatives in Central and West Africa
World Food Programme Regional Centre of Excellence against Hunger and Malnutrition (CERFAM)
Innovative Financing of Outcome-Based Interventions in Latin America and the Caribbean
Inter-American Development Bank Lab
Insight Study of USAID's PEER Program: Mentoring the Next Generation of Global Researchers
United States Agency for International Development
Assessing the Business and Human Rights Agenda of Fundação Renova in Brazil
Fundação Renova
Options for Improving Labor Market Information to Promote Job Creation in Ghana
Design and Technology Institute
Strengthening the Capacity of School Principals in Rural Guatemala
Pencils of Promise
Openly Connected: Creating a Sustainable Network to Support Public Innovation and Open Government in Colombia
Fundación Corona
Friday presentations:
Digital Financial Services for Low-Income Urban Women in India: Addressing Barriers and Identifying Solutions
Accion Center for Financial Inclusion
Diversitying Mongolia's Economy for Green, Inclusive and Sustainable Growth
United Nations Resident Coordinator’s Office in Mongolia
Imagining a Public Sector Skills Marketplace for Jamaica
Inter-American Development Bank
Green Entrepreneurship Training for Youth Competing in imaGen Ventures 4.0 in Kenya
United Nations Children’s Fund / Generation Unlimited
The Future of UNICEF's Humanitarian Work: Anticipating the Impact of Polycrises on Children
United Nations Children’s Fund / Risk Analysis and Preparedness Section
Pathways to Reintegrate Former Combatants: Insights from Cote d'Ivoire, Nepal and the Philippines
United Nations Department of Peace Operations
Improving Use of Remittance-Based Digital Financial Services by Migrants from Nepal
United Nations Capital Development Fund
Assessing SEWA's Gender-Sensitive Responses to Climate-Induced Heat Waves in India
Self-Employed Women’s Association
Confronting Misinformation and Disinformation in the Global South: Entry Points for UNDP
United Nations Development Programme Accelerator Labs
OSFI: A Virtual Career Fair
When: Friday, May 5, 2023
Time: 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
Where: Zoom
Dress code: N/A
Work Authorization Requirement: Must be a US Citizen
U.S. International Development Finance Corporation seeks entry-level and well-qualified professionals to join its Office of Structured Finance & Insurance (OSFI).
This unique online career fair is a great opportunity for candidates with advanced degrees and/or prior experience at an international financial institution, non-profit or multilateral organization, political risk insurer, consulting firm, project finance, credit analysis, international investments, commercial/investment banking, international finance, international studies, political risk analysis, and business development to learn about working at America’s development finance institution.
Attendees will have the opportunity to hear from representatives across OSFI and learn more about OSFI products, including Direct Loans, Loan Guaranties, Political Risk Insurance Origination, Political Risk Insurance Monitoring, and Business Development.
For more information CLICK HERE.
McKinsey Employer Information Session
When: Friday, May 12, 2023
Time: 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
Where: Zoom
Dress code: N/A
Work Authorization Requirement: N/A
These informal sessions are designed to help interested applicants, coming directly from campus, learn more about the Global Energy & Materials (GEM) practice within North America. If you are an undergraduate or graduate (non-MBA) student, interested in Chemicals, Agriculture, Basic Materials, Oil & Gas, or Electric Power & Natural Gas, come learn more! GEM work makes up over 18% of our Firm’s work, and we are excited to answer your questions about GEM.
This event is geared toward applicants wishing to join a North American office.
For more information CLICK HERE.
GemmaQ, a mission-driven tech startup using the power of data to close the gender leadership gap in global markets, seeks SIPA applicants to two summer opportunities, a Data Analyst and Research Internship (27204026) and a Content and Media Internship (27204030). These roles are non-paid, fully remote and flexible (can be part or full time). Interested candidates can reach out directly to the founder, SIPA alum Freyja Thorarinsdottir, with any questions. Email freyja@gemmaq.io
Mindr, the first enterprise ecosystem for building belonging in the workplace, seeks SIPA applicants to a Program Associate role, responsible for executing impactful events, developing meaningful content, and supporting Mindr's partners across industries in leveraging diversity, equity, and inclusion best practices. Interested candidates can reach out to Cullen for the complete job description, and to connect with Mindr's founder, a SIPA alum.
The Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC), seeks SIPA applicants to several roles, including Program Officer, Economic Development (27203178). This position will direct funds and resources to support wealth building and community health strategies in Metro Atlanta through (1) small business development, (2) workforce development, and (3) grants management. Interested candidates can reach out to Cullen Newton (cn2466@sipa.columbia.edu) to connect with an alum on the team.
Communications Intern at Filha do Sol, Brazil
Filha do Sol is searching for a communications intern to help manage all internal and external communication of the organization. The specialist will co-design a communication strategy, manage social media, draft media statements, answer media inquiries, compile publications, and plan events and press conferences.
The internship would be remote, with the possibility to be in person, if the candidate is willing to stay for a period in Brazil. The internship has a duration of 3 months, starting on June 1st and ending on August 31. The intern is expected to dedicate 25 hours per week. There is no compensation for this position.
Find more details here. Deadline is May 1, 2023.
The Federal Government is Hiring 2023 Interns!
Learn new skills and make an impact! Check out the new Federal Internship Portal (intern.usajobs.gov) and apply for an internship today.
The Federal government works in every industry and every sector. We are the largest and most diverse employer in the United States, with four million public servants working every day to strengthen our communities. Internships are a great opportunity to work alongside these experts, learn valuable skills, drive change, and make a positive impact.
New opportunities are frequently available on the Federal Internship Portal, so please check the site every week.
From supporting scientists combating climate change and engineers rebuilding America, to data analysts helping small businesses and health care workers fighting diseases — the Federal government does big things every day. If there’s an issue you care about or an industry you want to work in, chances are the Federal government works on that issue.
To find open positions, visit intern.usajobs.gov.
For the latest OCS New Job and Internship Opportunities CLICK HERE and Upcoming Deadlines for Jobs and Internship Application CLICK HERE. (Double check to make sure you are signed into your SIPA emails for the links to open!)
The Empire State's Birthday- this iconic building is arguably the most renowned skyscraper in New York and one of the most popular sights of the city. On May 1st, 2023, the Empire State Building is celebrating its 92nd birthday. If you want to visit the observation deck you have to reserve a timed ticked in advance.
Find more information on tickets here
Celebrate Cinco De Mayo - El Cinco de Mayo (Spanish for “May 5”) is a commemoration of the victory of the Mexican army led by General Ignacio Zaragoza during the Battle of Puebla on May 5, 1862 against the clearly superior French Expeditionary Force. The Cinco De MayoParade in Manhattan will run from Central Park West 106th Street to 96th Street.
Find more information here.
We have put together a brief survey to gauge your thoughts on your EPD experience this past year. Your feedback is invaluable as we continue to evolve and improve students' experience in our concentration and will guide the EPD team on what we can do better in the coming year.
To access the EPD survey, please follow this link:
We'd appreciate your input by Friday, May 12th. By completing our survey, you will have the option to be entered into a random drawing to win a $100 Columbia bookstore gift card. Thanks so much in advance!
One last time, your favorite PAs,
Zoya and Suhail