From: Starting at SIPA - New Students (2024 - 2025)
Date: July 25
Subject: SIPA New Student Orientation - Important Details


Dear First_Name,

We hope this email finds you excited about joining the SIPA community! Our New Student Orientation Program is just around the corner, taking place from Monday, August 26, through Friday, August 30, 2024. Attendance is mandatory for all new students, and we can’t wait to meet you in person.

The majority of the sessions will be conducted in person with a few academic sessions held virtually via Zoom. These virtual sessions will be recorded for you to revisit as needed.

During Orientation, you’ll have the opportunity to meet your advising ean, Peer Advisers, fellow first-year students, and many faculty members. You’ll also get to enjoy social activities organized in small sections, known as "Seeples* Groups" facilitated by exceptional second-year students serving as Peer Advisers. Lunch will be provided on Monday and Tuesday.

Here’s a basic overview of the orientation schedule:

  • August 26:
    • Welcome to SIPA
    • Meet Your Peer Advisors, Seeples Group, and OSA Advising Dean
    • Lunch provided
    • Learn about Concentrations and Specializations
    • Online Computing Resources
    • Course Registration Overview
    • Neighborhood Social (optional)
  • August 27:
    • Math Camp: Math Camp meets from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m., Tuesday through Friday. Math Camp is mandatory and designed to quickly acquaint you with the basic foundations for economics and statistics courses at SIPA.
    • Lunch provided
    • Course Registration Begins
    • Inclusion and Belonging -- University Life Presentation
    • Inclusive Policy Making
    • Student Life, Wellness, and Resources
    • Concentration Socials
  • August 28:
    • Math Camp
    • Career Advancement Center
    • Title IX, Sexual Violence Response (SVR)
    • Seeples Group Planning Activity
    • Class of 2026 Garden Party
  • August 29:
    • Math Camp
    • Introduction to University Life
    • Center for Student Success and Intervention
    • SIPA & Columbia University Resources Tutorials (Financial Aid, Public Safety, Health Services, Library Resources, International Students and Scholars Office, etc.)
    • Specialization Socials
  • August 30:
    • Math Camp
    • Ice Cream Social 
    • Proficiency Exams

If you’re an MPA- Development Practice (DP) student, you will have an additional "Getting Started" program the week before SIPA Orientation. Contact for more information.

Concentrations and Specializations. All SIPA students complete Concentration and Specialization requirements in addition to the School's core curriculum. Stay tuned, as you will receive more details regarding Concentrations and Specializations along with a form to declare your Concentration prior to Orientation. Explore SIPA’s Concentrations and Specializations »

Should you anticipate the need for academic or other accommodations, either on a temporary or longer term basis, please immediately contact Columbia University Disability Services, which serves as an important resource for eligible students. Read more »

The full orientation schedule and your Seeples Group assignments will be sent to you in mid-August. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the Office of Student Affairs. We’re here to help!

We can't wait to welcome you to SIPA and make your orientation experience memorable.

*Insert SEEPLES graphic


A reminder to check your pre-arrival checklist (which can be found in the Welcome Portal -- password: WelComeFall24). Before you arrive in August, remember to complete all items, but in particular, complete the below as soon as possible:

  1. Summer Math Tutorial: Complete the online tutorial on Courseworks to prepare for fall courses (an activated UNI is required for login). Refer to the email sent to you on <<June 13>> from SIPA Academic Affairs for more details.
  2. Submit Your Immunization Records Immediately. Without proof of certain required immunizations, you will not be able to register for classes. Documentation can take up to 30 days to review, so submit NOW. Read More »


State of the Race: The US Presidential Election



SIPA Stories


IGP student scholar Natalia Kanos MPA '24 met 1:1 with IGP Carnegie Distinguished Fellow Stacey Abrams at our Women’s Initiative Launch.

Natalia walked away inspired to transform her academic studies into meaningful policy in her home country of Nigeria.


Watch the video >>




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