Applying a Gender Lens to the Environment and Climate Change
Tuesday, March 30, 2021 | 12-1PM EST
Zoom Link
Tara Daniel, Program Manager at WEDO (the Women's Environment and Development Organization), will be speaking in the second hour of the Gender, Politics and Development class taught by professors McGill and Weisgrau. She'll discuss current opportunities and challenges in advocating for gender equality in climate change and other environmental initiatives. EPD students are very welcome to join Tara's talk and Q&A afterward.
International Financial Institutions and the Future of the MENA Region
Tuesday, March 30, 2021 | 1-2pm EST
Most Middle East and North Africa (MENA) countries have regressed back to the 1990s in terms of development, but in a worse form: big macro imbalances, undiversified and anemic economies, plus sound social movements. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is already involved in 4-5 countries, and soon others will follow - Lebanon is in crisis; the next in line are Oman, Bahrain, Tunisia, Iraq, and Jordan. Previous interventions of the IMF and the World Bank, with the Structural Adjustment programs and the Washington consensus, led to the disengagement of the state, to the emergence of crony capitalism, and ultimately to the 2011 uprisings. How will the interventions of the 2020s be different in light of the additional burden of the COVID-19 pandemic?
Join SIPA MENA Forum and Columbia Business School's MENA club in conversation with
Dr. Ishac Diwan, Senior Fellow of the Middle East Initiative at Harvard University, and
Dr. Merza Hussain Hasan, Executive Director and Dean of the Board of Executive Directors of the World Bank Group, about the role of international financial institutions in defining the future trajectories of the MENA region.
Book talk: “Farewell to Arms: How Rebels Retire Without Getting Killed” with prof. Rumela Sen
Wednesday, March 31, 2021 | 1-2pm
How, in the absence of institutional mechanisms, do Maoist rebels in India quit an ongoing insurgency without getting killed? How do rebels give up arms and return to the same political processes that they had once sought to overthrow? In Farewell to Arms, Prof. Rumela Sen goes to the rebels themselves and breaks down the protracted process of rebel retirement into a multi-staged journey as the rebels see it.
Mission Driven Finance: Using Finance as a Tool for Change
Wednesday, March 31, 2021 | 6:30-7:30 PM EST
Join CI3 for a conversation with Lauren Grattan, Co-Founder, and Chief Community Officer of Mission Driven Finance. The conversation will center around the work of the firm, and the varying career paths into the impact investing space. Mission Driven Finance is a California-based impact investing firm dedicated to building a financial system that ensures good businesses have sufficient access to affordable capital.
Lauren is a graduate of Columbia University and co-founded Mission Driven Finance in 2016 in an effort to activate capital for social change.
Racism and International Organizations 2021 Speaker Series
Thursday, April 1, 2021 | 1-2 PM EST
This year, we mark the 20th anniversary of the Noureddine Amir, Chair of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) will discuss processes, politics, impacts and partnerships of the CERD and its role to monitor the implementation of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination.
Navigating Race and Power in International Development
Monday, April 5, 2021 | 1 - 2 PM EST
Join the EPD concentration for an important discussion of how racial biases and inequalities play out in different development sectors, and how our panelists have navigated as women of color working in international development.
Industry Chat: Energy Markets and Investments in Developing Nations
Thursday, April 8, 2021 | 1 - 2:30 PM EST
A networking and industry talk with expert SIPA alumni working on the nexus between energy and development in emerging markets. Our speakers will discuss their work experience, the investment and emerging technology landscape in developing countries with specific emphasis on Latin America and Africa, and the unique energy trends and challenges facing these markets.
World Bank Group & International Monetary Fund Spring Meetings
Monday, April 5 to Sunday, April 11, 2021
Learn more
here about the schedule
At the heart of the Spring Meetings are meetings of the joint World Bank Group/IMF Development Committee and the IMF International Monetary and Financial Committee, which discuss progress on the work of the institutions. Other featured events include regional briefings, press conferences, and fora focused on international development, issues of debt, economic recovery, vaccines, and climate. The public program of events are streamed on
World Bank Live and may be viewed without registering.
Spring Meetings participants typically include approximately 2,800 delegates from our member countries, 350 observer organization representatives, 800 members of the press, and 550 accredited civil society members.
NNSA Graduate Fellowship Program Information Session
When: Monday, March 29, 2021
Time: 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM
Work Authorization Requirement: Candidates must be US Citizens and eligible for security clearance
For more information and to register
Career Series: Urban and Social Policy
When: Tuesday, March 30, 2021
Time: 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM
Work Authorization Requirement: N/A
For more information and to register
Business for Social Responsibility (BSR) Briefing
When: Wednesday, April 1, 2021
Time: 3:15 PM – 4:00 PM
Work Authorization Requirement: U.S. Citizenship/Permanent Residency is required for U.S.-based positions. EU Nationals, Tokyo & Singapore work visa requirements for the other offices. BSR does not sponsor work visas for new hires.
For more information and to register
Primo Space Briefing
When: Friday, April 2, 2021
Time: 8:00 AM – 9:00 AM
Work Authorization Requirement: N/A
For more information and to register
TZP Group Briefing
When: Friday, April 2, 2021
Time: 2:00 PM – 2:45 PM
Work Authorization Requirement: N/A
For more information and to register
Alliance Bernstein Briefing
When: Friday, April 2, 2021
Time: 3:30 PM – 4:15 PM
Work Authorization Requirement: N/A
For more information and to register
Check out this week's OCS New Job and Internship Opportunities CLICK HERE and Upcoming Deadlines for Jobs and Internship Application CLICK HERE.
The Migration Working Group is providing a
mini-grant of $200 to SIPA students wanting to undertake a project related to migration. We accept projects from individual or group applications (groups encouraged). The project must be related to migration, can be either international or US domestic-focused. See poster or click
here for how to apply.
Bluestone Investment Bank
Bluestone Investment is looking for
a Summer Intern for their work in Uzbekistan.
The application deadline is
April 5, 2021.
Find more details about the position and apply
SIPA Career Website & Resources
Check out great career development resources for students that can be found on SIPA Career Resources Website.
Factsheets on Career Development - Tips for international students and on connecting with alumni, interviewing, networking, PMF information, writing resumes and cover letters and other career development topics.
Career Overview Factsheet - Information, sample employers, and online resources for a variety of fields and industries
Sector-Specific Fact Sheets - Lists of employers by industry or field, organizational charts, and information on IFC and World Bank internship programs and YPPs.
Check out other resources on this website.
Nusrat Farooq is an engineer turned public administration student in her second year at SIPA specializing in Data Analytics and Quantitative Analysis (DAQA). She is passionate about causes related to education, peace-building, gender, conflict-resolution, and social media. Always keen to broaden her skill toolkit, Nusrat keeps exploring various academic and co-curricular affiliations beyond coursework at SIPA.
She is assisting Professor Sharyn O’ Halloran in her Testing Models in Public Policy course in the Spring 2021 semester and has also recently started assisting Professor Tamar Mitts in her research on social media and extremism. In addition, Nusrat is part of the Seeples team researching ways to re-imagine educational learning under India’s new education curriculum for the workshop client UNICEF-India. As part of her internship last summer, she was a Research Assistant at Human Rights Clinic at the Columbia Law School. She analyzed primary qualitative and quantitative data collected for their Education and Peacebuilding in Kashmir Project. Before SIPA, as a Project Manager at India Institute, she managed data collection projects for studies related to child-welfare, education, employment, migration, and legal aid.
To remain sane in this pandemic, she often explores new trails near her current residence in Connecticut. She loves the vast, rich, flavorful, and colorful Indian cuisine (eating, not cooking).
Erina Watanabe is a first year MIA-EPD student, who is interested in women's empowerment, especially for professional and economic development. She aims to contribute to the emancipation of all women in the world through policy making and on-ground support. Prior to joining SIPA, she used to work for the Global HQ of Toyota Motor Corporation in Japan and was in charged of Human Resource Development for 300 thousand of Toyota's overseas local employees. She also founded her own HR and business consulting firm in Japan to create a gender-equal working system. After graduating from SIPA with her MIA degree, she wants to work with the United Nations on gender equality and women empowerment.
In her free time, she enjoys swimming and triathlon and used to practice very hard for triathlon races before she got busy with studies at SIPA. She also adores cats and is working with a cat rescue group as a volunteer.
This week's featured film: Rotten

Rotten dives deep into the food production underworld to expose the corruption, waste and real dangers behind your everyday eating habits.
Watch the trailer
here. Watch the docu-series on Netflix.
This week's featured book: Inferno by Dan Brown

Harvard professor of symbology Robert Langdon awakens in an Italian hospital, disoriented and with no recollection of the past thirty-six hours, including the origin of the macabre object hidden in his belongings. With a relentless female assassin trailing them through Florence, he and his resourceful doctor, Sienna Brooks, are forced to flee. Embarking on a harrowing journey, they must unravel a series of codes, which are the work of a brilliant scientist whose obsession with the end of the world is matched only by his passion for one of the most influential masterpieces ever written, Dante Alighieri's The Inferno.
(We would love to hear your recommendations! Let us know what you have watched/read/listened to recently so we can feature them in the next newsletter!)
José Antonio Ocampo, EPD Co-Director
Sign up online: https://tinyurl.com/officehours-ocampo
Jenny McGill, EPD Co-Director and Workshop Director
Sign up online: https://tinyurl.com/mcgill-oh
Ilona Vinklerova, EPD Manager
Sign up online: https://sipa.campusgroups.com/meetings/1060915/IlonaOH_spring2021
Séléna Batchily, EPD Program Assistant
By appointment at ssb2200@columbia.edu
Saiful Salihudin, EPD Program Assistant
By appointment at sas2409@columbia.edu