From: Economic and Political Development Concentration
Date: December 2, 2024
Subject: EPD Newsletter #14 | December 2, 2024

The finish line is in sight!
Hello EPD-ers,

As you settle into the last weeks of the fall semester, please take time to reflect on everything you have accomplished. You have gotten through the semester, and you can absolutely take on any final exams and other final assignments! To celebrate, please join us and your EPD peers in the EPD Office (IAB Room 1305) on Thursday, December 5, from 1-3 pm for a light lunch, coffee, hot chocolate, snacks, gratitude, and a fun holiday playlist! 

And don't forget about today's event from 1-2 pm in IAB Room 801, the Obama Scholars Forum: Igniting Civic Engagement for a Stronger Democracy. Incredible insights from our panelists -- changemakers from Colombia, Hungary, Italy and Sierra Leone -- and a light lunch will be provided!

Also remember to reach out to Semon and Talia directly to set up time for a coffee chat. We are always available to help with any EPD-related questions. 

This week’s newsletter includes:

EPD Registration Reminders


A few spaces are still available in these EPD electives!

INAF U6085 Economic Development in Latin America
Instructor: Jose A Ocampo (bio)
Monday, 9:00 – 10:50 AM
Call #: 10377 | View in Vergil

INAF U6163 African Development Strategies: Policies, Institutions and Governance
Instructor: Akbar Noman (bio)
Wednesday, 2:10 – 4:00 PM
Call #: 10575 | View in Vergil

INAF U6183 Innovation for Development in Practice (short course)
Instructor: Benjamin Kumpf (bio)
Course dates: Sat/Sun, March 29 & 30, April 5 & 6, and April 12 & 13 (11 am - 4 pm)
Call #: 10576 | View in Vergil

INAF U6454 Fighting Corruption: Concepts and Strategies
Instructor: Richard Nephew (bio)
Tuesday, 2:10 - 4:00 PM
Call #: 16260 | View in Vergil | Syllabus

INAF U6736 Innovations in Development Finance (short course)
Instructor: Radha Kulkarni (bio)
Course dates: Fri/Sat, Jan 31 & Feb 1, Feb 7 & 8, and Feb 14 & 15 (1:30 - 3:50 PM)
Call #: 10577 | View in Vergil

INAF U6914 Policies and Practices in Human-Centered Digital Development
Instructors:  Savita Bailur (bio) and Claudia Barcha (bio)
Thursday, 6:10 - 9:00 PM 
Course dates: Jan 30 - April 3
Call #: 12336 | View in Vergil

Also, USP electives with spaces still available....

  • PUAF U8250 Governing the 21st Century City (3 credits) - EPD Social Focus Area
  • INAF U6936 Ethics, AI, and Urban Governance  (1.5 credits) 
  • PUAF U6216 Policy Through Partnerships for the Livable City; Public-Private Partnerships & Innovative Policymaking for Education, Housing & Economic Development in Cities (3 credits)

And DAQA electives with spaces still available....

  • INAF U8305 Conducting Empirical Research - (3 credits)
  • SIPA U8500 Quantitative Methods in Program Evaluation - (3 credits) 

EPD Concentration Audit for May 2025 Graduates

EPD will use Stellic to approve your concentration audit plans and to confirm that you have fulfilled all EPD requirements for graduation. Please take notes of the following instructions:

  • If you received approval for a course substitution for an EPD requirement but it is not yet reflected in your profile, forward your approval confirmation email to Vida Herling (hh2655) and she will adjust your Stellic profile. 
  • Students who would like to count a course that hasn’t been approved for EPD can submit a request to Vida Herling (hh2655) for the course to be considered. Include the course syllabus and specify which requirement you wish to count it for. In general, a course to be approved for EPD must focus on issues in developing countries and/or emerging markets. Note that the EPD double counting policy would still apply. Please allow for three business days to receive a reply.
  • MPA/EPD students must also fulfill the MIA language requirement and prove language proficiency in a language other than English. Students can fulfill the language requirement with any modern language offered by Columbia University language programs or the Language Resource Center. This requirement can be met in one of the three ways listed here. Please make sure to speak with your advising dean if this applies to you.  

EPD in the New Curriculum

For any continuing students who are considering "migrating" to the new MIA or MPA curriculum next year, please be advised that the title of the EPD concentration will change to "Development and Governance" (D&G), but there will be very few substantive changes in the current EPD curriculum and requirements.  These include: (1) MPA/D&G students under the new curriculum will be required to take INAF U8145 Advanced Economic Development, and (2) courses currently offered through the Humanitarian Policy track of the HRHP Concentration will be offered through a new D&G track on Humanitarian Policy and Practice.  If you have any questions about EPD/D&G in the new curriculum, please reach out to Prof. Jenny McGill (

EPD and Other Events

Obama Scholars Forum:
Igniting Civic Engagement for a Stronger Democracy

Are you ready to make an impact and shape the future of democracy? Join us on December 2, 1-2pm for an inspiring event where four Obama Scholars will share their stories, strategies, and insights on driving meaningful change in their communities. Register here.


What's happening at the U.S. - Mexico Border?

This panel seeks to clarify misperceptions, highlight policy gaps, and shed light on the growing humanitarian concerns that have emerged at the U.S. southern border from Trump’s 2016 administration to today. By engaging with a group of experts from the humanitarian sector, immigration policy, and global governance space, students will gather key insights on how migration has become the centerpiece of political polarization and the implications beyond. Register here.

EPD Holiday Party

Get ready to celebrate the season with festive cheer, delicious food, and drinks that will warm your heart! Join us for an afternoon filled with holiday vibes, where the music will have you tapping your toes, and the activities will spark joy and laughter. Register here.


Career Advancement Center Reminders

CAC Career Fact Sheets and Current List of Subscriptions
Please note that the CAC has numerous Career DevelopmentCareer Overview, and Sector Specific fact sheets filled with valuable resources to support your career preparation journey. Additionally, they have a Current List of Subscriptions to assist you with internship and job searches.  We encourage you to check out these links!

SIPA Alumni Career Coaching Program (SIPACC) 
Sign up for a coaching session with SIPA alumni who can provide sector or industry-specific expertise. Currently, there are two EPD alumni coaches, Hama Makino and Sadaf Sajwani, available to meet with you. Visit SIPA Connect at the link here to find instructions on how to book a session.

Things to Do in NYC


Rockefeller Center

The annual Rockefeller Center Tree Lighting Ceremony will take place on Wednesday, December 4th, 2024 during the live broadcast "Christmas at Rockefeller Center". The 2024 Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree will be lit daily from 5am to midnight. On Christmas Eve the tree will be lit for 24 hours and on New Year's Eve it will be lit from 5am-9pm. The Tree will be on view through mid-January. Click here for more info. 

Podcast Recommendation of the Week

About the Podcast: The How To podcast by The Atlantic is a practical and insightful show hosted by journalist Amanda Ripley. Each episode tackles everyday challenges and life’s big questions, offering expert advice and surprising solutions. With relatable stories and actionable tips, it’s a guide for navigating life’s complexities and making meaningful changes.

Recommended Episode: This episode, "How To" Spend Time on What You Value, features the Harvard Business School professor Ashley Whillans in conversation with host Arthur Brooks. The two explore how to think differently about the time you crave and the time you actually have.  Listen here.

José Antonio Ocampo, EPD Co-Director
Eugenia (Jenny) McGill, EPD Co-Director & EPD Workshop Director
Vida Huimin Herling, EPD Concentration Manager
Semon Makar Zekry (MIA/EPD), Program Assistant
Office hours: Tuesdays, 12-2 pm (email for appointment)

Talia Rosenberg (MIA/EPD), Program Assistant
Office hours: Mondays, 3-5 pm (email for appointment)
Your PAs,
Semon and Talia

Obama Scholars Forum: Igniting Civic Engagement for a Stronger Democracy Logo


Obama Scholars Forum: Igniting Civic Engagement for a Stronger Democracy

Monday, December 2, 2024
1:00pm - 2:00pm
Private Location (register to display)
Add to Google Cal, Outlook, Yahoo, iCal

Location changed to IAB 801
Are you ready to make an impact and shape the future of democracy? Join us for an inspiring event where the Obama Scholars will share their stories, strategies, and insights on driving meaningful change in our communities.

EPD Holiday Party  Logo


EPD Holiday Party

Thursday, December 5, 2024
1:00pm - 3:00pm
Private Location (sign in to display)
Add to Google Cal, Outlook, Yahoo, iCal

🎄 You are cordially invited to the EPD Holiday Party!🎄

Get ready to celebrate the season with festive cheer, delicious food, and drinks that will warm your heart! Join us for a day filled with holiday vibes, where the music will have you tapping your toes, and the activities will spark joy and laughter. Whether you’re here for the savory bites or the sweet treats, this is the perfect chance to unwind and toast to a wonderful year with EPD friends.

Mark your calendars and don’t miss out on the holiday magic—let’s make it a day to remember! 🥂🎶✨