United Nations Association (UNA)

Become part of our vibrant community.


About Us

SIPA United Nations Association is one of the only student groups on campus that helps connect the SIPA and the broader Columbia community to issues on the United Nations' agenda, careers and internships. We strive to build a better understanding about how the UN functions, based on the pillars of International Security, Human Rights, Humanitarian Affairs, Development, and Environmental Change, as well as other areas relevant to the work of the United Nations









Members Benefits

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Events & Activities

This fall, we will be hosting the UN Speaker Series, a tour to the UN Headquarters and our flagship UNSWG Networking Reception. Each of these events will help build bridges between SIPA and the UN.

Exclusive Resources

As a member of the UNSWG, you will have first access to skill-building workshops.


UNSWG has been in existence since 2012. Our alumni are now working in various roles at the UN and in the private sector, more broadly. We pride ourselves in fostering a tight-knit community of UN enthusiasts.

Our Team

Kelen Quintana Profile

Kelen Quintana



United Nations Association

420 West 118th Street
New York New York 10027
United States