Welcome to April, EPD Family!
As the weather grows increasingly pleasant, we're thrilled to usher in a month filled with promise and excitement. We have some amazing events on the horizon, including the eagerly anticipated EPD social. Stay tuned for more details - you won’t want to miss what we have in store for you!
For second years, the progress on Capstone Projects is taking most of their time, and is also getting more intense. Here’s a little community reminder that we are all in the same boat. The teams are on the fourth stage of ‘performing’ out of five stages of team development. The good news is, it’s only less than four weeks till we all present our final research findings. So let us remind ourselves to breathe. It’s a fantastic opportunity to showcase the culmination of efforts and the practical application of our knowledge. And we are excited to see the final results soon!
This week’s newsletter includes:
- EPD and SIPA Events
- Career Advancement Center Events
- Events Happening at Columbia
- EPD Office Hours
EPD and SIPA Events
UN and Financing for Development
When: TODAY, Monday, April 1, 2024 | 1:00 - 2:00PM
Where: IAB 409

The UN will hold its fourth Conference on Financing for Development in 2025. This talk will evaluate the advance from previous Conferences, particularly from the Addis Ababa meeting that took place in 2015, and the major issues that should be in the agenda for the 2025 event.
Speaker: José Antonio Ocampo, Professor and Co-Director of Economic and Political Development Concentration at SIPA, Member of the Committee for Development Policy of the United Nations Economic and Social Council and Member of the Independent Commission for the Reform of International Corporate Taxation.
To register, visit here.
Navigating Our Revolutionary Age
When: Wed, April 3, 2024 | 1:00 – 2:00 PM
Where: IAB 15th Floor
Join the Institute of Global Politics (IGP) at Columbia SIPA for one of the first book talks since the release of Age of Revolutions, where Fareed Zakaria, host of CNN's flagship international affairs program Fareed Zakaria GPS, will be in conversation with former Google CEO and IGP Carnegie Distinguished Fellow, Eric Schmidt. Drawing on deep historical research and personal experiences, they will discuss how to navigate today's unstable and rapidly changing world.
Register here.
International Fellows Program Info Sessions
When: Wed, April 3 2024 at 12 PM & Wed, April 3 2024 at 5PM
Where: IAB 324 for 12 PM Session and IAB 403 for 5PM Session

The International Fellows Program is a two-semester seminar open to students of all graduate degree programs at Columbia University. The diverse perspectives and professional backgrounds that fellows bring to the program enrich their year-long common enterprise.
All fellows receive a stipend and study a curriculum with two goals – to examine the origins of the current international order, in which the United States has for decades played the leading role, and to look ahead to the new world that is emerging, dominated by a larger number of actors, new problems, and approaches to problem solving that have yet to be defined.
For more information, visit here.
Starting and Leading a Mission-Driven Organization: A Cheat Sheet for Emerging Social Entrepreneurs and Problem-Solvers
When: Monday, April 8, 2024 | 1:00 - 2:00PM
Where: IAB 409

In this session, Alex Counts, who has started, led, and grown multiple nonprofits including the Grameen Foundation and the India Philanthropy Alliance, and who has written three books on mission-driven leadership, will share the key elements of his next book on how to succeed as a first-time executive director of a nonprofit organization. Many of these lessons are also applicable to those who serve on boards of nonprofits or who are engaged in a traditional business start up. They range from compliance, product development, and people management to public relations, and self-care. He will focus on those skills, techniques and mindsets that are most important for someone leading a small (under $5 million budget) nonprofit for the first time.
To register, visit here.
Book talk: Scaling Up Development Impact with Isabel Guerrero, Co-Founder and Executive Director, IMAGO Global Grassroots
When: Wednesday, April 10, 2024 | 1:00 - 2:00PM
Where: IAB 409

Today, nearly one billion people lack electricity, over three billion lack clean water, and 750 million lack basic literacy skills. Many of these challenges could be solved with existing solutions, and technology now enables us to reach the last mile like never before. Yet, few solutions attain the necessary scale to match the size of these challenges. Scaling Up Development Impact recognizes that scaling up is a process of transformation. It emphasizes that scaling up impact requires putting the people closest to the problem at the center, understanding that they have the utmost knowledge of their problems and thus are invaluable in co-creating long-lasting, scalable solutions.
For more information, visit here.
WIL’s “Insider Perspectives” Series
When: Wednesday, April 10, 2024 | 5:00 - 6:00PM
Where: IAB 1512

Join SIPA Women in Leadership and the Leadership, Innovation, and Design Specialization on 5 pm Wednesday April 10 in IAB 1512 for a panel discussion between distinguished female leaders at SIPA working across a range of fields from policy and nonprofit management to gender equity and female empowerment. All of these women are thought leaders both within and outside the SIPA community and have invaluable insight into how to successfully achieve and hold leadership positions.
This event is a part of WIL’s “Insider Perspectives” series that seeks to foster an open and unfiltered dialogue that will empower the future female leaders at Columbia with the knowledge and skills to achieve their career aspirations. Light dinner will be provided. Sign up here.
EPD - HRHP - EE Joint End of Year Social
When: Monday, April 29, 2024 | 6:30-8:30PM
Where: The Baylander Steel Beach

Join us for the last event of spring 2024 before we sail away for the summer! EPD, HRHP and EE will join forces for an evening of fun on the Baylander, a boat docked (permanently) at the 125th street pier in Harlem. Each concentration will have its own designated area marked by a different colored balloon. Drinks and snacks will be provided, but you already know that. Those who feel inspired can get creative with a nautical dress code!
To register, click here.
Career Advancement Center Events
Summer Stipend Info Sessions: Summer Internship Funding Search
When: Monday, April 1, 2024 @ 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Where: Virtual
Unlock funding for your summer internship with SIPA's Summer Stipend Info Sessions! Discover how to apply for competitive stipends to support unpaid or low-paying internships. Join us to learn about the application process, eligibility, and tips for securing funding. We're hosting multiple sessions to fit your schedule.
For more information, CLICK HERE.
NNSA Graduate Fellowship Program Information Session
When/Time: Monday, April 1, 2024 @ 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Where: Virtual
This is a virtual information session about the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA)’s Graduate Fellowship Program (NGFP). NGFP has become a recognized resource for bringing top talent to our nation’s critical national security missions and providing unique opportunities for fellows to (1) work alongside leading experts at NNSA program and site offices; (2) participate in exclusive professional development, networking, and training opportunities; and (3) engage with national security stakeholders and support leading events and activities around the world.
For more information, CLICK HERE.
Alumni Coffee Chat by Human Rights & Humanitarian Policy Concentration
When/Time: Tuesday, April 2, 2024 @ 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Where: IAB 801
For more information, CLICK HERE.
NYPD Intelligence Division Employer Information Session
When/Time: Tuesday, April 2, 2024 @ 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Where: IAB 413
The NYPD Intelligence Division is one of the premier local law enforcement agencies working to deter and interdict terrorism or major crime operations in New York City. This Division is looking for talented civilian analysts to support the operational mission of the NYPD. Skills that the Intelligence Division desires for potential candidates include subject-matter expertise in counterterrorism studies, security studies, intelligence, and international affairs, superior yet succinct writing and briefing skills, knowledge of a critical non-English language, experience with computer programs dealing in large qualitative data sets including link chart analysis, and the ability to work in a fast-paced paramilitary organization with a wide variety of backgrounds.
For more information, CLICK HERE.
Student Roundtable: Careers in Utilities
When/Time: Wednesday, April 3, 2024 @ 9:00 am - 10:00 am
Where: Center on Global Energy Policy Large Conference Room 1255 Amsterdam Avenue New York, NY 10027
Columbia University’s Center on Global Energy Policy’s Women in Energy initiative invites you to a Student Roundtable to learn more about careers in the utilities. All Columbia University students interested in exploring a career opportunity in the utilities are encouraged to attend.
For more information, CLICK HERE.
Summer Stipend Info Sessions: Summer Internship Funding Search
When/Time: Thursday, April 4, 2024 @ 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Where: Room 420 CAC Conference Room
Unlock funding for your summer internship with SIPA's Summer Stipend Info Sessions! Discover how to apply for competitive stipends to support unpaid or low-paying internships. Join us to learn about the application process, eligibility, and tips for securing funding. We're hosting multiple sessions to fit your schedule.
For more information, CLICK HERE.
NYC Government Careers: Civil Service 101 Information Session
When/Time: Monday, April 8, 2024 @ 10:30 am - 12:00 pm
Where: Virtual
Learn how you can work for the City of New York, build a fulfilling career, and go to work with purpose every day. This information session will tell you everything you need to know to find the opportunities aligned with your career goals - whether you are entry-level or an experienced professional. We'll cover the civil service process, civil service exams, and the application process. Bring your questions with you!
For more information, CLICK HERE.
2024 CPT Info Session
When/Time: Tuesday, April 9, 2024 @ 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Where: CAC Conference Room
Are you a SIPA student who requires CPT for an internship? Do you have questions about your internship requirements? Come and Join Carla Espinoza, Associate Director of Career Advancement Center, for an Info Sessions on the CPT process!
For more information, CLICK HERE.
Career Chat with Camille Dawson, U.S. Department of State
When/Time: Tuesday, April 9, 2024 @ 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Where: Virtual
Camille Dawson is a career member of the Senior Foreign Service with 24 years of experience designing and implementing diplomatic and public engagement strategies for the U.S. Department of State.
For more information, CLICK HERE.
Events at Columbia
Child or Soldier? Adolescents and Armed Conflict
When: Monday, April 1, 2024 | 12:30 PM - 2:00 PM
Where: Pulitzer Hall, World Room

Grave violations against children in armed conflict, including the recruitment and use of children by armed forces and groups, continue to be a major protection concern in numerous countries in Africa, the Middle East, East and South Asia, and Latin America. Over the last 20+ years, the international landscape has shifted in the context of securitization and counterterrorism measures, effectively shrinking the humanitarian and protection space for children and adolescents impacted by armed conflict. Hosted by the Simon and June Li Center for Global Journalism at Columbia University’s Journalism School and co-organized with the Program on Forced Migration and Health at Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health, the Care and Protection of Children (CPC) Learning Network, this in-person panel conversation seeks to unpack how common beliefs, biases, and perceptions of children and adolescents in conflict-affected regions are shaping the narrative – and the international humanitarian and development community’s response and programming for certain groups of children. Panelists will contextualize current narratives through a combination of journalistic, humanitarian, programming, legal, and geopolitical perspectives.
To register, visit here.
Nicotine and Neighborhoods - Featuring Dr. JerelEzell
When: Tuesday, April 2, 2024 | 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Where: Online

Participants will learn about the health disparities research industrial complex from Jerel Ezell, PhD, MPH, from the University of California, Berkeley.
After the webinar, participants will be able to:
- Understand what the Health Disparities Research Industrial Complex Is
- Describe how we contribute to the Health Disparities Research Industrial Complex
- Discuss how we can address the Health Disparities Research Industrial Complex.
To register on zoom, visit here.
Governing Digital China
When: Thursday, April 4, 2024 | 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Where: The Forum at Columbia University

China’s digital governance has provoked concerns from observers that the government has fully embraced the direction of “Big Brother” envisioned by George Orwell in 1984. Governing Digital China, a forthcoming book by Professor Daniela Stockmann (Hertie School) challenges this totalitarian top-down paradigm, arguing that China’s digital governance is radically different in practice. Columbia World Projects, with support from the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, is pleased to invite you to this conversation between Professor Junyan Jiang (Columbia) and Stockmann, which will dig into the divide between perceptions and realities of digital governance during the Hu Jintao and Xi Jinping eras. Together, they will explore the logic of citizen-influenced corporatism, the bottom-up influences of the country’s largest platforms, and whether the existing linkages between the Chinese state, tech companies, and citizens neatly map on to digital rulemaking beyond China’s borders. This event is co-sponsored by the Weatherhead East Asian Institute, Columbia Global Center Beijing, and the Columbia Center for Political Economy. It is free and open to the public. We welcome all those with an interest in digital governance and democratic revitalization to attend. Refreshments will be served.
For more information, visit here.
EPD Office Hours
José Antonio Ocampo, EPD Co-Director
Sign up online: https://tinyurl.com/officehours-ocampo
Eugenia (Jenny) McGill, EPD Co-Director & EPD Workshop Director
Sign up online: https://tinyurl.com/mcgill-oh
Ilona Vinklerova, Concentration Manager
Sign up online: https://sipa.campusgroups.com/meetings/1060915/IlonaOH_Spring2024
Paras Abbasi (MPA/EPD), Program Assistant
Email for appointment
Orcun Dogmazer (MIA/EPD), Program Assistant
Email for appointment
Your favorite PAs,
Paras and Orcun