From: Economic and Political Development Concentration
Date: March 18, 2024
Subject: EPD Newsletter | March 18, 2024

Welcome back, EPD Family!

We trust your spring break was wonderful, filled with adventure and relaxation. A special shoutout to our capstone teams who ventured out, taking their projects to new heights and locations. Your dedication to expanding your horizons is truly inspiring, and we're all ears to hear about your experiences and the insights you've gained.

As we dive back into the rhythm of academia, let’s not forget the excitement that lies in the weeks ahead. We have a lineup of engaging events planned, each crafted to enhance your EPD journey, foster connections, and celebrate our collective achievements.

This week’s newsletter includes:

  • Events at SIPA
  • Internship Opportunity with IFAD
  • Career Advancement Center Events 
  • Events Happening at Columbia 
  • EPD Office Hours

Events at SIPA

  • Economic and Political Development (EPD) Virtual Career Series: DAY ONE 

Panel topics: Development Finance; and Gender and Development
When/Time: Wed, Mar 20, 2024 | 1:00 – 2:30 PM
Where: Zoom

Register here:

  • Economic and Political Development (EPD) Virtual Career Series: DAY TWO 

Panel topics: Tech and Innovation; and Sustainable Development
When/Time: Mon, Mar 25, 2024 | 1:00 – 2:30 PM
Where: Zoom

Register here:

Want to learn more about working in EPD industries? Meet with SIPA alumni to ask questions, discuss career paths, and grow your professional network. All SIPA students are welcome. 

Register here.

EPD Alumni Panel Topics - DAY ONE (3/20):

  • Development Finance 
  • Gender and Development 

Participating Companies / Organizations: 

  • International Monetary Fund 
  • Girls First Fund 
  • US International Development Finance Corporation 
  • Women Deliver 

Both panels will meet twice, so you can attend both during the zoom event.

Event Format:

  • 1:00pm - 1:10pm: Welcome and Introductions (main zoom room)
  • 1:10pm - 1:45pm: First Breakout Session / Panel 
  • 1:50pm - 2:25pm: Second Breakout Session / Panel 
  • 2:25pm - 2:30pm: Thank you / Farewell. (main Zoom room)

For more information, please visit the CampusGroup page here for day one and here for day two

  • LGBTQI+ Rights in Focus: A Day-Long Intensive Workshop 

When/Time: Sat, Mar 23, 2024 | 11:30 AM – 5:30 PM
Where: IAB 802

Join GPPS for a day-long workshop focused on global issues in LGBTQI+ rights, featuring Jessica Stern, U.S. Special Envoy for LGBTQI+ Rights and other experts, including:

  • Graeme Reid, UN Independent Expert on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (South Africa)
  • Tarek Zeidan, Executive Director, Helem (Lebanon)
  • Lisa Davis, Professor, CUNY School of Law (USA)

Lunch and light refreshments will be served. Register here.

  • Using World Bank’s WBL 2024 Report to Drive Gender Equality

When/Time: Wed, Mar 27, 2024 | 1:00 – 2:30 PM 
Where: IAB 1512

Join Women, Business and the Law Manager Tea Trumbic and SIPA alumnae Alexis Cheney ‘22 and Nayantara Vohra ’21 to discuss the main findings of the World Bank’s Women, Business and the Law 2024 Report and the report production process. This year's report, the 10th in the series, finds that women worldwide enjoy less than two-thirds of the legal rights that men do, and that the weak implementation of laws exacerbates gender gaps. For the first time, the report analyzes not only the pace of legal reforms to create equal economic opportunity for women, but also countries’ efforts to implement those laws. The report finds a shocking implementation gap in all 190 economies measured.  This event is cosponsored by the Institute of Global Politics (IGP) at Columbia SIPA and the Economic and Political Development Concentration and the Gender and Public Policy Specialization  at Columbia SIPA. Register here.

  • IGP Skills Workshop on Building Global Indicators: Case Study of the World Bank’s Women, Business and the Law 2024 Report

When/Time: Wed, Mar 27, 2024 | 2.30 – 3:30 PM 
Where: IAB 1516

Please RSVP to; Waitlist after 20 student RSVPs

Join Women, Business and the Law Manager Tea Trumbic and SIPA alumnae Alexis Cheney ‘22 and Nayantara Vohra ’21 for a workshop on building global indicators. The facilitators will share their learnings on building the Women, Business and the Law indicators using case studies. The workshop will focus on the process, methodology, and challenges involved in building global and comparable indices. The session will include interactive exercises to familiarize participants with the practical skills needed to develop and critically analyze indicators.

  • Starting and Leading a Mission-Driven Organization: A Cheat Sheet for Emerging Social Entrepreneurs and Problem-Solvers

When/Time: Mon, Apr 8, 2024 | 1:00 – 2:00 PM
Where: Room 409

In this session, Alex Counts, who has started, led, and grown multiple nonprofits including the Grameen Foundation and the India Philanthropy Alliance, and who has written three books on mission-driven leadership, will share the key elements of his next book on how to succeed as a first-time executive director of a nonprofit organization. Many of these lessons are also applicable to those who serve on boards of nonprofits or who are engaged in a traditional business start up. They range from compliance, product development, and people management to public relations, and self-care. He will focus on those skills, techniques and mindsets that are most important for someone leading a small (under $5 million budget) nonprofit for the first time. Register here.

Internship Opportunity

The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), a specialized agency of the United Nations, is offering an exciting internship opportunity at its Liaison Office with the United Nations in New York. Dedicated to eradicating rural poverty and hunger in developing countries, IFAD supports projects that enhance agricultural productivity, raise rural incomes, and advocate policies benefiting impoverished rural communities. This internship, starting in April 2024 for a duration of six months, offers a unique chance to engage with international development issues including sustainability, climate change, and gender equality.

Located at the United Nations Headquarters, the Liaison Office seeks an intern to monitor and report on key thematic areas, assist in research and political trend analysis, and support partnerships with various stakeholders. Ideal candidates will be New York-based, able to commit to a full-time schedule, and possess strong analytical, writing, and communication skills with a keen interest in agricultural and rural development. Proficiency in Microsoft Office is essential. The internship provides a monthly stipend of US$800, adjusted for any external sponsorship received and prorated for partial months.

This role not only offers insight into the policymaking process but also a deeper understanding of rural development challenges and international development finance. Interns will gain valuable experience within the UN system and explore career opportunities in international development policy. Applicants must submit a resume, a brief writing sample on a related topic, and a cover letter expressing their interest in the internship to This is a remarkable opportunity for those passionate about making a difference in the world of international development and rural upliftment.

Career Advancement Center Events

  • UNICC - Columbia University Thinkathon 2024

When/Time: Thursday, March 21, 2024 @ 9:00 am - 12:00 pm 
Where: Virtual
Dress Code: Business Casual
Work Authorization Requirement: All Work Authorizations Accepted

Link to more Info & Registration:

UNICC (United Nations International Computing Centre) is partnering with the Columbia University to bring students together for a 3-day live competition from April 5 to April 7, 2024, to tackle the great challenges of our time. We invite students from all over the world to participate in the UNICC-Columbia University Thinkathon 2024, jointly organized by UNICC and Columbia SPS. The goal is to work together on real-world solutions based on Digital Public Goods (DPGs). Registration is open until March 21 at Noon EST. For more information, CLICK HERE.

  • Business & HR Virtual Career Fair

When/Time: Thursday, March 21, 2024 @ 11:00 am - 3:00 pm
Where: Virtual
Dress Code: Casual
Work Authorization Requirement: All Work Authorizations Accepted

Who is invited?

Online recruiting event for Jobseekers pursuing Business & HR Career Opportunities
Candidates seeking Full-time, Intern, & Co-op jobs

Where do I have to go? Nowhere, it all happens online!

Flexible Time Frame: Each organization chooses their own chat times during the event
Leverage the power of Recruiting Technology | Attend the Fair from Anywhere

More information here: Business & HR Virtual Career Fair (
Register here: Log In (
For more information, CLICK HERE

  • Summer Stipend Info Sessions: Summer Internship Funding Search

When/Time: Thursday, March 21, 2024 @ 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Where: Virtual
Dress Code: Casual
Work Authorization Requirement: All Work Authorizations Accepted

Unlock funding for your summer internship with SIPA's Summer Stipend Info Sessions! Discover how to apply for competitive stipends to support unpaid or low-paying internships. Join us to learn about the application process, eligibility, and tips for securing funding. We're hosting multiple sessions to fit your schedule: March 21st, 11 AM (CAC Conference Room); April 1st, 1 PM (Zoom); April 4th, 11 AM (CAC Conference Room). For more information, CLICK HERE.

  • NBR Japan Studies Research Fellowship Information Session 

When/Time: Thursday, March 21, 2024 @ 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Where: Virtual
Dress Code: Business Casual
Work Authorization Requirement: All Work Authorizations Accepted

NBR is pleased to host a virtual information session about the Japan Studies Research Fellowship Program on Thursday, March 21, 2024, at 12:00 p.m. PT/3:00 p.m. ET. Join us and learn more about the fellowship and application requirements from NBR staff and program alumni and ask any questions you may have. RSVP to receive login information. The fellowship application deadline is April 14, 2024! If you plan to attend, please RSVP by March 20, 2024. For more information, CLICK HERE.

Events at Columbia 

  • Book Talk: Death, Domination, and State-Building  

When: Tuesday, March 19, 2024 | 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Where: IAB 1302

In Death, Dominance, and State-Building, the eminent scholar of conflict Roger D. Petersen provides the first comprehensive analytic history of post-invasion Iraq. Although the war is almost universally derided as one of the biggest foreign policy blunders of the post-Cold War era, Petersen argues that the course and conduct of the conflict is poorly understood. He begins by outlining an accessible framework for analyzing complex, fluid, and violent internal conflicts. He then applies that framework to a variety of diverse case studies to break down the strategic interplay among the US military forces and Shia and Sunni insurgent organizations as it played out in Baghdad, Anbar, and Hawija. Highlighting the struggle for dominance between Shia and Sunni in Baghdad, Petersen offers a reconsideration of the Surge. He also addresses failures of state-building in Iraqi Kurdistan. Critically, he shows how the legacy of the US occupation and presence from 2003-2011 shaped Iraq's political and security contours from 2011-2023. 

To register, visit here.

EPD Office Hours 

Your favorite PAs,
Paras and Orcun