From: Economic and Political Development Concentration
Date: March 25, 2024
Subject: EPD Newsletter | March 25, 2024

Hello EPD-ers!

Spring came for a second and then left us to freeze in the cold. Last week was a little betrayal by the weather when everyone was seen taking their classes and running home to hide in their cocoons. Hopefully, from here on, the weather will only get better so you can make full use of all the exciting EPD events happening on campus. 

This week’s newsletter includes:
  • EPD and SIPA events
  • EPD Workshop Survey
  • Events Happening at Columbia
  • Career Advancement Center Events
  • EPD Office Hours

EPD and SIPA Events
Economic and Political Development (EPD) Virtual Career Series- DAY TWO
Panel Topics: Tech and Innovation; and Sustainable Development
When: TODAY, Monday, March 25, 2024 | 1-2:30 PM
Want to learn more about working in EPD industries? Meet with SIPA alumni to ask questions, discuss career paths, and grow your professional network. ALL SIPA STUDENTS ARE WELCOME! 
Participating Companies / Organizations: 
  • Kennedy School
  • BASF
  • Viamo
  • JP Morgan Chase & Co
Both panels will meet twice, so you can attend both during the zoom event.

Event Format:
1:00pm - 1:10pm: Welcome and Introductions (main zoom room)
1:10pm - 1:45pm: First Breakout Session / Panel
1:50pm - 2:25pm: Second Breakout Session / Panel
2:25pm - 2:30pm: Thank you / Farewell. (main Zoom room)
Register here
Using World Bank’s WBL 2024 Report to Drive Gender Equality: Findings from the World Bank’s Women, Business and Law 2024 Report 
When: Wednesday, Mar 27, 2024 | 1:00 – 2:30 PM 
Where: IAB 1512
Join Women, Business and the Law Manager Tea Trumbic and SIPA alumnae Alexis Cheney ‘22 and Nayantara Vohra ’21 to discuss the main findings of the World Bank’s Women, Business and the Law 2024 Report and the report production process. This year's report, the 10th in the series, finds that women worldwide enjoy less than two-thirds of the legal rights that men do, and that the weak implementation of laws exacerbates gender gaps. For the first time, the report analyzes not only the pace of legal reforms to create equal economic opportunity for women, but also countries’ efforts to implement those laws. The report finds a shocking implementation gap in all 190 economies measured. Interestingly, several SIPA students worked at World Bank’s Women, Business and Law as interns.   
This event is cosponsored by the Institute of Global Politics (IGP) at Columbia SIPA, the Economic and Political Development Concentration and the Gender and Public Policy Specialization at Columbia SIPA. Register here.
UN and Financing for Development
When: Monday, April 1, 2024 | 1-2 PM
Where: IAB 409

The UN will hold its fourth Conference on Financing for Development in 2025. This talk will evaluate the advance from previous Conferences, particularly from the Addis Ababa meeting that took place in 2015, and the major issues that should be in the agenda for the 2025 event.
José Antonio Ocampo, Professor and Co-Director of Economic and Political Development Concentration at SIPA, Member of the Committee for Development Policy of the United Nations Economic and Social Council and Member of the Independent Commission for the Reform of International Corporate Taxation
Register here.
Starting and Leading a Mission-Driven Organization: A Cheat Sheet for Emerging Social Entrepreneurs and Problem-Solvers
When: Monday, Apr 8, 2024 | 1– 2 PM
Where: IAB 409

In this session, Alex Counts, who has started, led, and grown multiple nonprofits including the Grameen Foundation and the India Philanthropy Alliance, and who has written three books on mission-driven leadership, will share the key elements of his next book on how to succeed as a first-time executive director of a nonprofit organization. Many of these lessons are also applicable to those who serve on boards of nonprofits or who are engaged in a traditional business start up. They range from compliance, product development, and people management to public relations, and self-care. He will focus on those skills, techniques and mindsets that are most important for someone leading a small (under $5 million budget) nonprofit for the first time.
Register here.
Scaling Up Development Impact 
When: Wednesday, April 10, 2024 | 1-2PM
Where: IAB 409 and Zoom

Today, nearly one billion people lack electricity, over three billion lack clean water, and 750 million lack basic literacy skills. Many of these challenges could be solved with existing solutions, and technology now enables us to reach the last mile like never before. Yet, few solutions attain the necessary scale to match the size of these challenges. Scaling Up Development Impact recognizes that scaling up is a process of transformation. It emphasizes that scaling up impact requires putting the people closest to the problem at the center, understanding that they have the utmost knowledge of their problems and thus are invaluable in co-creating long-lasting, scalable solutions.

Zoom link: 

Lunch will be provided to those joining in person. Register here.
Rebel Governance of Marriage and Sexuality: An Intersectional Approach
When: Monday, April 15, 2024 | 1-2 PM
Where: IAB 409

Presented by Dr. Keshab Giri, Lecturer in International Relations at The University of St Andrews and Research Fellow at Women and Public Policy Program, Harvard Kennedy School

Extant research links forced marriage and sexual violence in rebel groups with their respective political projects, social control, and group cohesion. However, forced marriage and sexual violence are rare in many rebel groups, including the Maoists in Nepal who claimed to have a ‘progressive,’ scientific,’ and ‘modern’ framework for governing marriage and sexuality. In the light of this puzzle, I ask, what does a non-coercive/non-violent rebel governance of marriage and sexuality mean for a rebel group’s political project of social control and power? What is the gendered impact of such governance? Importantly, how does it impact female combatants at the intersection of multiple oppressions? Using abductive analysis of extensive interviews with female ex-combatants and their leaders, I build a theoretical explanation about the non-coercive/non-violent governance of marriage and sexuality that is not just linked to the formation, consolidation, and legitimation of political agendas, but also enabled social control and political power for the Maoists. However, this further marginalized those female combatants who were already disadvantaged. I employ a feminist intersectional framework while critically reflecting on my own positionality. The implications of these findings extend beyond Nepal, illuminating dynamics of rebel governance and the complexity of war and post-war social organization. Register here.


EPD Workshop Briefing Session for First-Year Students
When: Wednesday, April 17, 2024 | 1-2 PM
Where: IAB 409
Are you a first-year EPD student? Join Jenny McGill, EPD Workshop Director, and a panel of second-year students who are currently in the workshop program for a briefing session to learn what the EPD Workshop is about, how you can position yourself for the best workshop experience and how you can propose and design a workshop project for next year. 
Lunch will be provided. Register here.
EPD Workshop Survey
Survey deadline is May 3, 2024. Complete the survey here.

Other Events Happening at Columbia
Music Monday at The Forum: Harlem Chamber Players
When: Monday, March 25, 2024 | 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Where: The Forum at Columbia University, 601 W. 125th St., New York, NY 10027
Room/Area: Atrium West
Music Monday is a free and open-to-the public monthly concert series hosted by The Forum. Performances take place in The Forum's ground-floor Atrium on Monday evenings, once a month. RSVP is encouraged. Please visit The Forum's website for the full calendar of events. In honor of Women's History Month, the March event will feature members of The Harlem Chamber Players performing works by a selection of women composers.

Valerie Coleman Umoja
Reena Esmail Zeher
Gabriela Lena Frank Leyendas: An Andean Walkabout
Justine Chen Perpetual Flux
Rhiannon Giddens At the Purchaser’s Option with Variations*
*This piece is part of the Krono Quartet's 50 for the Future Project.
Portraits of Empires: Habsburg Albums from Ottoman Constantinople
When: Monday, March 25, 2024 | 6:10 PM - 7:30 PM
Where: Schermerhorn Hall, 1198 Amsterdam Ave., New York, NY 10027
Room/Area: Room 807
Portraits of Empires: Habsburg Albums from the German House in Ottoman Constantinople

Schermerhorn Hall, Room 807, 6:10 PM
Book Talk by Robyn Dora Radway, Central European University
To register for this in-person event, please click HERE.
Event Contact Information:
Sakip Sabanci Center for Turkish Studies 
Join Obama Scholars at Ignite Summit on April 11 & 12

We're thrilled to introduce Ignite Social Impact Summit 2024 on April 11 & 12 in New York City! Inspired by President Obama's powerful call to action at the 2023 Obama Foundation Democracy Forum, this 1 1/2-day summit is a passionate endeavor close to our hearts. It's designed to launch the next generation of social impact leaders while providing a dynamic platform for current leaders to share invaluable insights from their journeys.

This summit is tailor-made for undergraduate (juniors and seniors) and graduate students. Dive into engaging panel discussions on topics such as social entrepreneurship, philanthropy, impact investing, csr/esg, and civic engagement – all curated to spark your passion for creating positive change.

Ready to embark on this journey with us? Check out the full details on our website at and follow us on LinkedIn and Instagram. 

See you on April 11 & 12– where inspiration meets action! 
-Huong & Amanda
Obama Scholars/ Co-Founders of Ignite Social Impact Summit 

Career Advancement Center Events
Internship Virtual Fair
When/Time: Tuesday, March 26, 2024 @ 11:00 am - 3:00 pm
Where: Virtual
Dress Code: Casual
Work Authorization Requirement: All Work Authorizations Accepted

Online Recruiting Event Where Job seekers Meet Employers Nationwide. Free to Employers Hiring for Internship Positions. More information here: Internship Virtual Fair (

For more information, CLICK HERE.
Career Chat with Cecilia Pou, Meta Oversight Board
When/Time: Tuesday, March 26, 2024 @ 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Where: IAB 413
Dress Code: Business Casual
Work Authorization Requirement: All Work Authorizations Accepted

Join Cecilia Pou, a Case Screening Assistant at Meta's Oversight Board, for a career chat and Q&A. Cecilia is from New York and holds a Bachelor of Arts in International Relations from the University of Southern California. In her work at the Oversight Board, she works to identify content that poses complex questions about freedom of expression and user safety. 

For more information, CLICK HERE.
NYPD Intelligence Division Employer Information Session
When/Time: Wednesday, March 27, 2024 @ 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Where: IAB 413
Dress Code: Business Casual
Work Authorization Requirement: Permanent US Work Authorization Required

The NYPD Intelligence Division is one of the premier local law enforcement agencies working to deter and interdict terrorism or major crime operations in New York City. This Division is looking for talented civilian analysts to support the operational mission of the NYPD. Skills that the Intelligence Division desires for potential candidates include subject-matter expertise in counterterrorism studies, security studies, intelligence, and international affairs, superior yet succinct writing and briefing skills, knowledge of a critical non-English language, experience with computer programs dealing in large qualitative data sets including link chart analysis, and the ability to work in a fast-paced paramilitary organization with a wide variety of backgrounds.

For more information, CLICK HERE.
2024 CPT Info Session
When/Time: Thursday, March 28, 2024 @ 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Where: CAC Conference Room
Dress Code: Casual
Work Authorization Requirement: All Work Authorizations Accepted

Are you a SIPA student who requires CPT for an internship? Do you have questions about your internship requirements? Come and Join Carla Espinoza, Associate Director of Career Advancement Center, for an Info Sessions on the CPT process!

For more information, CLICK HERE.
Mastering the Job Search for International Students in the U.S. 
When/Time: Thursday, March 28, 2024 @ 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Where: IAB 413
Dress Code: Business Casual
Work Authorization Requirement: All Work Authorizations Required

The workshop offers invaluable insights and guidance from two SIPA alumni, Soffia Alarcon and Thierry Verheije, who have successfully navigated the journey from being international students to securing influential positions in their respective fields. Drawing from their rich experiences, Soffia and Thierry delve into the realities and challenges faced by international students seeking employment in the U.S. Their workshop provides a comprehensive narrative, detailing the hurdles they overcame, mistakes they made and the lessons learned along the way. It emphasizes the urgency of job pursuit in the U.S., providing practical dos and don'ts while fostering reflection and strategic planning. Through an interactive session, guidance is tailored to each student's unique circumstances, ensuring personalized support. With a focus on practicality, they offer actionable strategies to help students avoid common pitfalls and embark on their own career paths with confidence.

For more information, CLICK HERE.
Summer Stipend Info Sessions: Summer Internship Funding Search
When/Time: Monday, April 1, 2024 @ 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Where: Virtual
Dress Code: Casual
Work Authorization Requirement: All Work Authorizations Accepted

Unlock funding for your summer internship with SIPA's Summer Stipend Info Sessions! Discover how to apply for competitive stipends to support unpaid or low-paying internships. Join us to learn about the application process, eligibility, and tips for securing funding. We're hosting multiple sessions to fit your schedule.

For more information, CLICK HERE.
NNSA Graduate Fellowship Program Information Session
When/Time: Monday, April 1, 2024 @ 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Where: Virtual
Dress Code: Business Casual
Work Authorization Requirement: Permanent US Work Authorization Required

This is a virtual information session about the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA)’s Graduate Fellowship Program (NGFP). NGFP has become a recognized resource for bringing top talent to our nation’s critical national security missions and providing unique opportunities for fellows to (1) work alongside leading experts at NNSA program and site offices; (2) participate in exclusive professional development, networking, and training opportunities; and (3) engage with national security stake­holders and support leading events and activities around the world.

For more information, CLICK HERE.
2024 CPT Info Session
When/Time: Wednesday, April 3, 2024 @ 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Where: Virtual
Dress Code: Casual
Work Authorization Requirement: All Work Authorizations Accepted

Are you a SIPA student who requires CPT for an internship? Do you have questions about your internship requirements? Come and Join Carla Espinoza, Associate Director of Career Advancement Center, for an Info Sessions on the CPT process!
For more information, CLICK HERE.
Anti-Hunger Corps VISTA Program Information Session
When/Time: Wednesday, April 3, 2024 @ 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Where: Virtual
Dress Code: Business Casual
Work Authorization Requirement: All Work Authorizations Accepted

Do you want to change the world? Are you a student who isn’t sure what you want to do after graduation? Looking for an opportunity to take a break from college? Hunger Free America’s AmeriCorps VISTA program might be the opportunity you are looking for!

For more information, CLICK HERE.
Summer Stipend Info Sessions: Summer Internship Funding Search
When/Time: Thursday, April 4, 2024 @ 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Where: Room 420 CAC Conference Room
Dress Code: Casual
Work Authorization Requirement: All Work Authorizations Accepted

Unlock funding for your summer internship with SIPA's Summer Stipend Info Sessions! Discover how to apply for competitive stipends to support unpaid or low-paying internships. Join us to learn about the application process, eligibility, and tips for securing funding. We're hosting multiple sessions to fit your schedule.

For more information, CLICK HERE.

EPD Office Hours
Your favorite PAs,
Paras and Orcun