Virtual Roundtable Discussion: Damilola Ogunbiyi, CEO and Special Representative, UN Secretary-General for Sustainable Energy for All | Tuesday, Dec. 1, 2020 | 12:30 - 1:30 PM
Register here
Please join the Center on Global Energy Policy and the SIPA Pan-African Network (SPAN) for a virtual student roundtable discussion with Damilola Ogunbiyi, CEO and Special Representative, UN Secretary-General for Sustainable Energy for All.
Ms. Ogunbiyi will discuss current and future opportunities in Africa including the digital transformation, fintech, and smart city; economic development and how Africa is shifting positively; and the energy transition in Africa. Advance registration is required. Upon registration, you will receive a confirmation email with access details.
For more information, please contact Jully Merino Carela (jem2245@columbia.edu) or Nicolina DueMogensen (energypolicyevents@columbia.edu).
Global Climate Change Governance: The Role of International Organizations
Wednesday Dec. 2, 2020 | 10am-12pm
RSVP here
Climate action is one of the foremost challenges of our times. This panel discusses the distinct role of international organizations in climate governance. This includes not only the role of the Paris Agreement but the broad work of international organizations with governments and non-governmental actors at the global, regional, national and sub-national levels to promote environmental and climate change related action. The discussion will foster a better understanding of the multiple and complex ways, UN agencies and programmes are promoting change and the political and practical obstacles and strategies. Panelists include: Joyce Msuya, Assistant Secretary-General and Deputy Executive Director, UN Environment Program, Ovais Sarmad, Assistant Secretary-General and Deputy Executive Secretary,UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, Scott Barrett, Vice Dean and Lenfest-Earth Institute Professor of Natural Resource Economics, SIPA. Moderator: Daniel Naujoks, Director a.i., International Organization and UN Studies, SIPA.
COVID-19: Policymaking in the Throes of a Global Crisis | Every Wednesday, 1-2 PM EDT
An online seminar co-sponsored by the School of International and Public Affairs, the Earth Institute, and the Mailman School of Public Health. For more information on this online seminar series CLICK HERE.
IO/UNS Career Series: UN Careers in Peacebuilding and Conflict Resolution |Thursday, Dec 3, 2020 | 1–2:15 pm
Register here
Martin Waehlisch, leader of the Innovation Cell in Policy and Mediation Division of the Department of Political and Peacebuilding affairs in the UN Secretariat, will share his insights into UN careers in peacebuilding and conflict resolution, including at the UN Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs (UN DPPA). Dr Waehlisch will highlight how to prepare for careers in UN peacebuilding, key pathways and hiring processes at headquarters and in the field. He will offer insights into different job profiles and the skills needed to succeed.
Gender Specialization Internship Panel
Thursday, Dec 3, 2020 | 1 to 2 pm.
Link to register: http://cglink.me/r893643
Join the Gender Specialization Internship Panel and hear from second-year students on their summer experience with various organizations and gender work. Get some tips on how to land your dream summer internship!

End of Term Trivia Night!
Friday Dec. 4, 2020 | 6pm-7pm
RSVP here
Take a break from studying and chill with your peers and professors. Back by popular demand, EPD Faculty & Student Trivia night is back to end the social calendar for this semester! Sign up and we will put you into groups with your EPD peers and professors for an hour of quizsencical evening!

Global Liquidity and International Lender of Last Resort
Monday Dec. 7, 2020 | 8am-9am ET
RSVP here
Speakers include: Zeti Aziz, Former Governor, Bank Ngeara Malaysia. Guillermo Ortiz, Treasurer, Group of 30, former Governor of Bank of Mexico. Odd Per Brekk, Deputy Director, Asia and Pacific Dept., IMF. Patricia Mosser, Director, MPA in Economic Policy Management, Columbia SIPA.
Moderated by Takatoshi Ito, Professor of International and Public Affairs, Columbia SIPA, Director, Program on Public Pension and Sovereign Funds, Centre on Japanese Economy and Business, Columbia Business School.
Create a Compelling LinkedIn Profile and Using Digital Tools to Identify Contacts for Networking
When: Tuesday, December 1, 2020
Time:11:00 AM- 12:30 PM
For more information and to register
Interested in Working in Philanthropy?
When:Tuesday, December 1, 2020
Time:2:00 PM- 3:15 PM
The Port Authority of NY & NJ - Information Session
When:Tuesday, December 1, 2020
Time:5:00 PM- 6:00 PM
For more information and to register
Effective Interviewing Skills for International Students
When:Wednesday, December 2, 2020
Time:7:45 AM- 8:45 PM
For more information and to register
Climate Careers Symposium Event: “Leadership in a Time of Global Crises: Overcoming Obstacles”
When: Wednesday, December 2nd, 2020
Time: 6:00 PM-7:30 PM
UN Careers in Peacebuilding and Conflict Resolution
When: Thursday, December 3, 2020
Time:1:00 PM- 2:15 PM
Internship Paperwork Workshop
When:Thursday, December 3, 2020
Time:1:00 AM- 2:15 PM
For more information and to register
Public Policy Institute of California
When:Friday, December 4, 2020
Time:12:00 PM- 1:00 PM
For more information and to register
Check out this week's OCS New Job and Internship Opportunities CLICK HERE and Upcoming Deadlines for Jobs and Internship Application CLICK HERE
UN Economic Comission for Africa | Economic Affairs Internship |
Apply here
ECA's mission is to deliver ideas and actions for an empowered and transformed Africa; informed by the 2030 Agenda and Agenda 2063.
The internship is located in the African Trade Policy Centre (ATPC) of the Regional Integration and Trade Division (RITD) at the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA). The ATPC is looking for enthusiasm and critical thinking. Experience with data and/or research is an advantage.
The internship is for four (4) months with an opportunity for extension, pending on the needs of the section.The internship is UNPAID, full-time, and home-based.
SIPA Career Website & Resources
Check out great career development resources for students that can be found on SIPA Career Resources Website.
Factsheets on Career Development - Tips for international students and on connecting with alumni, interviewing, networking, PMF information, writing resumes and cover letters and other career development topics.
Career Overview Factsheet - Information, sample employers, and online resources for a variety of fields and industries
Sector-Specific Fact Sheets - Lists of employers by industry or field, organizational charts, and information on IFC and World Bank internship programs and YPPs.
Check out other resources in the website.
Sarah Jane Noujeim is a second-year MPA student. Prior to SIPA, she worked as a management consultant in the GCC for almost 3 years as part of Boston Consulting Group. She helped private and public sector clients develop comprehensive strategies across different sectors including education, social security, energy, SME support, and privatization. She also worked for a Venture Capital fund, where she helped fundraise from family offices and launch the fund's foundation arm focused on AI to combat online child sexual abuse. Sarah Jane dedicates a significant amount of her free time to her home country Lebanon: she took part in launching a political party in 2017, was a member of Jobs for Lebanon earlier this year and is currently a member of Impact Lebanon, where she is launching alongside other Lebanese expats a campaign to increase expat voting in the next Lebanese elections. Most recently, Sarah Jane interned at the United Nations Executive Office of the Secretary-General for 6 months. After SIPA, Sarah Jane hopes to build a career in economic or political development and build the right skills and network to be able to make more significant change in her home country.
Pavlo Iliashenko is a first-year MPA EPD student pursuing Regional specialization with the Harriman Institute. He grew up in the industrial part of Ukraine in the 1990s, amid economic collapse following Ukraine’s transition from the planning to the market economy. This experience made him passionate about economics and economic development. Before SIPA, he accumulated more than 10 years of experience in financial and economic analysis, first as an equity research analyst and later as head of research at one of Ukraine’s leading investment banks. In 2014, he started my transition to policy research and consulting. From 2014 to 2015 as a member of a large international team of researchers, consultants, and government officials, he was working on the transformation strategy for the Naftogaz of Ukraine (the largest state-owned corporation in Ukraine) and the reform of the Ukrainian natural gas market. Since 2017, he teaches finance at Tallinn Technical University and live between two countries, Estonia and Ukraine. Since 2018, he works as a research consultant with a Kyiv-based policy think tank. At SIPA he wants to learn the secrets of economic development and the art of pushing economic reforms through political obstacles. Beyond economic development, he is interested in economic psychology, as well as in the financial history of the ancient world and medieval times. In a spare time, he is a fan of British comedy of all genres, from PG Wodehouse and Monty Python to the works of Edgar Wright and recent panel shows.
(Reach out to us if you'd like to be featured in the next newsletter!)
This week's featured film: Kartini

A woman of nobility battles patriarchal norms in order to improve educational access for women in early 1900s Indonesian society. This is a story about the Indonesian heroine, Kartini. In the early 1900s, Indonesia was a colony of the Netherlands, and women weren't allowed to get higher education. Defying custom and tradition, Kartini fought for equality for women, and for the right for everyone to get an education regardless of their social status or gender.
Watch the trailer
here, Watch it on
This week's featured book: The Art of Life Admin: How To Do Less, Do It Better, and Live More ÔÇïÔÇïÔÇïÔÇï(Elizabeth Emens)
Every day, an unseen form of labour creeps into our lives, stealing precious moments of free time, placing a strain on our schedules and relationships, and earning neither appreciation nor compensation in return. Scheduling doctor's appointments. Planning a party. Buying a present. Filling out paperwork. This labour is 'life admin' - the kind of secretarial and managerial work necessary to run a life and a household.
Available on Amazon
(We would love to hear your recommendations! Let us know what you have watched/read/listened to recently so we can feature them in the next newsletter!)
José Antonio Ocampo, EPD Co-Director
Sign up online: https://tinyurl.com/officehours-ocampo
Jenny McGill, EPD Co-Director and Workshop Director
Sign up online: https://tinyurl.com/mcgill-oh
Ilona Vinklerova, EPD Manager
Sign up online: https://sipa.campusgroups.com/meetings/1060915/IlonaOfficeHours
Séléna Batchily, EPD Program Assistant
By appointment at ssb2200@columbia.edu
Saiful Salihudin, EPD Program Assistant
By appointment at sas2409@columbia.edu