Hello EPD-ers!
We know it has been a long and stressful week while we are all following the terrible invasion of Ukraine and we are thinking in particular of our Ukrainian classmates during this crisis. Following a Russian veto in the Security Council on Friday, both the UN Security Council and General Assembly are meeting on this issue today and the sessions can be watched live HERE. See the UNGA Schedule and the UNSC Schedule. Both organs are scheduled to meet at 3PM to discuss Ukraine.
We are continuing with our EPD programming this week, including the faculty/student mixer (Tues), Gender, Politics, and Development Speaker Series (Tues), and a talk with the
Mayor of Cartagena, Mayor Dau (Wed). See below for details and we are looking forward to seeing you all on campus!
This week’s newsletter includes:
- EPD Announcements
- Upcoming EPD and other events
- Upcoming CAC Events
- Jobs, Internships and other opportunities
- Pick of the Week
FYI: Upcoming EPD Workshop Survey - Preferences for Next Year
Some of you may have seen a recent survey targetted at first year's regarding capstone preferences for next year. Feedback from these forms is used to help inform the capstone projects that SIPA puts together for students for next year. We just wanted to keep you up to speed that EPD, which puts together its own separate list of workshops specifically for EPD students, will also be sending out a survey later this semester to get input from continuing EPD students who will be doing their workshop next year on what kinds of projects and/or clients you would like to work with. We can't wait to hear your feedback!
Lunchtime Student/Faculty Speaker Series - Dates Coming Soon!
Beyond the student/faculty mixer this Tuesday evening (5-7PM Rm 1501) we wanted to keep you posted we are in the process of scheduling our first student/faculty lunch speaker where students can chat with a member of faculty more in depth about their research and work. More details coming soon!
Get your Tote Bags! Seriously. Come get a Tote Bag!
If you haven't already picked up your amazing EPD tote bag, they are waiting for you in the EPD office in Room 1305 in IAB. Feel free to stop by anytime Mon-Fri before 4:30 PM and pick yours up!
Student Feedback Solicited on Candidates for Pending Columbia Hire of New Director
SIPA has invited three candidates for the Professor of Professional Practice and founding Director of the Master’s in Public Administration in Global Leadership search for Zoom visits this semester. Information on the Job Talks, in which candidates will discuss their recent or ongoing research, is below. SIPA is looking for students who can attend ALL 3 talks to provide feedback on the candidates. There are a limited number of slots, but if this is of interest to you and you can attend all three talks below, please contact Will (wg2363) or Pooja (ps3192) and we can get you set up to participate.
Tuesday, March 1, (1-2PM) Mauricio Cardenas, former Minister of Finance and Public Credit of Colombia (2012-2018); Adjunct Senior Research Scholar at SIPA’s Center on Global Energy Policy
Wednesday, March 2, (1-2 PM) Garry Conille, former Prime Minister of Haiti (2011-2012); United Nations Resident Coordinator in Jamaica
Monday, March 7 (1-2PM), Dalia Dassa Kaye, former Director of the Center for Middle East Public Policy at the RAND Corporation (2012-2020); Senior Fellow at UCLA Burkle Center for International Relations.
Volunteer Request: Translation from English to Arabic
The Communities Speak project is seeking a volunteer to translate their upcoming public-policy survey from English into Modern Standard Arabic. Communities Speak is a project lead by Dr. Ester Fuchs that collects micro-level data to inform public policy design that is rooted in the real experiences of communities and individuals. Translation will happen over the last week of March. If you or anyone you know is interested, please email Kelsey Ray at kar2233@columbia.edu.
Pitch to The Morningside Post!
SIPA's newspaper, The Morningside Post, is calling for submissions! Any student or community member can pitch, and no formal journalism or publishing experience is required. Submissions in any language are welcome. Visit the TMP website to review guidelines and submit a piece. For news tips, questions, or recommended topics, email tmpsipasubmissions@gmail.com.
Assessing the Gendered Employment Impact of COVID-19 and 'How to Build Back Fairer'
Organizer: Economic and Political Development Concentration & Gender and Public Policy Specialization
Co-Sponsors: Gender Policy Working Group, Women in Leadership, Center for Development Economics and Policy
When: Tuesday, March 1, 2022.
Time: 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM.
Where: IAB 801 and Zoom
For more information and to register CLICK HERE

EPD Faculty-Student Spring Mixer
Who: Economic and Political Development Concentration
When: Tuesday, March 1, 2022.
Time: 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM.
Where: IAB 1501
For more information and to register CLICK HERE.
Using Data to Fight Corruption and Alleviate Poverty
Organizer: Economic and Political Development Concentration
Co-Sponsors: Urban and Social Policy
Concentration (USP), the Institute of Latin American Studies (ILAS), Columbia World Projects, and the Data Science Institute at Columbia University
When: Wednesday, March 2, 2022.
Time: 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM.
Where: IAB 801 and Zoom
For more information and to register CLICK HERE.
Chile's Economic Model: From Pinochet to Boric
Organizer: Columbia University Seminar on Latin America
Who: Ricardo Ffrench-Davis (Universidad de Chile) in conversation with respondent Barbara Stallings (Brown University)
When: Wednesday, March 2, 2022.
Time: 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM.
Where: Zoom
Register: Anyone interested can RSVP to Caitlin Anna Liss (cal2246@columbia.edu) to receive the Zoom link
EPD Student Internship Discussion
Who: Economic and Political Development Concentration
When: Monday, March 7, 2022.
Time: 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM.
Where: IAB 1302
For more information and to register CLICK HERE.
Russia and Ukraine: What's Next?
Organizer: SIPA European Union Student Association (and lots of cosponsors from across Columbia)
When: Tuesday, March 1, 2022
Time: 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM.
Where: Zoom and "watch party" in Hamilton 318.
For more information and to register CLICK HERE.
CiVEC x CERV Spring Social
Organizer: SIPA Civic and Voter Engagement Coalition
When: Wedneday, March 2, 2022
Time: 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM.
Where: Amity Hall (Food Provided :) )
For more information and to register CLICK HERE.
Infrastructure Speaker Series: Financing Tomorrow's Infracture (AIIB)
Organizer: SIPA Infrastructure Club
When: Thursday, March 3, 2022
Time: 12:30 PM – 2:00 PM.
Where: Zoom and TBD for in person
For more information and to register CLICK HERE.
Movie Screening: "Kiss the Ground"
Organizer: Envrionment Coalition
When: Thursday, March 3, 2022
Time: 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM.
Where: RSVP for Location
For more information and to register CLICK HERE.
Trip to EU's UN Delegation (must register in advance!)
Organizer: CEUSA
When: Friday, March 4, 2022
Time: 2:30 PM – 4:30 PM.
Where: Field trip to the UN!
For more information and to register CLICK HERE.
DP Master Class: Dr. Jessica Fanzo
Organizer: MPA-DP program
When: Saturday, March 5, 2022
Time: 10:00 PM – 3:00 PM
Where: Unclear. See the CG posting.
For more information and to register CLICK HERE.
Virtual International Organizations & United Nations Roundtable Conversations
Organizer: International Organization/UN Studies Specialization
Co-Sponsors: United Nations Association, CAC, HRHP, EPD, GPPS
When: March 9, 2022 Roundtables: 1.00-2.45pm, Reception: 2:45-3:30pm
For more information and to register: CLICK HERE.
Localized - Career with Social Impact: Solving Regional & Global Challenges, with Mahmoud Jabari, Community Manager, Africa & Middle East, at the World Economic Forum
When: Tuesday, March 1, 2022.
Time: 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM.
Where: Localized.
For more information CLICK HERE.
Career Conversation with Fatema Sumar, Vice President, US Millennium Challenge Corporation
When: Wednesday, March 2, 2022.
Time: 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM.
Where: Zoom.
For more information CLICK HERE.
International Finance Corporation (IFC) Global Intern Program
When: Friday, March 4, 2022.
Time: 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM.
Where: Zoom.
For more information CLICK HERE.
Instiglio Briefing (Development Advisory Firm)
When: Monday, March 7, 2022.
Time: 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM.
Where: Zoom.
Notes: Positions available in Lat Am and Africa. Typically target 6-10 years of experience in hiring. Co-Founder is one of the presenters. No job authorization pre-reqs.
For more information CLICK HERE.
Energy and Environment Career Panel Series
When: Tueday, March 8, 2022.
Time: 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM.
Where: Zoom.
Notes: See list of panels. Technically designed for EE students, but open to everyone to attend.
For more information CLICK HERE.
For the latest OCS New Job and Internship Opportunities CLICK HERE and Upcoming Deadlines for Jobs and Internship Application CLICK HERE. (Double check to make sure you are signed into campusgroups for the links to download!)
Student Research Resources- if you're looking for some support and guidance on how to write better, check out the following Columbia resources
The Columbia Writing Center: CLICK HERE
Find a SIPA Writing Tutor: CLICK HERE
UNDP Hiring - Full Time Gender Specialist (Deadline 3/11)
The Gender Seal HQ team is looking for a Gender Specialist (Project Management and Monitoring). The Gender Specialist will provide support to the BPPS/Gender Team under the direct supervision of the Gender Seal Programme Coordinator. Job responsibilities include:
- Support general management of the programme including hiring processes, budget, and related activities.
- Monitor implementation of the action plan and budget for the Gender Equality Seal with all Regional Bureaus and the Crisis Bureau.
- Coordinate Gender Equality Seal roster requests, including: trainings, technical support missions, programme portfolio reviews, assessments and appraisal missions.
- Support the roll out, coordination and implementation of the gender seal learning package.
- Lead monitoring and reporting activities and data management of the Gender Equality Seal for internal and external reporting purposes.
This is a Regular IPSA-10 position on a 12-month contract. The deadline to apply is 11 March 2022. For more information, please visit: https://jobs.undp.org/cj_view_job.cfm?cur_job_id=104832
IFAD New York Office - Looking for Spring to Summer Intern (3/4 Deadline)
The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) is looking for a spring intern to be part of the NYC UNHQ Liason office. Time commitment is "ideally" 40 hrs/week for a 4-6 month contract. Pay is US $909 a month. You have to be age 30 or under to qualify. The deadline to apply is March 4. Applicants must submit a resume, a brief writing sample (3-5 pages) on a related topic, as well as a cover letter explaining their interest in the internship. Candidates must meet the following criteria reflected on IFAD's online recruitment system. Please e-mail applications to (t.renz@ifad.org) and (i.barbarossa@ifad.org).
For more information, CLICK HERE to be taken to the pdf of the internship description.
Summer Internship with World Bank's Development Impact Evaluation Unit (DIME) (3/7 deadline)
The objective of the World Bank's Development Impact Evaluation group (DIME) is to increase the use of data analytics and impact evaluation research in the design and implementation of public policy. The summer internship program combines project-specific experience with training opportunities on survey and data-related topics. Applications for the Summer 2022 Internship Program are open until 11:59 AM Eastern Time, March 7 2022. Candidates must submit their CV and a short Statement of Purpose. They must also indicate an academic reference. Click here to start your application
Managing Editor at VoxDev (UK, EU, or USA Location) (3/14 deadline)
The postholder will commission columns, podcasts and some video content, translating academic research into easily understandable policy advice and ideas for growth. For more information about this position, click here. This post would suit a strong MSc/MA student who is intending to move on to a top PhD programme in economics and is looking for some broad development economics experience prior to this. Applications should be made by submission of a cover letter and CV in English to Tessa Ogden, CEPR CEO, at togden@cepr.org, quoting "VDME-WEB". The deadline is 5pm on Monday 14 March, however, applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis. Please state the date when you are available to start work and your work permit status.
Pick of the Week- DakhaBrakha's NPR Tiny Desk Concert
DakhaBrakha is a musical group from Ukraine who did a really cool Tiny Desk Concert performance for NPR a couple of years ago. It's only about 15 minutes long, but check it out while you are studying or hanging out in Publique! Access it here:
Here is NPR Music editor Bob Boilen's review:
"People always ask me, "What's your favorite Tiny Desk Concert?" Well, right now it's the one recently performed by DakhaBrakha. The creative quartet from Kiev [Kyiv], Ukraine make music that sounds like nothing I've ever heard, with strands of everything I've ever heard. There are rhythms that sound West African and drone that feels as if it could have emanated from India or Australia. At times, DakhaBrakha is simply a rock band whose crazy homeland harmonies are filled with joy. All the while, they play tight-knit tunes featuring accordion, drums, reeds and shakers while wearing tall, Marge Simpson-looking wool hats that made me jealous. I want the world to see this Tiny Desk Concert more than any other right now. It's refreshing to hear the power of acoustic music and the many worlds of sound still waiting to be explored."
Photo credit: DakhaBrakha's website
José Antonio Ocampo, EPD Co-Director
Sign up online: https://tinyurl.com/officehours-ocampo
Jenny McGill, EPD Co-Director and Workshop Director
Sign up online: https://tinyurl.com/mcgill-oh
Ilona Vinklerova, EPD Manager
Sign up online: https://sipa.campusgroups.com/meetings/1060915/IlonaOH_Spring2022
Will Gifford, EPD Program Assistant
By appointment at wg2363@columbia.edu
Pooja Singh, EPD Program Assistant
By appointment at ps3192@columbia.edu